
Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

author:Dr. Chan Health said
Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

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Du Ming is a small business owner in his early 50s, who usually has a lot of work pressure and loves to eat big meals, and his waist circumference has long exceeded the standard.

Recently, he often felt dizzy and weak, and had some heart palpitations.

His wife Li Fang kept urging him to go to the hospital for examination, but he always shirked it on the grounds that he didn't have time.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Until one day, Du Ming suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest and had difficulty breathing.

Li Fang was frightened and rushed him to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It turned out that Du Ming's blood pressure was as high as 180/110mmHg, which was already severe hypertension. The doctor told him that if he didn't treat it in time, he would be in danger of having a stroke at any time.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Du Ming woke up like a dream, and said that he would take it seriously and actively cooperate with the treatment.

The doctor prescribed several antihypertensive drugs and told him to moderate his diet, exercise more, and have regular check-ups.

In particular, eat less salty, high-fat foods because they are the most likely to cause blood pressure to rise.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

"Brother Du, you love to eat noodles the most, the doctor said that you should eat less pasta for high blood pressure, it seems that you have to change your taste?"

Relative Wang Tao said half-jokingly. Du Ming was not happy when he heard it:

"Isn't it just a bowl of noodles, and it's not a flood beast, why don't you let it be eaten? Besides, I haven't heard that eating noodles is easy to get high blood pressure. "

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

"Uncle Du, your point of view is too one-sided." Du Ming's niece Xiaoyu, who studied clinical nutrition in medical school, hurriedly explained: "The noodles themselves do not directly cause blood pressure to rise, the key depends on how to eat them."

We usually eat noodles, whether it is ramen, knife-cut noodles or soup noodles, we love to serve them with high-salt and high-fat toppings, such as braised pork, fried sauce, beef, etc., a bowl of noodles often has thousands of milligrams of sodium, and the calories are also very high.

If you eat it for a long time, not only will your blood pressure get out of control, but you will also have an increased risk of obesity, blood lipid disorders, and arteriosclerosis. "

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Du Ming suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out that eating noodles is also a method."

So how should a person with high blood pressure like me eat in the future?" Xiaoyu continued to explain: "First of all, when choosing noodles, we should give priority to whole wheat noodles, multigrain noodles and other coarse grain products, and try not to eat fine white noodles.

Secondly, the toppings should be as light as possible, with more vegetables and less meat. The soup should also be spared with salt and can be replaced with natural spices. In general, it is best to keep the bowl of noodles within 500 mg of sodium. "

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Du Ming nodded thoughtfully. Wang Tao interjected: "Brother Du, noodles are not the point.

I've heard that red meat, organ meats, and alcoholic beverages are the number one killers of high blood pressure, and you should avoid them. "

Xiaoyu said approvingly: "Uncle Tao is right, excessive intake of saturated fat and cholesterol will cause the blood vessel walls to gradually harden and narrow, the blood viscosity will increase, and blood pressure will naturally go up."

Alcohol abuse excites the sympathetic nervous system and increases the burden on the heart. "

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Du Ming couldn't help but shudder. He calculated, he really doesn't eat less of these high-risk foods, especially he likes to drink and eat meat, so it seems that he has to change it quickly.

However, he still has some doubts: "Xiaoyu, are the staple foods of rice and steamed buns okay?" Also, will not enough protein affect nutrition?"

Xiaoyu explained with a smile: "Of course, the staple food itself is fine, but it should also be moderate.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

We advocate a balanced diet with proper control of total calories, preferably 50%-65% carbohydrates.

As for protein, high-quality protein, such as fish, eggs, dairy products, soybeans, etc., is equally important, which can not only ensure the body's needs, but also help control blood pressure. "

Du Ming finally understood. He secretly decided to improve his lifestyle from now on, control his diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and keep exercising to get himself back to health as soon as possible. Li Fang was also very relieved to see her husband's attitude so upright.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Xiaoyu said with relief: "Uncle Du, don't worry, hypertension is a chronic disease that can be controlled through daily management.

As long as you cooperate with medication, balance your diet, exercise moderately, and monitor regularly, you will be able to control your blood pressure, avoid complications, and live a long and healthy life. Du Ming nodded heavily.

In the days that followed, Du Ming strictly followed the doctor's instructions, ate small and frequent meals, ate more fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and high-quality protein, stayed away from high-salt, high-fat and alcoholic foods, and walked briskly for an hour every day.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

Gradually, he felt lighter and lighter, and his spirit was much better.

At the follow-up visit, the doctor was pleasantly surprised to find that his blood pressure had dropped to 130/80mmHg, and his weight, blood lipids and other indicators had also improved significantly, which was completely comparable to normal people.

Du Ming's changes amazed his relatives and friends.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

He himself is even more confident, and often says with a smile: "It turns out that it is not difficult to eat healthy, and the decision lies with yourself!" He decided to spread his experience so that more people with high blood pressure could get encouragement and inspiration from him.

Xiaoyu is determined to be an excellent nutrition doctor and use nutrition knowledge to help more patients with chronic diseases like Uncle Du regain their health.

There is no hurdle in life that cannot be overcome, the key is attitude.

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

With a positive and optimistic heart, coupled with scientific treatment and lifestyle, there is no disease that cannot be defeated.

Du Ming illustrates this point with his own experience. I believe that with the company of his family and doctors, and with his own efforts, he will be able to get out of the haze of high blood pressure and embrace a sunny and healthy life!

Should you eat less noodles for high blood pressure? Doctor's advice: In addition to noodles, these foods should really be eaten less

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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