
Night reading 丨 Words are expensive, sexual softness is rich, and virtue is strong

Text/Relief Jun

The ancients said: "Self-cultivation is precious to be reticent, and to treat things with virtue and thickness first." ”

When you change your mindset, be silent when you are at a low point, be soft in times of hardship, and be virtuous when you are down, your fate will quietly change.

The widow is expensive

In the "Zhou Yi", it is said: "The words of the Ji people are widowed, and the words of the manic people are many." "The more peaceful a person is, the slower his speech becomes. Listening more, talking less, understanding the actual situation more, and restraining your desire to speak is a rare self-discipline.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, three brothers visited Xie An. Among them, ZiYou and Zi Zhong like to chat, and talk about the parents' shortness when they open their mouths. Zi Jing said a few words of greeting, and then sat quietly and listened, rarely speaking.

After they went out, the guest asked Xie An, "Those three people just now, who do you think will be more successful in the future?" Xie An said, "Zi Jing is the best," and the guest asked, "How do you know?" Xie An said: "Because in the conversation, he has been silent. Usually the able talk less, while the grumpy talks more. ”

Later, Zi You and Zi Jing were both at home at the same time, and suddenly found that the roof was on fire. Zi You was frightened and panicked, while Zi Jing was calm and calm, and immediately told the servants to quickly put out the fire.

Reliable people have these two characteristics: widowhood and peace of mind. There is no rush to compete in superficial speech, only inner stability and composure.

Lu Xun said: "Once people have fully understood, they will become silent, not because they do not have the ability to get along with others, but because they have no interest in making a scene with others." "If a person is deeply involved in the noise, all he sees is trouble, and only by being quiet and quiet can he meet a phoenix."

The sign of a person's maturity is to be able to control his mouth, to say what should not be said, and not to say it resolutely; what should be said, after thinking twice, speak cautiously.

The soft sex is rich

Be firm in doing things and be soft in your life.

There is a "south wind effect" in psychology: the north wind and the south wind bet to see who can let passers-by take off their clothes first.

The north wind blew violently, bringing cold and bone-chilling air, and as a result, passers-by wrapped their coats tightly; the south wind blew slowly, bringing a warm breath, and passers-by felt particularly warm and began to take off their coats.

Soft concessions are more powerful than tough coercion. For people to deal with the world, we must have "soft" wisdom, leave a glimmer of life for others, and also leave a way back for ourselves.

In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao defeated the strong with weakness, and Yuan Shao fled in defeat. Yuan Shao left behind many valuable materials, which were captured by the Cao army.

While counting the supplies, Cao Cao's henchmen found several letters, which were secret letters from the central general of the army and Yuan Shao, so his confidants suggested to Cao Cao: "You should arrest all traitors according to the list of letters." When Cao Cao heard this, he did not arrest anyone, but burned the letter in front of everyone.

He said, "At the beginning, even I wasn't sure I could defeat Yuan Shao, let alone them." Those fornicating generals, seeing Cao Cao's generous concessions, felt both guilty and respectful in their hearts. After that, the morale of the army was stronger, and Cao Cao's strength was greatly enhanced, and he gradually unified the north.

Mature ears of wheat will bow their heads and the real strong will bend over. In this lifetime, if people have a degree of progress and retreat, then when they encounter any trouble, they will turn the crisis into safety.

"The good is like water, and the benefit of all things is not disputed." Softness is not a sign of weakness, but to open the steely heart wall, understand the good and evil of the world, and have a calm confidence.

When you speak peacefully, be flexible, and be kind, your life will have more possibilities.

Virtue is strong

As the saying goes, Ji people have their own heavenly appearance, and Dehou has his own heavenly help.

After Liu Bowen lived in seclusion, he once rushed to the road in the summer, very thirsty, and happened to pass by a family, so he asked the hostess for water to drink.

As a result, the hostess scooped a scoop of water, but sprinkled a handful of grain skin in the water. Originally, he was already very thirsty and was so teased by the hostess, but there was only this one family in the radius of how to do it, and Liu Bowen had to drink slowly while blowing.

After resting, the hostess learned that he was knowledgeable and asked him to help choose a place to modify the house, and he thought that the hostess was so to himself, so he pointed to a place. More than ten years later, by chance, he passed through that place again and saw the rich and filial piety of the family at that time.

The hostess recognized Liu Bowen, thanked him very much, and invited him into the house. During the banquet, Liu Bowen asked why he was in the Valley of Sa, at which time the hostess explained with a smile: "When I saw that you were in a hurry, and you were sweating profusely, if you let you quench your thirst, not only could not quench your thirst, but also made you sick, so sa Shu Gu let you breathe slowly and drink slowly." ”

Listening to the hostess's words, Liu Bowen realized that he was wrong to blame the good people, and sighed: The good house is "Fuxing Treasure Land" everywhere!

Deep roots and thick leaves will become a towering tree, and the heart of the house will be kind, and there will be blessings for all generations. Thick virtue load, thick way to support the family. Kindness is a kind of simple wisdom, a kind of foresight after great wisdom and foolishness.

Knowing people does not have to exhaust their words, they must leave some words; they do not have to be harsh and leave some belly; they do not have to be proud and leave some connotations; they do not have to show their sharp edges, they do not have to be deep; they do not have to fight for reason, and they must leave some tolerance.

Widowhood, cultivate noble qi; soft temperament, self-blessing; virtue, prosperity.

In this life, people will experience countless gullies and ravines, and the quieter and calmer they are, the more they can swim against the current.

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