
Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

author:Yang Bai looks at things

In the domestic cuisine, each region has different tastes, so different snacks are born, but these ten kinds of noodles stand out and are sought after by many diners.

1. Old Beijing fried noodles

This is one of the favorite traditional snacks of Beijing people, and the essence of the old Beijing fried noodles is on this sauce, but each family has its own practice, which is not uniform.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

Pure jajanjangnoodle must be hand-rolled noodles, the noodles can be rolled to about 3-4 mm can be put into water to boil, after the noodles are cooked, add secret sauces and seasonal vegetable side dishes, such as bean sprouts, cucumber shreds, carrots, peanuts, etc., and then stir well to enjoy this delicacy.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

2. Guangdong wonton noodles

The production process of Cantonese wonton noodles is extremely cumbersome, and a bowl of excellent wonton noodles includes soup base, noodles, wonton, and hors d'oeuvres, every detail reflects the character of Cantonese people and their pickiness for food.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

Starting with the filling of wonton, fresh lean meat, shrimp, fungus, shiitake mushrooms, leeks and other ingredients should be used, and then wrapped in flour; The noodles are also extremely elegant, and they must be silver silk noodles beaten by bamboo sheng; The soup base is a thick soup made from earth fish and pork bones; The hors d'oeuvres are more elaborate on the basics, and the taste of such exquisite Cantonese wonton noodles is really a must.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

3. Wuhan hot dry noodles

This is one of the most famous snacks in Wuhan, which almost covers three meals a day for Wuhan people, whether it is a breakfast restaurant or a food stall at night.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

Compared with other noodles, the method of Wuhan hot dry noodles is relatively simple, the noodles are made of thin and chewy alkaline noodles, and after the pot is added, crushed peanuts, spicy diced radish, sesame oil, sesame paste, chili sauce and other ingredients are added, and the fragrance is strong and delicious after stirring evenly.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

4. Shandong boiled pot noodles

Pot noodles are one of the more characteristic noodles in Shandong cuisine, and it is also an excellent delicacy for many Shandong friends from snacks to big ones.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

After adding oil to the pot, add selected pork belly and stir-fry, add green onions, ginger and garlic to the pot to produce pot gas, and then add hot water, and by putting in the prepared side dishes, noodles and condiments, a heart-warming and stomach-warming pot noodles can be served.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

5. Lanzhou beef noodles

As a special delicacy of Lanzhou, few people know that Lanzhou beef noodles originated in Boai County, Henan Province, and were brought back to Lanzhou by Master Ma Liuqi and carried forward.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

Authentic Lanzhou beef noodles should be clear, two white, three red, four green, five yellow, the soup base should be made of beef, beef bones and other raw materials to boil out of the broth, after the pot clear noodle soup, white radish, fiery red chili oil, green chives and coriander, slightly yellow slender and strong beef, eye-catching and at the same time can also stimulate your taste buds.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

6. Yanji cold noodles

This is a famous snack that originated from the Korean people in the mainland, which is very regional, and it is suitable for such a bowl of cold and strong Yanji cold noodles in the scorching summer heat.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

The essence of Yanji cold noodles lies in a spoonful of beef broth base with ice ballast, the noodles are made of soba noodles with relatively small calories, which are quickly shaped after being put into boiling water, and then washed away by washing the excess starch to make the noodles firmer.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

7, Henan 烩面

As an authentic delicacy in Henan, Henan braised noodles are famous throughout the country for their rich taste, and you can't count yourself in Henan without eating a bowl of authentic Henan braised noodles.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

Unlike other traditional noodle dishes, the soup of Henan braised noodles is more important than noodles, and a good soup is the soul of braised noodles. Generally made with mutton bones, mutton and secret spices, the older the soup, the better the taste, after boiling the soup milky white can take out the mutton and slice it, and then add side dishes to the pot with the stewed noodles, and so the noodles can be boiled to a little translucent can be eaten in the pot.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

8. Sichuan Bearing Surface

Sichuan dandan noodles is a traditional snack in Sichuan, which is extremely popular in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, and its unique taste is fragrant when you eat it.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

The most important and most particular thing about dandan noodles is the rice and sprouts, which need to be chopped into a foam and rolled in an oil pan with soy sauce and sesame paste. Chili oil, pepper noodles and other spices are blended, after the seeds are out of the pot, the sprouts are fried until fragrant and set aside, the slender ones should be rolled out into a thin and thin shape under the pot, and after they are fully cooked, they are put into the bowl and the fried seeds and sprouts are added to the condiments, and a bowl of authentic Sichuan dandan noodles can be eaten.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

9, Shanxi sword cutting surface

Shanxi's coal, vinegar, noodles these three unique, mention Shanxi absolutely can not bypass, Shanxi knife noodles as a well-known special food, harvested a large number of fans keen on it.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

The production method of knife-cut noodles is very special, first of all, use a knife to cut the dough into thin slices and cook it in boiling water, and the seasonings are also various, including meat fried sauce, mutton soup, tomato sauce, egg marinade, etc., and then add seasonings with seasonal vegetables, a bowl of Shanxi knife-cut noodles that makes people dream of it is presented in front of you.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

10、biang biang面

As Shaanxi's popular specialty food at home and abroad, Shaanxi can break out of its world when it is full of food, and it must have its advantages.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

The production process of biang biang noodles is also very interesting, the dough is pulled into a long and thick noodle in a trouser pocket by hand, and the soup is mixed with soy sauce, peppercorns, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and other condiments, and the slender ones are cooked in the pot and then removed, and the condiments such as chopped green onions, coriander, and spicy seeds are poured in the bowl, and then the hot oil is poured into the fired oil to stimulate the aroma of the ingredients, and a delicious dish is made in this way.

Of the 10 best noodles in China, if you have eaten 5 of them, which one do you like the most?

These ten kinds of noodles have their own characteristics, the only thing they have in common is that they are all extremely delicious, due to the difference in taste, there are 1,000 Hamlets for a thousand people, so which kind of noodles do you like the most?

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