
Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

Then for our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking Texts" course, this lesson talks about the two Chinese characters of the "" department: "[帇], 肄". These two characters, "[帇]" is the initial Chinese character of the "[帇]" department, and "肄" is a chinese character commonly used in modern Chinese, which is included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, so both words are more important and need to be mastered. The details of the two words are as follows:

1. [帇]. Read niè. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "[帇], hand no 疌巧也." From holding a towel again. "Can mean words. The original meaning is skillful. Its glyph evolution is as follows:

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Li Xueqin, ed., the evolution of the glyph of [帇] in "Etymology")

The method of coining the word "[帇]" is controversial:

The first view is that the original text of "聿, 筆" is a hieroglyph, and the original meaning is writing. Rao Jiong's "First Order of the Explanation of The Text": "The seal does not follow the towel, when the cloud 'from the cloud, pictogram." That is, the original ancient text of Nie and 筆. The ancient seal books were painted with bamboo (jié) as the pen, and the 'scarf' was like the shape of the bamboo hammer that was strong and straight on the top and soft on the bottom, and the addition of 'and' was used for its book. Its righteousness should be like the clouds 'so the book also'. The skillfulness of this remark is the meaning of Shen cong'. Nie is from the sound, and the pen is more from the meaning of the nie. This statement is believed to be the first text of Nie and Xiao, that is, "pen". Xu Shen's "Hand of Qiqiao" is only to explain the reason for the "and", Nie is added to the voice, and The 筆 is from The meaning "bamboo".

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Visualization of gold glyphs)

Dai Tong's "Six Books" 15: "The book has not tasted words, and how can the hand be taken from the towel?" ...... Ming [帇], 筆實一字。 That's the same view.

The second view is that it is a ideogram. Wipe cleansing with a hand towel. "Etymology": "Can mean words." From holding a towel, or hand, the towel is the image of a square cloth, and the cover of the hand towel will wipe clean. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was often used as a side of the '肄' glyph. The ancient script of the Warring States first saw the independent use of [帇], and the Shuowen inherited its structure unchanged, and after the change, it was written in letters, which was a sign character.

At present, the two views have their own supporters, so we will temporarily take Xu Shen's explanation as the standard (in the case of many arguments, our usual approach is to temporarily use Xu Shen's explanation as the standard), that is, the original meaning is "hand skill", because the source of the meaning of "hand skill", whether it is "hand towel" or "hand pen", can make sense: "hand towel" can be wiped skillfully; "hand pen" can write skillfully. However, it must be recognized that no matter which statement conforms to the origin of the word, "hand skill" should actually be an extension of "[帇]".

Because of these two views, in addition to the original meaning of "hand skill", there has always been another meaning of "bamboo", that is, bamboo pen.

The small seal of "[帇]" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(The small seal of [帇] is written)

2. Sycamore. There are two pronunciations:

(a) yì. This is the pronunciation of the Zhonghua Book Company's Zhuyin edition of the Shuowen Jiezi, and the explanation given is: "肄, Xi Ye." From, (yì, a kind of pig) sound. "Will be intentional and shape-shaped. The original meaning is to learn; to practice. Its glyph evolution is shown in the following figure:

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(The evolution of the glyphs in Li Xueqin's "Etymology")

In early glyphs such as oracle bones, there is a hand cleaning (it is a long-haired beast, one is said to be a kind of pig), there are fine droplets of water, like the shape of cleaning water droplets, which later develop into the shape of a hand towel cleaning, that is, "", together will mean to wash the animals. Xu Shen's "Xi" is the common meaning of 肄. Its ancient script and seal script have different styles. It should be noted that the word 肄 is in the seal book, the right side is from, not from Nie, but in the letter from Nie.

In the classics, it is still common to learn; practice is the original meaning of "肄". "Zuo Chuan Wen Gong Four Years": "Wei Ning Wuzi came to hire, and the Gong feasted with him, in order to endow Zhan Lu and Tong Bow". Don't resign, and don't answer. Make pedestrians private. To Yue: "The subject thinks that the karma and the same." When Emperor Wuzi of weiguo came to Luguo to ask for help, Wen Gong hosted a banquet for him and gave him two poems, "Zhan Lu" and "Tong Bow". Ning Wuzi did not resign his thanks, and did not give a poetic answer. Wen Gong sent emissaries to inquire privately. Ning Wuzi replied, "The subordinate thought he was just practicing playing." "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Zhi, Du Fu Biography": "Teach and teach, and prepare to make musical instruments." "Teach (lecture) disciples, make musical instruments.

Regarding the word "karma", there are differences in the meaning of ancient and modern times.

In ancient times it was called practicing homework. "Karma" refers to the ancients' writing and learning of the words in the square version of the karma, the teacher teaches the student to "teach the karma", the student receives the teacher "receiving the karma", and learning these contents is called "the karma". The "肄" here uses the original meaning, that is, learning; practice.

In modern times, "肄" and "karma" are combined to indicate a complete meaning, generally referring to the study of school without graduation or not yet graduating as a karma.

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Certificate of Completion)

At this time, there is a difference between "completion" and "graduation" and "graduation": "graduation" refers to leaving school without completing school; graduation is the completion of school, but some or all of the coursework does not meet the standards required by the school; graduation is the completion of the school and meets the standards required by the school. Usually, the practitioner will also be issued with a certificate of completion attesting to the experience.

In addition to the original meaning of the Shuowen, there are many uses of "肄":

(1) Inspection; inspection. "Hanshu Ku Official's Biography of Yi Zhong": "In the years and years, the Guanguan Taxation County's entry and exit, the trumpet said: 'It is better to see the milk tiger than to be angry with Ning Cheng.'" Yan Shigu's ancient note quoted Li Qiyue: "Shu, read also." More than a year later, the officials guarding the customs inspected the people who entered the customs in various counties and countries, and they all shouted: "I would rather see the milk tiger get angry than see Ning Cheng angry." ”

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Tax Inspection Terminal)

(2) Tillers; tender strips. "Guangyun Zhiyun": "Scoop, tender stripe also." "Poetry Zhou Nan Ru Tomb": "Obey the tomb of The Ru, cut its stripe." "Walk along the embankment of the Ru River and harvest the young branches of the mountain catalpa.

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Corn tillers)

(3) Descendants. "Zuo Chuan Xianggong Twenty-Nine Years": "The Jin Dynasty does not sympathize with the Zhou Zong's Que, and Xia Gui is the screen." Du pre-note: "Qiu, Yu Ye." The Jin state did not worry about the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, but protected the descendants of the Xia Dynasty.

(4) Labor. "Yuban, Shubu": "Shu, Laoye." "Poetry Shao Feng Gu Feng": "There are ruins and collapses, and both curse me." "Rough voices bully me, rough work and heavy work make me hard.

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Toiling Primitive Man)

(ii) sì. This pronunciation comes from "Collection rhymes". Same as "wanton". "Ji Yun Zhi Yun": "[Chang Li], Shuowen: 'Extreme Chen Ye.' 'One day too.' So also. Also surname. Or reckless, sloppy. ”

The small seal of "肄" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 561 of the "Explanation of Words": How to pronounce the word "肄" in "肄業", and what does it mean?

(Small seal writing)

([Explanation of words] no. 561, some pictures from the Internet)

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