
Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

Hello everyone, I'm Star Man.

As a child preschool education expert, Xiaoxia found that parents now take it too seriously once they find out that their children have a little interest.

Interested in early education, tutor teachers, eager to arrange 24-hour learning courses for children every day!

However, for children's education, the most important thing is not the child's excellence in a certain field, but the self-driving force of learning.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

What is self-driving force?

Self-driving force is actually a kind of spiritual force in the operation and management of enterprises, which refers to the fact that employees can be 100% engaged in the work process and have a sense of mission that must be done.

Generally speaking, employees with self-drive will have a stronger sense of enterprise and will have ideas and actions that take the initiative to make themselves excellent.

This part of the iceberg hidden beneath the surface of the sea, relative to knowledge and skill, gives such people a more incalculable future.

Whether it is the company in the workplace who wants to cultivate a driving employee, or the cultivation of a child in the family who can actively learn and actively cultivate independent interests, the essence of the two is actually the same.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

When a child is interested in a thing and learns, it is actually an immature and unsystematic self-drive.

For example, in kindergartens or childcare institutions, teachers take children to draw, children do not need to urge, naturally will produce self-drive.

Therefore, the child's innate self-drive needs the guidance and "domestication" of parents and teachers, so that this spiritual power can be used in a more favorable direction.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

How to cultivate your child's self-drive?

I believe that many parents will also find that their children have some interests, such as drawing, music, reading, and even games.

As a result, many parents want to let their children develop their interests in depth, but they often backfire, gradually turning their children's interests into pressure.

Therefore, it is more important to retain interest than to cultivate interest.


Observe the child and follow the rhythm of the child's learning

When children are interested in what they are interested in, in fact, they do not need parental supervision, they will take the initiative to complete, and will complete very well.

But when parents are too demanding of their children, children will feel that they are doing this for their parents, not because they like it.

Therefore, it is better to follow the rhythm of children's learning. For parents, just staying by his side and not disturbing is the best way to cultivate interest.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom


Give some pressure appropriately

The pace of children's learning may be slow, so proper stress must be the key to improvement.

For example, if the child is drawing, the parent can tell the child:

The baby paints really well, maybe he can become a big painter in the future, so let's practice a little more today, okay?

When you use roundabout means to properly create some pressure on the child, the child can not only have a certain ability to resist pressure, but also assist the child to develop his own interests.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom


Cultivate your child's diverse interests

When you enter a company, you will find that in addition to excellent professional skills, management people also have more diverse professional knowledge such as personnel management, data analysis, financial knowledge, etc.

This also means that a student from a top university, even if he has the top professional knowledge in a certain aspect, but if the skill mastery is too small, his development must be limited.

Therefore, the same is true for cultivating children, let children see and experience more, let children maintain interest in many things, even if they do not need to learn deeply about each interest, then he is also a person with multiple skills.

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

Cultivating children's self-motivation is essentially the strategy and tactics of cultivating parents' parenting.

Parents should learn for life, the child will continue to grow up in your company, cultivate self-drive, not to follow the trend, in order to make the child become a thoughtful, capable, more autonomous person, the necessary efforts.

Scientific parenting

Accompanied by 3Q Kids Business School

Parenting is a science of science, and every week the video number regularly updates the knowledge of scientific parenting. It aims to let every parent understand a little scientific knowledge and prescribe the right medicine in order to achieve the greatest results. Pay attention to us, and guard the baby's happy growth together!

Children with "self-drive" are closer to success? | child business classroom

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