
Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

Following our "Explanation of Characters in Speaking" course, this lesson talks about the three Chinese characters of the "And" department, "叜, 燮, man". Among these three characters, "叜" is written in modern Chinese as "叟", and "叟" is not included in the "Shuowen Jiezi"; "燮" is not a commonly used word, and "Man" is a sub-common word in modern Chinese, which is included in the "List of Common Words in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988, so the key Chinese character in this lesson is "Man". The details of the three words are as follows:

1. Boom. Read sǒu. The explanation given in the "Explanation of Words" is: "Ding, old also." From again, from disaster. Que. Xu Shen believes that "叜" is a ideographic word. The original meaning is old.

However, after carefully studying the glyphs, it will be found that although it is a ideographic word, there is a problem with the original meaning of "叜", look at its glyph evolution:

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Glyph evolution of 叜)

"叜" in the oracle bone is a torch held in a hand in a cave, which means "searching", therefore, "叜" is the original word for "search", and later borrowed as "Lao Shu", which is the "Lao Ye" mentioned in the "Shuowen". 叜 is a meaning word, and the original meaning is search. Later, in order to express the meaning of search, people added the hand side to form the word "search". Zhu Junsheng's "Speaking of Texts and Training Dingsheng": "叜, that is, the ancient text of searching, searches from under the fire house." Knowing. For the title of elder, the voice of the word, not the precepts. ”

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?


"Jade Chapters and Parts": "叜, or Zuo Shuo." Ming Tao Zongyi's "Record of Quitting Cultivation" Volume IV: "The friend took Ni Jun and crossed the Yu Creek." "Press: Now it is common to use this work as "Shu". The word "叜" here refers to an elderly man, using the meaning of the zigzag contained in the "Sayings" of "叜".

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Old image)

The small seal of "叜" is written as shown in the figure:

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Small seal writing)

2. Xie. Read xiè. The explanation given in the Shuowen Jiezi is: "Xie, and ya." From words, from again, inflammation. "Can mean words. The original meaning is harmony; harmony; harmony. The Etymology says that "the configuration is unclear", or the old way, examining the evolution of glyphs:

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Glyph evolution of 燮)

The Oracle Elephant of the "Xie" holds a fire-turning tool to reconcile the three fires. This fire-stirring tool "yan" was later distorted into "xin" or "yan" or "¥". "¥" is the instrument of fire, which later evolved into "Xin", evolved into "Yan", so Xu Shen's use of the middle "Yan" as a sound symbol is his conjecture. Xu Hao's "Duan Notes": "Dai Shi Dong Yue: '[Fire ¥火又], [火辛火又], 燮, shiyi word, cover [fire ¥fire and] is the name of cooking cooked things, from holding two fires, huiyi, ¥sound'". Simply put, xie is a knowing word. The original meaning is to reconcile the heat to cook cooked food. Conciliation is an extension of "xie".

Book Hong fan: "Three Days of Juke." Pingkang, Integrity; Qiangfuyou, Gangke; Xieyou, Rouke. Shen Qian, Gang Ke; Gao Ming, Rou Ke. "The third is to be too weak. Peace in Zhongzheng is integrity; strong and unsympathetic is Gangke; and harmony and affinity are rouke. We should suppress those who are strong and unapproachable, and those who are admired and submissive. The "xie" here uses the meaning of reconciliation.

In fact, in the Qing Dynasty, there was a great calligrapher and painter named Zheng Banqiao, whose original name was Zheng Xie, the character Ke Rou, and the number Li'an. The xie in the name is from the allusion of the Book of Shang, and the xie is the reconciliation.

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Itabashi Yuki Ginkō)

Xie also refers to big ripeness. "Jade Chapters and Parts": "Xie, Dashu also." Wang Anshi's "Send Cai Tianqi with The Former Rhyme Again": "Dinglin Dynasty self-catering, with daggers or no pods." All the time, the soup is quinoa, and the wok is greatly suffering. This meaning actually comes from the original meaning of "xie".

"Xie" is still a surname. "Orthographic Tong Huobu": "Xie, surname, Song Yushi Xie Shu Garden." ”

The small seal of "Xie" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(The small seal of the shair is written)

3. Mann. Read màn. The explanation given in the Commentary on the Interpretation of Words is: "Man, cite also." From again, bubbling. "Shape sound word. The original meaning is to quote; expand. Chu Ci Nine Chapters Lamentations: "Man Yu looks at Xi with a stream, when will he look at it in reverse?" "Put (unfold) your eyes and look around, hoping to return to Yingdu whenever you can."

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Qu Yuan's portrait [special stamp])

In addition to the original meaning, there are many uses of "Man":

(1) Long. "Guangyun Wish Rhyme": "Man, Changye." Zheng Xuanji: "Man, Xiuye, Guangye." "Huainan Zi Yin Theory": "The song of Hou Tongman's voice, indignant in the zhi, accumulated in the inside, ying and pronounced, is no less than the law, and harmonious in the heart." High temptation: "Mann, long. "The song that Hou Tong sings in his elongated voice expresses the ambition of indignation and the feelings accumulated in his heart, and this feeling that is full of heart is expressed through music, and there is no discordant, disharmonious and moving.

(2) Feminine. For example: light singing and dancing. The Book of Han and Sima Xiangru are passed on: "Zheng Nu Manji, was picked up by Ah Xi. Yan Shigu's ancient note quoted Wen Yingyue: "Zheng Guo is a good woman, Man, and his color is also Man Zeye." So the delicate and beautiful Zheng Guo beauty was dressed in a fine silk dress produced in unison, wearing a dress of linen and light silk.

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(The Beautiful Woman - Stills from the Film and TELEVISION Drama)

(3) Light and delicate. "Chu Ci Tianqing": "Pingwei Man skin, why is it fat?" Hong Xingzu's "Supplementary Notes on Chu Ci" quoted Li Shanyue: "Man, light and thin." "The woman's breasts are plump, the skin is delicate and smooth, how does she maintain such a posture?"

In China, in the Republic of China era, many girls took their names and chose the word "Man", which achieved exactly the two meanings of the above (2) and (3), or feminine, or delicate, which is the quality that women should have.

(4) None. Guangya Commentary: "Man, no one." Wang Niansun's "Guangya Shuzhi": "Xiao Erya: 'Man, Wuye.' Yun: "Man is for the sake of the lord." The Five Hundred Articles cloud: "There is also the way to do it, and it is also the sick man." 'It's all about doing nothing. ...... Man, Mo, none, a turn of the voice. ”

(5) Spread. Later known as "Vine". "The Book of Han and Wang Mang's Biography": "The imperial court ignored it, did not refrain from supervision, and went to Yanmanlian Prefecture." Yan Shigu's note: "Man, the same as Man." "The imperial court ignored it, did not immediately carry out inspections, gave punishment, and finally spread to several states and counties.

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Spread of war)

(6) The mantle. Later known as "Mantle". "Zhuangzi Horseshoe": "Fu Jia is balanced and strangled, Qi Zhi is with the moon title, and Ma Zhijie Ni Min strangles the Dove Man and steals the title." "Then, give it a rut, put on a pitcher, and he will know how to grind the scale, move the shackles, break the mantle, destroy the latch, and bite off the rut.

It also refers to the silk fabric (silk fabric) without a pattern. "Zhuangzi Says Sword": "The swordsmen whom the king of Ranwu saw were all unkempt heads and sideburns, hanging crowns, the wisps of manhu, the clothes of the short queen, the eyes and the difficulty of speaking, and the king said it." "But the fencing men whom the Father king saw, all of whom had disheveled hair, protruding buns, low-hanging hats, coarse crowns, tight clothes, wide-eyed and breathless, and the king liked to see people dressed in this way.

(7) Also through "brute", through "ten thousand", all take the meaning of the common word, no longer elaborate.

In addition, "Man" is still a surname, "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames, Wish rhymes": "Man, see "Surname Yuan". ”

The small seal of "Man" is written as shown in the following figure:

Lesson 548: During the Republic of China, why did so many people name them "Man"?

(Mann's small seal writing)

(Lesson 548 of [Explanation of Words], some pictures from the Internet)

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