
Night reading 丨 attitude and temperament, hard work, calm heart


In the "Vegetable Root Tan", it is said: "Human feelings are repeated, and the road of the world is bumpy. "Time makes people grow, years make people mature, and gradually, they have a deeper understanding of how to behave in the world."

As a person, only with a kind attitude, hard work, and calm heart, can we live a wonderful and realm in a windy and rainy life.

Attitude and temperament

In the book "The Night Talk of the Hearth", it is said: "Harmony greets people, and peace is responding to things." ”

Interacting with people with a kind attitude and making each other comfortable is an excellent cultivation of a person. The old saying also often says that harmony makes money and harmony is auspicious, and in the hearts of Chinese, harmony has always been precious.

The Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8, says, "The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without controversy." "It is to tell us to be like water and learn to control our temper."

The ancients did not promise when they were happy, did not speak when they mourned, did not argue when they were angry, did not decide when they were chaotic, and had an end when they were tired. Life doesn't always go as it pleases, and it's normal to have emotions. But irritability, can not control their emotions, not only can not solve the problem, but will make the problem more serious, harm others and harm themselves.

The Northern Song Dynasty poet Yan Shu became famous as a teenager, an official to the prime minister, and a very popular subject, but because of his uncontrollable emotions, he was belittled.

It is recorded in the "Biography of Song Shi Yan Shu". Once Yan Shu went to the Yuqing Zhaoying Palace, but his entourage was slow, and the entourage came after him with a wat. Yan Shu was furious and hit him with a wat board, breaking his teeth.

Yu Shi dafu impeached Yan Shu on this matter, saying that Yan Shu, as an official of the imperial court, had started to beat people, which was out of order. In the end, Song Renzong listened to their opinions and demoted Yan Shu to Xuanzhou, allowing him to temper his temper.

In the Analects of the Analects, it is said: "The superior people have the ability and have no temper, the middle people have the ability to have a temper, and the inferior people have no ability to have a temper."

Life is all about winning in harmony and losing in temper. Only by knowing how to control your temper and tolerate others will you fill your life with sunshine.

Do things tough

As the saying goes, "Words are soft, things are hard." The wise man is not sleek in his dealings, but he is rigid and soft, soft or hard, and upholds the principles of the heart.

In the years of performance career, opera has long been integrated into Mei Lanfang's life and cannot be separated.

In 1931, the September 18 Incident broke out, and China suddenly came to a crossroads of life and death.

After the Japanese invaded China, in order to avoid being shouted at by the Japanese to sing, Mei Lanfang helplessly grew a beard and had to change the habit of hanging her voice every day. In order to shirk the Invitation of the Japanese, he asked the doctor to inject himself with typhoid fever three times in a row, creating a fever and almost dying.

The Japanese army and the Wang puppet government were extremely dissatisfied with Mei Lanfang's boycott, so they froze Mei Lanfang's deposits in Hong Kong. Unable to perform on stage, without livelihood and without savings, Mei Lanfang still did not let go, selling her old house in Beijing and the collection collected over the years, and even forced to borrow money to survive.

Feng Zikai once lamented: How many people are there in the vast history of Qingshi, the "youling" who broke the rice bowl for the sake of patriotism?

In 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance, Mei Lanfang, who heard the news, burst into tears with excitement. On this day, everyone cheered, and Mr. Mei Lanfang came down from the attic with a fan covering half of his face, and everyone looked at him curiously. When he got closer, he took it to the fan, and everyone found that Mei Lanfang had shaved her beard. Soon, he took the stage again to sing, and for a time it was full.

If perseverance and firmness are the moats of success, then bending into the game is the Vajra armor that does things. Mr. Mei is such a tough person.

In 1961, at the age of 67, Mei Lanfang died unexpectedly. Now that Mei Lanfang is mentioned again, they will sing the praises of a singer, a dancer, a patriot, a true people's artist.

Only by looking up to the sky and not stooping to people can we win the respect and recognition of others and go far.

The mind is still

There is an old saying: "There is calmness in every major event, and I do not believe that there are no ancient sages in this day." Calmness is to fade the impetuousness in the heart and see the essence of things.

If a person is impetuous and irritable, he will be chaotic when things happen, and he will only let his behavior be abnormal and unrestrained. And no matter what situation you are in, the person who can keep your heart at peace is the most powerful person, and only then can you become a great instrument.

In the famous Battle of Shuishui, the Eastern Jin Dynasty fought against Former Qin, the former with less than 100,000 troops, and the latter claiming to have a division of millions of tigers and wolves, and the situation was very precarious.

At such a critical juncture of life and death, the whole country was in a state of panic, and only the minister Xie An was calm and self-assured, handling various military affairs as the governor of the capital, and sending 80,000 elite soldiers to resist.

On weekdays, Xie An still plays chess, plays the piano, drinks alcohol, and writes poetry, just keeping his mouth shut and not talking about the confrontation between the two armies. Before leaving, the commander Xie Xuan went to ask for advice on how to break the enemy, and Xie An looked calm and replied: "The imperial court has made other arrangements." ”

Seeing that Xie An had a confident appearance, Xie Xuan had a great determination in his heart, and the other generals performed their duties, trained their troops, and the army and the people waited in a strict position, and finally defeated the Qin army and won victory.

Less impetuous, more calm, in order to break the predicament, willow dark flowers bright and another village.

There is a saying in the "New Edition of Zhaode": "The water quiet pole is clear, and the heart is quiet and the wisdom is born." Those who have achieved great things must not have calm in their hearts, and only when they do not panic and do not panic when they do things can they be quiet and wise.

Attitude and temperament, use a smile to resolve the haze; do things hard, adhere to the bottom line without shame; have a calm heart, and calmly laugh to the end when things happen.

May you and I all cultivate ourselves and cultivate our qi, treat others with kindness, do things with hard breath, hide our hearts calmly, and turn all the bumps in the road of life into nutrients for upward growth and achieve a better self.

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