
Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

This followed up with our "Explanation of Words and Words" course. This lesson only talks about one word, that is, the Chinese character "Ge" in the "Ge" department. "Ge" is a common Chinese character in modern Chinese, included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, so "Ge" is a key Chinese character and needs to focus on memory. Details are as follows:

leather. There are two pronunciations:

(i) gé. This is the pronunciation of the Zhonghua Book Company's Zhuyin edition of the Shuowen Jiezi, and the explanation given is: "Ge, the animal skin cures its hair, the revolution is more, like the shape of the ancient Cultural Revolution, the ancient Cultural Revolution, from thirty or thirty years to one life, and the Tao is more also." Usu (ju) sound. Xu Shen believes that "leather" is a ideographic word, the original meaning of which is that the animal skin removes its hair and changes its appearance (that is, leather). The method of understanding comes from the glyph of the ancient chinese character "Ge". So, let's look at the glyph of "leather":

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Leather glyph)

Xu Shen's ancient "ge" glyph is the 14th glyph shown in the figure, which consists of a "twenty" above, a "ten" below, and a usu (ju, that is, a mortar, the lower part is disconnected in the middle of a horizontal, two hands), which together means "twenty (twenty)" plus "ten", that is, "thirty", the so-called "thirty is one life", and two hands (usu) indicate governance, that is, the change of the world, the change of the union, the meaning of change.

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Hanging hides)

In fact, the ancient text of the "Shuowen" is evolved from the animal skin-like "leather", that is, the glyphs 1 and 2 in the above figure, and this glyph is like a hanging animal skin with a complete head, body and tail. The "leather" that cures the "skin" of its hair is the processing of changed animal skins, so it is extended to the meaning of change. Lin Yiguang's "Wenyuan": "According to the meaning of the thirty-non-leather, the twenty-tenth is not the thirty, and the ancient 'leather' resembles the shape of the head, horn, foot and tail of the beast." Therefore, "ge" is a hieroglyph, and the original meaning of "ge" that Xu Shen said is correct, but the subsequent explanation of the glyph "... Thirty years is one life, and the Tao is even more so. It does not conform to the ancient meaning of "leather".

It should be noted that the analysis of "skin" and "leather" in Duan Yujie's "Notes on the Interpretation of Words in the Sayings" is: "The words leather and leather are separated from each other, such as autumn leather, and winter leather is also. The prose is universal, such as the leather car of the siqiu, that is, the road, and the poetry lamb is also the leather of the leather. "Skin and leather can be used as different meanings" is used in the text, "Autumn Leather, Winter Leather", from the "Zhou Li Tianguan Siqiu", that is, the autumn collection of fur, winter reserve leather; but when used alone, the two words have the same meaning, "Si" in the "Siqiu Leather Car" should actually be "廞 (pronounced xīn)", also from the "Zhou Li Tianguan Siqiu", that is, the car decorated with animal skins. The "Leather of the Lamb, The Five Silks of the Silk" in the Book of Poetry is from the "Poetry Of the Lambs", Mao Chuan: "Ge Yu Pi Ye." "Wearing a lambskin jacket, the silk is tightly sewn to work.

The word "leather" that we usually call should actually be "born as leather, cooked as leather", comes from the notes of Yan Shigu in the "Book of Han and Zheng Chong's Biography", the original text of the Book of Han: "Every time I see the leather shoes, I laugh and say: 'I know the sound of Zheng Shangshu shoes.' Every time he saw him dragging his cowhide shoes, the emperor smiled and said, "I can hear Zheng Shangshu's footsteps." Yan Shigu's ancient note: "Wei Wei, Sheng Yue Ge." "Wei" refers to the cooked, soft "leather", such as Wei Weaving Sanjie, because the animal skin needs to go through the process of tanning from "skin" to "leather", that is, "Wei" is softer than "leather", and "skin" becomes "leather" when it is cooked.

So why is "ge" pronounced "gé"? Because the "leather" that removes animal hair is mainly used to "cut" various styles for use, such as cowhide can be cut into a belt one by one, and can also be cut into a large piece that can be used to cover the drum face.

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Cut leather belt)

In addition to the original meaning of "leather", there are many uses:

(1) Human skin. "Orthographic Tong Gebu": "Man and beast are known as leather." "Pipe Water Land": "Spleen is born of septum, lungs are born of bones, kidneys are born of brains, liver is born of leather, heart is born of flesh, and five meats are already available." Yin Zhizhang's note: "Leather, skin also." "The spleen produces the diaphragm, the lungs generate the bone pathway, the kidneys generate the brain, the liver produces the skin, the heart is raw, and the five kinds of internal tissues are already available."

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?


(2) Describe old. Dialects Volume 10: "Leather, old also." Guo Pu's note: "The old man, the shape of the skin color withered (pronounced cuì). "The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, Peng Xi": "The old revolution is absurd, but it can be restored to the evil." Both old and ridiculous, what else is there to say?

(3) Change; change. "Jade Chapter, Gebu": "Reform, reform also." "Yi Za Gua": "Ge, go to the past." Huan Xuan of the Jin Dynasty", "Parrot Endowment": "Reform good tone to move goodness, and words to self-defeat." ”

(4) Removal; revocation (duties). Such as: dismissal. The fiftieth time in the "History of Ru Lin": "This person said that he was a Middle Book, how could he be a reformed student." ”

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Dismissed MacArthur)

(5) Admonition. "Anthology of Yuan Hong": "The wind and beauty are fanned, and the training and revolution have been for a thousand years." Li Shan's note quoted the Cangjie Chapter: "Ge, Jieye." It also refers to vigilance. "The Art of War of Sun Bing: Ten Arrays": "The method of water warfare is to think that the boat is the flag, and the boat is to be made; when the enemy is going, the enemy is trampled, and the push is cautious and fed, the move is changed, the array is destroyed, and the rules are separated." "The main purpose of water warfare is to use light ships as command ships and fast boats as liaison ships, to pursue the enemy when they retreat, to shrink the formation when the enemy army attacks, to cautiously command the advance and retreat of the enemy according to the changes in the situation, to be on guard when the enemy moves, to encircle the enemy when the enemy is formed, and to divide the enemy when it is dense.

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?


(6) The head of the rug, because the finger is hanging down. Erya Shi ji: "The first is called the revolution." "Forgive Yi Xingshu: "According to the head of the head, that is, the target is also, and the revolution is taken as the name, because of the name of the revolution." "The head is the head of the cage with the chew, and the target here is the meaning of the reins." The head is mostly made of leather, so it is also called "leather", in fact, the names of the parts of the head are very finely divided, roughly as follows:

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Names of the ministries of the head of the dragon)

Also refers to the reins. Han Feizi Wai chu said right: Let Wang Liang the left revolution and whip it, let the father the right revolution and whip it, the horse cannot travel ten miles, and the common cause is also. Let Wang Liang grasp the left side of the horse reins and shout loudly, so that the right side of the father who grasps the horse reins is whipped with a whip, and the horse cannot even walk for ten miles, this is because the two of them control and interfere with each other.

(7) Leather armor, gizzards, shields and other utensils. Tang Xuanying's All Sutras and Sounds, Volume I: "Ge, Sange, Jia Kui: 'Jia Ji Dun, Sanye.'" "Poetry Zheng Feng Out of its East Gate Preface": "The military revolution is endless, and men and women abandon each other." Kong Yingda Shuo: "Leather, which is the genus of armor, is made of leather." "The military revolution here is a general term for weapons and armor, which refers to the continuation of war.

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?


(8) Military vehicles. "History of the Liuhou Family": "Yin has finished his work, and Yan Ge has become Xuan." Sima Zhensuo implicitly quoted Su Linyun: "The revolutionary soldier car is also ... It is said that the military vehicle is used and the car is also used. "After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he abolished the military vehicles and changed them to rides.

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Ancient military vehicles)

(9) Leather sake sacs. "Xunzi Zheng theory": "Therefore, the Lu people use Qi, the Wei people use Ke, and the Qi people use Yige." "So the Lu people use bowls, the Wei people use bowls, and the Qi people use whole pieces of skin to make wine bags."

(10) One of the eight tones. Refers to leather instruments such as drums. "Master Zhou Li": "All broadcast in eight tones: gold, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, dagger, bamboo." Zheng Xuan's note: "Leather, drum, and mole." ”

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Leather drum)

(11) One of the Sixty-Four Trigrams. Off the top and bottom. "Orthographic Tong Gebu": "Ge, Gua Name." "Yi Ge": "Elephant: There is fire in the ze, leather." Kong Yingda Shuo: "Fire is in ze, the two sexes are contrary, it is necessary to change, so it is a leather elephant." ”

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Stone carvings of Ge Gua Gua Xiang)

(12) One of the pulses of Traditional Chinese medicine. The finger pulse floats and beats the fingers, hollow and externally firm, such as pressing the drum skin. Fang died sperm and lost blood. "Typhoid Fever Theory and Pulse Discernment Method One": "The cold fights with each other, this is called leather, the woman is half-born and leaks, and the man is bloodied and spermless." ”

(13) Wings; wings. "Poetry Xiaoya Sigan": "Like a bird Si Ge, like a wing Si Fei." Mao Chuan: "Leather, wing also." "The cornice shape is like a big bird fluttering its wings, and the colorful colors look like a golden chicken flying from a distance."

In addition, Ge is also a surname. "Yuan He surname 纂·Mai Yun": "Marquis Gezhu of Zaoyang, a Han dynasty hero." ”

(ii) jí. It is pronounced from "Collection rhymes". Pass "urgently". urgent. Li Ji Tan Bow: "The Master's illness is over. Zheng Xuan's note: "Ge, anxious also." "Your old man's illness is already dangerous

The small seal of "leather" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 513: "Leather" Why is it a hieroglyph, and what is the difference between leather and leather?

(Leather's small seal writing)

([Explanation of words] no. 513, some pictures from the Internet)

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