
Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

In 207 AD, in order to completely annihilate the remnants of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao led an army in the Northern Expedition in May, left Lulongzhai in July, and won the victory over the Ban division in September.

He was full of vigor, and the Prancing Horse ascended the Jieshi Mountain, the vicissitudes of the sea, in front of his eyes, in an instant, Cao Cao's heart was surging and his spirit was difficult to calm down.

Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

Touching the scene, he wrote this magnificent poem that has been recited for a thousand years with a big stroke of his pen:

"Step out of the summer gate to see the sea":

To the east, it is bordered by Jieshi to view the sea. The water is thick and the mountain islands are standing. Trees are overgrown and grassy.

The autumn wind is cold, and the flood waves are rising. The journey of the sun and the moon, if out of it; the stars are brilliant, if it is out of it.

Luckily, even Ya, the song is sung in Yongzhi.

In this year, Cao Cao was full of pride, once the biggest rival, the family once produced four generations and three dukes, the Yuan Shao clique of The Great Qing, Ji, You, and You had been completely destroyed, and northern China was once again unified in his hands.

Before this, Lü Bu and Yuan Shu had died one after another, and the remaining opponents were no longer worth mentioning in Cao Cao's view:

Liu Biao's "false name has no real name", Liu Zhang's "dog that guards the household", Sun Ce "in the name of his father", as for Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu, Han Sui and other generations, they are even more "lulu villains, he foot hanging teeth".

Liu Bei, who is qualified to be called a hero alongside him, is just sending people under the fence at this moment.

When Cao Cao wrote this poem 1800 years ago, he saw:

The magnificent scene of the sea swallowing up the sun and the moon and encompassing thousands of people is born in the heart of the king who longs to unify the Central Plains.

Time spans thousands of years, and at the end of The Wandering Earth, what humans see is:

The vast sea of stars, the unknown journey of thousands of years and the heroic feeling of wandering the earth in order to survive.

Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

When talking about composing and singing the theme song, Teacher Liu Huan said that her daughter is a fan of Liu Cixin and she also likes science fiction very much.

He was deeply touched by the warm picture of Liu Qi's father and son sitting on the beach watching the sky in the film, so he wrote in the lyrics "Remember / We sat on the beach together to watch the sky", and engraved this feeling in the song.

He also added Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea" to the song, using unique Chinese elements to depict the magnificent scene of the sea swallowing the sun and the moon and encompassing thousands of people, thus more profoundly reflecting the heroic feeling of wandering with the earth in order to survive.

Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

So, when the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" sounded, we heard the familiar "East of jieshi, to see the sea." The water is thick and the mountain islands are standing. Trees are overgrown and grassy. The autumn wind is cold, and the flood waves are rising..."

At this moment, the plot of the movie, Cao Cao's poetry, the fate of mankind, and the fate of the earth are constantly changing in the turn of the stars and rivers, all of which are integrated.

Yu Qiuyu mentioned Cao Cao in the "Chinese Context", which is highly respected-

Zhuge Liang's sentences are written by the feelings of the king; Cao Cao's sentences are written by the cosmic life.

The "Wandering Earth" movie is successful not only because it is a successful science fiction movie, but also because it is a science fiction movie with strong Chinese elements.

Because, the unique feelings for the homeland of the homeland, the unyielding struggle against the unknown fate, and the hard love for relatives are really feelings that only Chinese can deeply understand.

Liu Cixin, the original author of "The Wandering Earth", said in an interview:

"The biggest significance of China's science fiction films in the future is that it expands our horizons, allows us to see farther, and allows us to expand our life experience in the time and space that we have not experienced."

Why is the ending song of "The Wandering Earth" accompanied by Cao Cao's "Guancang Sea"?

In the original book, there is an explanation for why humans can't give up on Earth: the energy of the spacecraft is not enough to find planets that can reproduce life. Through the mouth of "my" teacher, Da Liu expressed his love for the earth:

"Only an ecosystem of the size of the earth, such an imposing ecological cycle, can make life endless!"

Chinese there have been magnificent myths such as Jingwei Reclamation, Quao's Father Chasing the Sun, and Nuwa Patching Up the Heavens, and qu Yuan's "Heavenly Questions" have pondered the ultimate meaning of the universe.

Nowadays, Chinese filmmakers, some people have finally raised their heads from the anti-Japanese drama and the Qing Palace drama, set their sights on the far-reaching places, and began to try to care about the future and destiny of human civilization.

Perhaps, "The Wandering Earth" is not a perfect science fiction movie, but when the music "Guancang Hai" sounds, who can say that we can't make Chinese science fiction films?

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