
The idiom Jinling | line is not from Xizhou Road

The idiom Jinling

Idioms are a shining pearl in Chinese culture. Recognized by UNESCO as the "Capital of World Literature", Nanjing is the birthplace of many idiomatic stories. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 100 idioms related to Nanjing. The Nanjing Learning Platform of "Learning to Strengthen the Country" and the Dragon and Tiger Network of Nanjing Newspaper Media Group jointly launched the "Idiom Jinling" column, reflecting the cultural charm of the ancient capital of Nanjing.

Today, I will tell you the story of "Xizhou Road".







The idiom Jinling | line is not from Xizhou Road

"Traveling from Xizhou Road" is from the Tang Dynasty Fang Xuanling and other compilations of the "Book of Jin and Xie An Biography". Xizhou refers to Nanjing, and is often used as a metaphor for remembering the deceased and mourning the dead.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty celebrity Yang Tan was Xie An's nephew and was highly regarded by Xie An. Xie An fell ill and returned to the capital city of Jiankang (present-day Nanjing), where he once walked through the Xizhou Gate. After Xie An's death, Yang Tan was very sad, and since then he did not dare to walk through the Xizhou Gate, for fear of remembering Xie An. One day, Yang Tan got drunk, sang along the road, and unconsciously walked to the Xizhou Gate. The left and right attendants reminded him that he had only just woken up, and was suddenly sad, knocking on the door with a horse whip and reciting Cao Zhi's poem aloud: "Survive in the House of Hua, and return to the hills in pieces." The sheep wept and went away.

Since then, people have used the phrase "walking the Xizhou Road" as a metaphor for the grief of remembering the deceased.

The idiom Jinling | line is not from Xizhou Road

Idioms for small interactions

Remember the idiom we made before? How much do you know about the little knowledge in the idiom? This quiz is here! Test how much you know about the idiom about Nanjing

The idiom Jinling | line is not from Xizhou Road


What can't be used to describe the idiom "dazzling"?

A. Books

B. Poetic content

C. Houses

D. Crafts

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