
A family's prosperity is most likely to begin with these four moments


As the saying goes: "People are better than people, and people are angry." ”

Many people think that when people compare themselves with each other, they will generate resentment and destroy their state of mind.

In fact, proper comparison can make a person find gaps and directions, and can also promote a person's development.

A family can prosper not because of the innumerable sums of money, but because today is always better than yesterday.

Family comparisons with each other and go hand in hand is a great good thing and a sign of catching up.

Therefore, the following four moments need to be seized.

A family's prosperity is most likely to begin with these four moments


First, parents and children are more accomplished than they are when they are in school.

In life, many parents force their children to study hard, but their parents never read.

In the bookstore, the parents bought a bunch of books and said, "Take them home and show them to my son and daughter." ”

It is said that to educate children, we need to teach by word and deed. Parents set an example so that children can learn a lot. As the saying goes, do not do to others what you do not want.

Xie An, a politician in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, continued to have literary celebrities in his family for more than three hundred years, and some people went to the official field.

One winter, Xie An was with his family. He asked, "What does the snow look like outside?" ”

The nephew said, "It is as if the salt has been sprinkled into the sky." ”

The niece said, "It should be Willow flying in the air by the wind." ”

Xie An laughed and thought it was all right.

Later generations believe that the development of the Xie family is inseparable from the free learning mode and strong learning atmosphere, which can allow all people to fully express their views.

Maupassant once said: "To like to read is to replace the lonely time in life with a moment of great enjoyment." ”

A family, with the atmosphere of reading, adults and children can put down their mobile phones and focus on books. If you make reading something you need to insist on for a lifetime, then the family will continue to improve.

Those families who play with mobile phones but force their children to read are only deceiving themselves, violating the original intention of reading, and the effect of learning is greatly reduced.


Second, when children make more money than their parents, they become richer.

Having money can make ghosts grind. In any era, life is inseparable from money.

However, in a family, everyone's ability to make money is different. Therefore, people who make more money always like to belittle others and think that they have the greatest credit.

The writer Jimmy said: "Everyone is an apple that God has bitten, it is flawed, and some people are more flawed because God especially likes his fragrance." ”

In a family, the real ability to make money depends on the person with the worst ability to make money.

You know, no matter how hard everyone tries to make money, as long as they meet a loser, all their efforts will fall short.

Smart parents will definitely try to teach the worst child that he can at least support himself and not ask his parents for a long time.

As the saying goes, you are not rich for three generations.

It is not easy for a family to get rich, but it is easy to destroy the wealth. If each generation's earning power is more powerful than the previous generation, the ending will be different.

A family's prosperity is most likely to begin with these four moments


Third, when children compete to support their parents, morality is high.

There is an old movie "Flowers Flying in the City in Spring". A poor couple with three sons. In order to save money, they would rather pick up yellow cabbage leaves to eat, and put mouse clips in the jar where they saved money, and no one could move it.

Later, the three sons grew up and forgot the parenting grace of their parents. After the death of her father, the mother took turns eating at the home of her three sons.

One day, the boss found that his mother's vest was hidden with silver, so he doubled his filial piety. The other two sons, not weak, fought to support their mothers.

After their mother died, they took out the silver and looked at it, and it was all fake.

In real life, many adults, supporting parents is false, and it is true that they want to compete for family property. They have long forgotten their filial piety.

"Filial piety comes first", filial piety, is an important embodiment of family style. If the children forget their roots and go out to seek wealth, it will not be smooth. Their character has long been known.

During the Han Dynasty, Gu Ao was particularly filial to his mother, because his mother liked to eat carved beard rice, so he planted a lot of carved beards at the door, and after a few years, a large number of carved beards naturally grew by the lake at the door, so he earned a lot of money by selling carved beards.

There is a cycle of cause and effect. How a man treats his parents, then how his children treat him; the more virtuous a person is, the more wealth can be retained.

The house of ji shan will have a yuqing, and this is true.


Fourth, when families compare beauty to each other, the family is clean.

There is a saying in the countryside: "Clean the room and greet the god of wealth." ”

Since ancient times, money has not passed through dirty places. Only when the home is clean and comfortable, it is possible to get rich.

Cleaning the room is not a one-man thing. Only when the family is hands-on and actively maintained, can it always be clean and tidy.

Everyone can see the dust on someone else's face, but they don't know what's on their neck. Therefore, families need to remind each other and help each other to ensure that everyone is dressed neatly and looks better.

An actress once said: "The most important thing about dressing is comfort, suitable for yourself is far more important than everything, I personally prefer leisure and simplicity, and will not deliberately foil." ”

A family becomes clean, not blindly spending money to dress up, but to simplify, to remove excess things, the space is large, and the nature is beautiful.

A family's prosperity is most likely to begin with these four moments


There is a saying in the "Night Talk of the Hearth": "Unfortunate families are provoked, they must endure the song and let the song be complete, and do not lose the old joy." ”

A family's misfortune always begins with family members blaming and alienating themselves from each other. The happiness of a family, on the contrary, is always valuable and precious.

The family can prosper and develop, not by its own strength, it is changed, but the result of the development of the group and the concerted efforts to promote.

Husband and wife are in the same heart, brothers are united, fathers and sons are in the same battle... Loess can also be turned into gold, and beautiful flowers can grow in the mud.

Home is a place that needs money to create happiness, but it needs love even more.

Home is a blessed place, but it is more necessary to create blessings.

Home is a person's starting point, but in the end it is still necessary to come back.

Everyone can't stay out of the way, they have to integrate into the family. Bear the pain together, enjoy the happiness together, create the school together, and inherit the family style together.

May you and I have a little more generosity for our brothers and sisters, a little more filial piety for our parents, and a little more support and understanding for our lovers.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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