
The woman wanted to eat noodles in the middle of the night, and after her husband brought a bowl, the woman cried as she ate it

Teacher Huang Han, an emotional expert, once said this:

If a man is willing to work hard for you and is not afraid of trouble, then this man must be worthy of your marriage

It is true that in life, the degree to which a man cares about you represents the degree to which he loves you.

Imagine if he didn't even bother to pour you a glass of water, not even a meal to make for you, how could you expect him to love you?

The story to be shared today is the real experience of a netizen, if this paragraph is told, it is estimated that many girls will be sour.

The woman wanted to eat noodles in the middle of the night, and after her husband brought a bowl, the woman cried as she ate it

Xiao Qing and Xiao Jun have been married for seven years, and the seven-year itch in love that the world calls it seems that it has not happened to the two of them, and the two of them are still in love as before, and those who don't know think that this is a little couple who have just fallen in love.

According to Xiaoqing, her husband Xiaojun is very good to her, as for how good, let's give you an example.

This night, Xiao Jun made a meal and called Xiao Qing to eat, but Xiao Qing's stomach was a little uncomfortable, no matter what, he had no appetite, so xiao Jun said not to eat, so Xiao Jun ate Xiao Qing's share of the meal, which could break Xiao Jun, and Xiao Qing had been hiding on the sofa watching TV.

The woman wanted to eat noodles in the middle of the night, and after her husband brought a bowl, the woman cried as she ate it

At about ten o'clock, Xiao Qing suddenly had an appetite, and she said to Xiao Jun: "Husband, I am hungry, are you going to make me a noodle to eat?" ”

Xiao Jun saw that his daughter-in-law was hungry, and without saying a word, he went to the kitchen to cook.

In order to replenish Xiaoqing's body, he also killed an old hen in the family. Many friends know that killing chickens is really a more troublesome thing, but Xiaojun is not afraid of trouble.

Although XiaoJun was very sharp in doing things, it still took half an hour. An hour later, Xiao Jun brought the steaming chicken soup noodles to Xiao Qing.

The woman wanted to eat noodles in the middle of the night, and after her husband brought a bowl, the woman cried as she ate it

Seeing a few pieces of chicken in the bowl, Xiao Qing was very confused in her heart, thinking that she had not bought chicken in the past two days.

But Xiao Jun said: "Daughter-in-law, I want to supplement your body, so I killed the old hen in the family, today you eat a chicken soup noodles, tomorrow I will make spicy fried chicken for you to eat." ”

After hearing Xiao Jun's words, Xiao Qing's tears swirled in his eyes. She looked at the not-so-tall man in front of her and shed tears of emotion.

After many netizens learned about this matter, they expressed their opinions.

A netizen said: It seems that Xiaoqing is really married to the right person, and she is really a happy woman. Unlike me, who did my marriage on impulse, who knew that my husband was actually a lazy and grumpy person. So, sisters, you must be cautious when getting married.

The woman wanted to eat noodles in the middle of the night, and after her husband brought a bowl, the woman cried as she ate it

Another netizen said: My husband is also like this, not only will earn money, but also take care of the family. As long as he was at home, I hadn't cooked, I've been married for seven or eight years, and now I can't even make a scrambled egg with tomatoes, but someone is spoiled, and I'm not afraid of anything.

In my opinion, as a woman, the greatest luck is to find a good husband.

With a good husband, you will live happily and smoothly in your life.

Saying goes:

Men are afraid of entering the wrong line, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man

This sentence is really reasonable.

Give it a thumbs up and tell us what you think.

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