
"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this

"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this

Spring equinox egg competition, making "little white rabbits" with paper towels, homemade mounted egg cakes... Relying on online resources, the Hongkou District ChildCare Center and its four subordinate nurseries use online classes and Apps to send creative "activity schedules" to children who fight the epidemic at home, and make the home interaction more close through scientific parenting.

"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this
"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this
"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this
"Life is education", the little babies who fight the epidemic at home live like this

How are these courses designed? In the project "Research on the "Food Education" of 2-3-year-old Nursery Children in the Home Linkage Type", the Hongkou District Childcare Center and its four subordinate childcare centers have opened up a new platform and channel for practice - under the control and resource sharing of the teaching and research team leaders, the teachers will release short videos with intuitive images of life self-care, parent-child games, picture book stories, etc., and integrate traditional cultural spring equinox eggs and Shanghainese nursery rhymes into the "food education" topic. At the same time, the joint teaching and research team also designed a cloud interactive live broadcast plan to let parents personally walk into these special courses, and encourage parents to put their children's game results on the Internet and practice "life is education".

It is reported that since the Municipal Education Commission released the information of "kindergartens and nurseries to stop children from entering kindergartens" on March 12, under the overall leadership of the Hongkou District Education Bureau, the Hongkou District Childcare Center and its four subordinate nurseries have taken action, in order to adjust the pace of work to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control, formulated the "Work Plan for Home Parenting Guidance during the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period of Nurseries", under the premise of implementing epidemic prevention, strengthen online scientific parenting guidance, and open online home linkage work. The nursery set up a special group for home parenting guidance during the epidemic prevention and control period, and under the leadership of the joint teaching and research group of the childcare, formulated a "letter to parents", "work and rest schedule for children at home during the epidemic prevention and control period", and "questionnaire on home parenting guidance during the epidemic prevention and control period", full coverage of parents at the same time to listen to the voices of parents, truly understand the family needs and pains of home parenting. On March 21st, the Joint Teaching and Research Group, the Joint Health Care Group and the Joint Team Building Group jointly issued the "Proposal" to all faculty and staff, adhering to the strict work and life attitude of self-discipline, and vigorously practicing the promotion work during the online scientific parenting guidance.

Author: Shan Yingwen Tang Songhua

Edit: Zhou Chen

Editor-in-Charge: Liu Liyuan

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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