
Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

Following our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking Texts" course, this lesson talks about the two Chinese characters of the "and" part: "[囘又], take". Among these two characters, "[Huiyou]" is no longer used in modern Chinese, and "take" is a common Chinese character in modern Chinese, which is included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, so the focus of this lesson is "take". The details of the two words are as follows:

1. [囘又] (GB character library is not included, and the glyph is described as "up and down again"). Read mò. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "[囘又], into the water there is a take also." From under the circle again. '囘', the ancient text 'hui'. Back, Yuanshui also. "Can mean words. The original meaning is to go into the water to find something. The glyph evolution is shown in the following figure:

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Glyph evolution of [囘又])

The "囘" in the glyph is "hui", "hui" is like the swirling water of the water, and "and" is the side shape of the hand, which together will "take something from the water". "[囘又]" is the original word for "no".

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Hand into the water to find out)

"Chapters and Sea Categories Compilation, General Categories, and Parts": "The original character of '[囘又]', '[Knife and]'. "Huang Kan on the Miscellaneous Works of Pu Chun": "[囘又], wuxiang is called the person who enters the water to fetch fish, known as '[囘又] fish master'. ”

The small seal of "[囘又]" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(The small seal of [囘又])

2. Take. There are two pronunciations:

(a) qǔ. This is the pronunciation of the Zhonghua Book Company's Phonetic Version, and the explanation given is: "Take, capture also." From again, from the ear. "Zhou Li": 'The winner takes the left ear'. The Sima Fa says: 'Carry the offering of the guó (聝). 'Ear, ear also.' "Can mean words. The original meaning is (when a beast or prisoner of war is caught) to cut off the left ear, which is extended to capture. Duan Yujie's Commentary on the Interpretation of The Text: "Called "Zhou Li", also known as the "Sima Fa" interpretation, to say 'from the ear' meaning. "Let's look at the glyph evolution first:

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Glyph evolution taken)

The word "take" in the oracle bone and gold script, the right side of the glyph is "hand", the left side is the shape of the axe blade, and a vertical line in the middle indicates the ear, which together means to cut a person's ear with the hand. In ancient times, when fighting or hunting, the left ear of the enemy was cut to calculate the merit of battle or the left ear of the prey was cut to show the number of hunts. When we read Jin Yong's novel "The Divine Eagle Hero", Yang Guo gave Guo Xiang a happy birthday, first annihilating two thousand Mongol soldiers, and using the method of calculation was to cut off the ears. In fact, Yang Guo's practice is well documented in history.

The Zhou Li mentioned here in the Shuowen refers to the Zhou Li Xia Guan Da Sima (周礼· Xia Guan Da Sima (周礼· Zheng Xuan's note: "The one who gets the beast takes the left ear and should count the merits." "The big beast is given to the public, the small beast is left to himself, and the beast hunter cuts off the left ear of the beast in order to count the merits." "The Twenty-second Year of zuo chuan and the duke": "And those who are now the same as our enemies, although they are hu qi, they will take it, why should they be ermao?" "Now powerful countries are our enemies, although they are old men, they can't be let go if they are caught, and they don't care what hair is gray or not."

Later, the first level of the enemy was also called "take". Su Shi's "Three Songs of Yang GuanZi": "Hate the king does not take the Khitan head, and the Golden Tooth Banner returns to his hometown." ”

"Take" is used in many ways beyond this meaning:

(1) Capture; capture. "Collection Rhymes, Thick Rhymes": "Take, get also." "Poetry, Wind, July": "Take the fox and be the prince Qiu." "It is good to catch fox fur and give it to a nobleman to make a fur jacket."

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Poetic Intention of "Poetry Classic, FengFeng, July")

(2) Acquisition; Acceptance. For example: win the trust of others. "Guangyun 麌(yǔ)Rhymes": "Take, receive also." "Zuo Chuan Zhuang Gong Six Years": "If you don't take the three ministers, or does the society jishi not eat blood, but the jun yan takes the surplus?" "If we do not listen to the three of us, the gods of the land and grain will not be sacrificed, and where will the king go to get the surplus of the gods?"

(3) Collection. "Jade Chapters and Parts": "Take, receive also." "Warring States Policy, Zhao Ce III": "Those who are more valuable than the people of the world, relieve people's troubles and difficulties, solve chaos and have nothing to gain." "What the people of the world value is to eliminate troubles for others, to relieve dangers, to relieve chaos without receiving any remuneration.

(4) Seeking. "Zihui Youbu": "Take, Suoye." "Zhou Li Di Guan Quan Fu": "All the wealth of state affairs is taken from the instrument." "All the money and goods needed for state affairs are withdrawn from quanfu.

(5) Selection; selection. For example: taking the road; taking the law; framing. "Analects of Gongyechang": "Zi Yue: 'Yuya, good courage over me, nothing to draw.' Zhongyu was brave and brave, and his bravery even surpassed mine. But he is not good at judging things.

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Naka Yu Statue)

(6) Take; take out. "Ceremonial Ceremony of the Crown of The Scholars": "The guest descends, and the knight is taken from the knight." "Take out the knighthood from the pot."

(7) Governance. Guangya Shiju III: "Take, for also." Lao Tzu chapter 48: "Take the world and always do nothing." Kawakami's note: "Take, rule." "Those who govern the country must always base their rule on not harassing the people.

(8) Victory; Reconquest. "Zuo Chuan Zhuang Gong Eleven years": "Overthrow and defeat to take a certain division." Du pre-noted: "The overthrow is both powerful, and if it is covered by the net, all armies will see the poultry system, so it is taken as a text." Defeating an enemy army is called "taking (defeating) a division."

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?


(9) If called; please. The 120th time in the Complete Biography of Water Margin: "Li Kui said: 'Brother take me, there will be something to say.'" ’”

(10) By virtue; "Jade Chapters and Parts": "Take, Ziye." "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi, Fazheng Biography": "Zhuge Liang and Zheng, although good and still different, take justice from each other." "Zhuge Liang and Fa Zheng, although they have different preferences, they can both put great righteousness first and rely on each other (learning from each other's strengths).

(11) Used as an adverb. Represents a range, equivalent to "only", "only". Yang Shuda's "Word Interpretation": "Take, only; only also." "Mencius, Dedication": "Yang Zi takes it for me, pulls out a dime and benefits the world, not for it." Yang Zhu advocated that it was only "for me" (self-interest), even if he pulled out a hair of his own and benefited the world, he was not willing to do it.

(12) Used as an auxiliary word. Represents dynamics. It is equivalent to "getting" and "getting". Wen Tianxiang's "Passing Zero Ding Yang": "Whoever lives since ancient times has not died, and he has left Dan to take care of his heart." ”

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Statue of Wen Tianxiang)

(13) Pass "marrying". Zhu Junsheng's "Speaking of Wen TongXun Dingsheng Needs": "Take, pretend to borrow for marriage." "Poetry Wind Vaco": "How about taking a wife?" Bandits are not allowed. "How do you marry that wife?" You can't marry without a matchmaker.

(14) Pass "poly". gather. Zhu Junsheng's "Speaking of Wen TongXun Dingsheng Needs": "Take, borrow under false pretenses for gathering." "Zuo Chuan Zhao Gong Twenty Years": "Zheng Guoduo steals, taking people from the Zeze of Cang. "There are many thieves in Zheng Guo, gathered in the reed pond.

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Crowd gathering)

In addition, "take" is still a surname. "Ten Thousand Surnames Genealogy : 麌韵": "Take, Song take Yingzong, ChunXi Jinshi." ”

(ii) qū. This pronunciation is from the "Collection rhyme" and has three usages:

(1) Running. "Han Feizi Nanshi": "Fu Liang Ma Gu Che, so that the Treasure of the Imperial Family is laughed at, and Wang Liang Yuzhi takes thousands of miles a day." "A good horse is a strong car, let the slave drive it, it will be ridiculed, but let Wang Liang drive it can run thousands of miles."

(2) Trend. "Interpretation of The Name and Interpretation of Speech": "Take, fun also." "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji": "Boast of the Lord as the name, and take the difference as the high." "Bragging in front of the monarch as a way to sell fame and reputation, to be different, to think of superhuman."

(3) Distance, separation. Zhou Daguan of the Yuan Dynasty", "Records of The Customs of Chenla": "Crossing the light ocean can reach its land, dry day, and take the city for fifty miles." "Fifty miles from the city is fifty miles away from the city."

The small seal of "take" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 554: Speaking of the word "take", why is it "cutting off the left ear"?

(Taken small seal notation)

([Explanation of words] no. 554, some pictures from the Internet)

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