
In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

Text/End Of Little North

In this life, people will encounter all kinds of people, and they will deal with many people, some people can handle the relationship particularly well, and some people can't handle it well.

We get along with others, in the final analysis, to make each other comfortable and not embarrassed.

If it is particularly awkward to interact, it is better not to continue to get along, at least this will not be a problem.

When interacting with people, the brain should be fast, the speech should be slow, and the simplest point is to be careful in words and deeds.

Only in this way can life cause less trouble and the relationship between each other can be long-lasting.

Of course, if in the process of getting along, no matter what you do, the other party has been looking for things, then such a person, there is no need to get along, just stay away.

There are some people who you respect him the more you count, the more he counts, the more he will take himself seriously, and such a person is really not worth associating with.

No matter who you associate with, you must remember these 5 golden advices, otherwise you can only suffer losses.

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

01: Don't overestimate your relationship with anyone

In interpersonal communication, some people will foolishly believe each other, feel that the relationship between them is particularly good, and there will be no problems. Actually, it's really wrong.

At all times, we must know that the human heart is fickle, and the relationship between people is never set in stone.

To put it simply, not all sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.

For example, when a friend is in trouble, you give generously, and when you encounter trouble, he may not be like this, and may even fall into the well, even if you have difficulty accepting, you have to accept it, because this is human nature.

When the friend encountered trouble, he directly gave help without saying a word, because he felt that there was no problem with each other's feelings, and he felt that if he encountered a problem, his friend would do the same.

But I didn't expect that completely unexpectedly, when I encountered problems borrowing money, the other party actually hid far away, which made him chill.

Human feelings are like thin sheets of paper, and the world is like a new chess game.

Be born as a human being and never overestimate your relationship with anyone, because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and it is better to have no expectations than to do so.

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

02: Be a gentleman after being a villain beforehand

Between people, there will inevitably be some cooperation, and when cooperating, the best way is to get the distribution right.

That is to say, all that should be said, the prerequisites are listed, first the villain and then the gentleman.

The conditions are not good, it can not be done, but if you cooperate without explaining it at the beginning, in the end it can only be a lose-lose situation.

Do things together for the sake of profit, rather than waiting until the end because of the interests and turning the other cheek, it is better to negotiate the distribution of benefits at the beginning, so as to save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The more intimate the relationship, the more so that there will be no big problems.

For example, the Phoenix Legends combination.

Although Zeng Yi's lyrics are few, but the interests are balanced, this is because they made a good distribution at the beginning, if they did not do so at the beginning, now Linghua is definitely unwilling.

To put it simply, the gentleman who is a villain before a gentleman does not wronged himself, nor will he embarrass others.

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

03: No cheerful promise, just refusal

The adult world can be clicked, there is no need to say clearly, since there is no cheerful promise to you, basically rejected, you do not need to continue to ask, otherwise it will only make the relationship between each other more embarrassing.

Everyone is very busy, there is really no need to say things so clearly, some things are broken, there is no need to say broken.

Some time ago, Cheng Cheng entrusted a friend to help, the other party said on the phone that he tried his best, heard here, I think the other party will help her, did not expect Cheng Cheng directly did not count on.

Seeing that I was a little puzzled, Cheng Cheng said:

"People say to do their best, which means that it can't be done, if it can be done, there is no need for this, just agree to it."

After Cheng Cheng finished speaking, I suddenly felt that what she said was reasonable, in fact, it was true, since she really helped, why talk about doing our best?

In fact, he never thought of helping from his heart, and he refused from his heart.

The other person's attitude is enough to explain everything, why do you have to take your own hot face and paste the other person's cold ass?

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

04: Don't talk to colleagues about salary

There are many problems in the workplace, and the root cause of these problems is the uneven distribution of benefits.

The salaries of many company employees are different, so don't tell others about your salary, and don't inquire about other people's wages.

If you pour out your lungs and talk to your colleagues about your salary, it will only bring you big trouble.

Know at all times that a colleague is just your partner, not your friend.

I once watched a small video, which is quite touching:

Girl B asked girl A how much she was paid, because the two people got along particularly well, and B told the other party that she had thought there was nothing and did not want to lift a stone and drop it on her own feet.

Because her salary was higher than A's, A went directly to the leader, and later the leader could not give B a lower salary.

If A did not talk to B about her salary at the beginning, then there would be no problem, and she was wrong to take B as her friend, and she did not expect to be betrayed by the so-called friend in the end.

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

05: Keep your distance from anyone

Not only should we keep our distance from our friends in life and not get too close, but we must also have feelings, only in this way can our feelings be more permanent and our relationship with each other stronger.

If you don't have a measure and don't understand the boundaries, even the best relationship will have problems.

Self-media person Captain Wang once took a video that just explains this point:

The wife wanted to eat meat sandwich steamed buns, Captain Wang let his wife wait in the coffee shop, this time there was a girl looking for the front desk of the café to change money, she wanted to change 500 yuan, but the front desk said no.

When the girl just wanted to leave, Captain Wang happened to come, the girl said her intentions, she asked Captain Wang to give her 500 cash, she gave Captain Wang a WeChat transfer.

Captain Wang said that he would turn directly, but he did not expect the girl to add friends and said that he would thank him. At this time, Captain Wang directly called his wife over.

He pointed to his wife and said to the girl:

"This is my lover, you add her friend and transfer it to her."

The girl understood at a glance, and without saying much, she added the contact information of Captain Wang's wife, and then transferred it to him. Afterwards, the wife bluntly said that Captain Wang's despair was very high and worthy of praise.

In the future, no matter who you get along with, remember these 5 "tips"

In fact, this is the sense of proportion.

Captain Wang understands the importance of keeping your distance, and since you are married, you must keep your distance from other girls, otherwise there may be big problems.

Interpersonal communication is like this, the more you understand, the less you will suffer, in order to better make yourself invincible.

I hope that everyone can understand, do not wronged themselves, do not disturb others, can understand the subtext of others, and others can be everywhere, can not be pulled down.

Only in this way will life be more comfortable.

About the Author:

Su Xiaobei, a young emotional writer and marriage counselor, focuses on marriage recovery and intimate relationship repair.

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