
"Coaxing" a big child with a mobile phone, these aspects will be different

"Husband, the child is crying again, you come and coax."

"I'm busy, I don't have time. Do it yourself! No, give him the phone. ”

"What are you busy with?" I know how to play games every day. ”

"Baby don't cry, look at the phone!"

"Coaxing" a big child with a mobile phone, these aspects will be different

This scene may have been staged in most families, Bao Dad and Bao Mom hold up their mobile phones every day, they can't care about accompanying their children, the children are emotional, and they take a mobile phone with their hands and let the children play by themselves. Mobile phones bring people closer to each other, and at the same time make people close to the end of the world. The farthest distance in life is that I am opposite you, but you turn a blind eye.

Modern parents attach importance to giving their children material satisfaction, but neglect to cultivate living habits. The harm of children's premature access to mobile phones can be deeply felt by some parents who have been deeply affected.

Hazard one: sharp decline in vision

This should be the most concerned by many parents, children due to decreased vision, prematurely put on the age-inappropriate myopia mirrors, parents look at both heartache and helplessness. Moreover, the damage to the cervical spine for a long time is also very large, and it is easy to cause irreversible damage earlier.

Hazard two: lack of concentration

Paying too much attention to mobile phones will make children lose the ability to think actively, get used to passively receiving information, and in the long run, children's ability to resist external harm will also weaken. Indulging in the pleasure brought by the mobile phone picture will cause a lot of damage to the development of the child's mind.

"Coaxing" a big child with a mobile phone, these aspects will be different

Hazard three: Poor self-control affects learning

Once the use of mobile phones, there is no constraint, accompanied by out of control, mobile phones are not around the psychology is not steadfast, no intention to learn or even tired of learning. Especially for some children whose self-control is not very strong, if they use the mobile phone for too long, they will have a sense of dependence on the mobile phone, resulting in a further decline in self-control.

"Coaxing" a big child with a mobile phone, these aspects will be different

If you have no way to face your child's mobile phone dependence, you may wish to try these three methods.

Method 1: Parents lead by example and set an example for their children

Parents hold their mobile phones all day long, enjoying it tirelessly, hoping that their children will not play with mobile phones, and it is difficult to be like the blue sky. Only when parents first set an example and quit playing mobile phones can they be fully convincing. Otherwise, if the child says why parents can play with mobile phones, the parents will stop the flag, and if the conversation continues, it will probably be forced.

Moreover, children are sometimes imitating the appearance of adults, and if parents do not use mobile phones as the whole of rest and entertainment, it is naturally difficult for children to be interested.

Method two: rational use of mobile phones helps to form good habits

Children can use mobile phones under the supervision of their parents, grasp the measure, and reasonably plan the time to play mobile phones. For example, one hour at a time, the child returns on time, and the next time can continue to play. If you violate the agreement and do not return it to you at the time, you will be punished for not playing again for a few days. The cultivation of good habits is expensive in persistence, and once a tacit understanding is reached with parents, children will also be accustomed to abiding by the agreement.

Method three: divert attention and cultivate interest

If some children are addicted to mobile phones, parents do not have to blame themselves too much, at this time, repeated preaching is difficult to have a positive impact, parents should try to find alternative ways of entertainment, diverting children's attention. For example, accompanying your child to the park for a walk, parents and children to make a painting together, are good choices. Children are addicted to playing with mobile phones because of the lack of parental companionship and the lack of peers who can play around, but mobile phones fill this vacancy.

Therefore, we must not let children stay by their parents every day, but still feel lonely, and children need to thrive in a loving and companionial family environment.

"Coaxing" a big child with a mobile phone, these aspects will be different

Family education and child mental health

Pay attention to children's learning and education, and care for children's mental health! Free sharing of scientific children's education knowledge, transmission of professional education concepts, to provide education information at home and abroad. Parents are welcome to exchange preschool education, early childhood education, parent-child early education, developmental psychology, health psychology and other children-related knowledge, parents have materials, so that children are better.

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