
To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

author:Gourmet qualities

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Noodles are an extremely common food in daily life. When you need to go to work and school in the morning, a bowl of noodles is easy and time-saving.

And when you get home from work, sometimes you feel tired and tend to cook a bowl of noodles. Settle dinner quickly and leave more time to rest and adjust or spend time with your family.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Although the noodles look ordinary and nothing special from the outside, our whole family loves them, on the one hand, I, a northerner, are proficient in all kinds of marinades, sauces, and fried sauces, and on the other hand, the noodles I cook are firm and smooth.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

At first glance, it doesn't seem like much of a difficulty, but you just put the noodles in water, boil them over high heat, and then look at them almost when they are fully cooked, and then you can fish them out. Even those who have never cooked before can make it with ease.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

But is it really that simple? Actually, this is not the case, some people cook noodles that are very soft and rotten, very bad, and the noodles break when they are mixed with noodles, and they are very tasteless to eat. There are also people who cook noodles that are cooked, but the hard ones are hard to eat, and they don't absorb the flavor of the sauce very much, so they taste bland and tasteless.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

In fact, when it comes to boiling noodles, most people take the practice of waiting for the water in the pot to boil before putting the noodles in the pot to boil. When I was a child, we used this method in our family, but the noodles cooked were soft and swollen on the outside, but there was a hard heart in the middle. It tastes like raw flour, and it is particularly easy to feel bloated and uncomfortable after eating.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

After many attempts, I found that to cook noodles, you should never wait until the water is boiling before putting them in the pot, otherwise the cooked noodles will not be strong, and the sauce will not taste good. I'm here today to teach you two tips to ensure that the noodles you cook are smooth and firm, and they won't form lumps.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Before boiling the noodles, let's make the marinade. In the previous article, I shared with you the seasoning of fried sauce noodles and sesame sauce noodles, so today I will share with you a most commonly eaten egg beaten lo noodles in our north.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

First, prepare 150 grams of pork belly, peel it and cut it into thin slices.

A small handful of fungus, soak it in hot water, then cut off the roots and cut into long filaments.

Soak the yellow flowers in hot water, then cut off the hard stems and cut them into two-centimeter-long segments.

1 small tomato, peeled and cut into cubes.

Three eggs, beaten in a small bowl.

Two spoonfuls of cornstarch, stir into water starch and set aside.

Chop a little more chopped green onion and garlic to cook in the pot.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

When everything is ready, we heat the oil. First, put the pork belly in a pan and stir-fry the fat out of the meat. After seeing that the pork belly is browned, add minced green onion and garlic to burst the fragrance, then pour in some soy sauce, cook the beany flavor of soy sauce over high heat, then add tomatoes, stir-fry a little to make the soup.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Add the yellow fungus and stir-fry to bring out the fragrance, then put in boiling water, and the amount of water is about one centimeter above the ingredients. Then add two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of chicken bouillon, half a tablespoon of sugar, and one tablespoon of oyster sauce. Add a little more sesame oil, stir the previously mixed water starch, pour it into a pot and cook over high heat for 2~3 minutes.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Let the starch and the soup blend together and become viscous, and finally pour the egg liquid into the pot, after pouring the egg liquid, do not stir it first, wait for the egg liquid to slowly float up from the soup and become large pieces of egg slices, we use a spoon to burn and stir, and you can get out of the pot. After it comes out of the pot, you can sprinkle a little green onion on top to decorate, which is the most commonly eaten egg marinade in our north.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

When the marinade is ready, we can cook the noodles, prepare the pot, pour a large amount of water into it, and then turn on the high heat to boil the water. The amount of water must be larger, otherwise in the process of cooking noodles, the water is particularly easy to stick, not only the noodles are easy to stick to the pan, but the boiled noodles are also particularly prone to pinching.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

When cooking noodles, do not boil the noodles under cold water, otherwise the flour on the surface of the noodles will dissolve in the water, and the final boiled will be a pot of paste. But you can't completely wait for the water to boil before putting it in the pot, so the taste of the cooking is not good, the outside is easy to be too soft, and the inside is easy to be pinched, so what should be the correct approach?

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

We need to heat the water first, and when we see that the bottom of the pot starts to bubble, the temperature is about 80 degrees, and the temperature is just right. Add two spoonfuls of salt to the water, adding salt can not only add a base flavor to the noodles, but also make the noodles less likely to break, and cook more chewy.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Add a little cooking oil to it, and the noodles will not stick to the bottom of the pan after adding oil. In the process of boiling noodles, we need to add raw water to the inside twice, after the noodles are boiled once, add 100ml of cold water, and then continue to boil, and then add 100ml after the water boils for the second time, and beat the raw water twice, which can not only make the noodles mature inside and outside at the same time, but also ensure that the maturity is consistent, the inside is not sandwiched, and the outside will not be bad.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

And these two tips are the key to my smooth and smooth noodles, now that the weather is hot in summer, after the noodles are cooked, we can pass cold water once, so that the noodles taste more refreshing. If it's winter and you don't like the sticky texture, you can put the noodles in boiling water once so that the noodles are smooth and not too cold.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

After removing from the water, drain the water and put it in a bowl, pour the marinade we have made, stir it slightly, and you are ready to go. In summer, we can also be paired with two cloves of new garlic, as the saying goes, "eat noodles without garlic, the fragrance is less than half", eating some raw garlic can not only improve the aroma of noodles, but also the allicin contained in garlic can also play a role in anti-inflammatory and sterilization. Like when we eat some raw, cold and spicy food often in the summer, we are always prone to gastrointestinal upset or abdominal pain and diarrhea, and eating some raw garlic really works.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

Well, this is our usual trick for cooking gluten smooth and non-stick pan without rotting, learn this method, and ensure that you can also cook smooth and delicious noodles. Of course, this way of cooking noodles is limited to the fresh noodles that we usually eat for lo noodles and jajanjang noodles, such as somen pasta or multigrain noodles are not suitable.

To cook the noodles, don't wait for the water to boil before putting them in the pot, remember 2 tips, the noodles are smooth and tender, and they don't become lumps

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In the future, when you cook noodles, don't boil the water anymore, remember the following 2 tips.

The first tip is to cook with lukewarm water, that is, water where small bubbles begin to bubble at the bottom of the pot, instead of boiling water.

The second trick is to add two tablespoons of salt and one spoonful of oil to the noodles before putting them into the pan, which can make the noodles more firm and non-stick.

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