
Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

A Confucian language

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After the midterm exam, many parents reported that their children lost more points in reading famous books. The children's books have also been read, and the problems have been practiced, but they will still be wrong. Why are the famous book reading questions so difficult, and is there a good way to help children pass the famous books reading question test?


Famous books to read what to test

After the curriculum reform, the textbooks compiled by the ministry are compiled and the compulsory books for junior high school masterpieces are: the first book of the seventh grade must read: Lu Xun's "Chao Hua Xi Shi", Wu Chengen's "Journey to the West" The next volume must be read: Lao She 'Camel Xiangzi', Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

Must-reads in the first volume of the eighth grade: Snow's "Red Star Shines on China", Fabre's "Insects" Must Read in the second volume: Fu Lei's "Fu Lei's Book", Ostrovsky's "How Steel is Made".

Grade 9 Must Reads: Tagore's Selected Poems of Tagore, Schneen's Water Margin, Second Book: Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre

The departmental edition of the compulsory examination bibliography is similar to the previous compulsory examination bibliography. Most of the region is selected from these 12 books.


How to set the questions

The common types of reading questions for famous books include recognition and identification, comprehension and generalization, and perception and evaluation. The score varies from place to place, and most regions are set to 5--10 points.


Recognition of discernment questions

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

The types of questions for this type of question are mainly to fill in the works, characters, stories, or fill in both characters and stories.

For example: 1. There are 108 good men of Liangshan in "Water Margin", of which the most reflective character who is forced to Liangshan is Lin Chong, who is known as the "leopard head".

2. Write the names of the characters involved in the following stories.

(1) The leader of the organization of the "Wisdom birth program" in "Water Margin" is

(2) In the Journey to the West, "make a big fuss about the Five Zhuang Temple, and tear down the ginseng fruit tree"


Comprehension summary questions

This type of question is commonly based on understanding, summarizing the work, characters, stories, battles, idioms, etc.

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

For example: 1. From the literary works of "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Dream of the Red Chamber", choose a character that impresses you as an introduction.

2. The idiom "Everything is ready, only the East Wind is owed" is based on the story of "Zhou Yu Dingji Attacking Cao Cao" in the Battle of Chibi (Campaign) in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Please write two more idioms derived from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and write the corresponding characters and stories.

Idioms: Sangu Maolu Characters and Stories:

Idioms: In the heart of Cao Ying in Han Characters and stories:


Insight assessment questions

This type of question is generally a type of character review, content review, character thought review and so on.

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

Such as: 1, "Journey to the West" in The Sun Wukong is a more familiar artistic image for all of us. Based on your reading experience, please name one of his admirable spirits and give examples. Language should be concise.

2. Recall works such as "Water Margin", "Journey to the West", "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and so on, and choose your favorite character in one of these works and give a brief evaluation.


Analysis of the reasons for losing points


There is no time to read

Students who do not have time to read, in fact, are not in the minority, do not like to read famous books, and they are intimidated by the thickness of the book before picking up a few pages. The books were not read, of course the exam went wrong.

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?


Reading in a sloppy manner

Junior high school students have less extracurricular time and more homework after class. When reading the famous book, I hurried through it and seemed to have completed the teacher's task. Of course, such a reading can not remember the details of the article, there is no deep understanding of the article, of course, it will lose points.


Read without thinking

The book was read, but the key points were not recorded: such as the important characters in the book, the important plot, and my feelings. Without taking notes, the knowledge in the book is quickly forgotten.


Study recommendations

Among the current curriculum standard textbooks, some textbooks have been designed with a guide to literary masterpieces, and the pages on the textbook are the focus of the exam. Children must read carefully and keep a record.

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

1. Pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge of the main content, character image and ideological significance of famous works;

Pay attention to the requirements of the examination of the topic, and evaluate the characters or the main content, ideological significance or language characteristics. Pay attention to the entry point of the answer, the content angle, the character angle or the artistic technique angle, etc.

2, the book is a must to see, if you do not like, you can first watch the movie auxiliary, most of the famous books have movies.

For example, the recently filmed "Red Star Shines on China" is very good, you can take your children to see movies, after watching the movies, children have interest in these revolutionary themes, and reading is much easier.

Of course, it is difficult to read famous books, and some famous books are indeed not in line with children's appetites, so it is very important for children to be interested, as long as you think of a way, there must be a way.

3. At present, most of the famous books reading test questions are not difficult, mainly to examine the characters, storylines and insights.

For these test centers, practice appropriately. If you can use mind maps to sort out important people and main storylines.

Famous books read, lose more points, what to do?

Then after reading each book and writing a post-reading feeling, I believe that it is easy to answer the reading questions of famous books. Recommended tutoring materials for parents to buy: Hunan Normal University Publishing House", "Famous Books Guide Examination Center Concise", Nanjing University Press "Junior High School Masterpieces Zero Distance". You can read these materials to aid learning.

In short, no matter what type of famous book questions are answered, they are based on reading, and the key is to make more efforts in reading famous works outside the classroom, pay attention to accumulation, read several pages a day, and make reading notes, so it is very easy. Reading famous works well can not only answer famous book questions, but also improve reading comprehension ability, accumulate writing materials, and get more in one fell swoop.


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