
Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Born in the hottest era of China's SUV market, but in the overall decline of the domestic car market in the environment of the growth of the trend, becoming the fastest to achieve 300,000 sales, the first to use its own 9-speed DCT, the first to break the Japanese HEV hybrid "myth" of the Chinese high-end brand, Wei Pai has been able to verify the development law of "the sky will fall to the sith people" all the way, and in this year's "Horizon Cup" The third annual model evaluation of China's intelligent vehicles, Wei brand Mocha once again won another first place, and it is also the only award of this year - The 3rd China Intelligent Vehicle Annual Model Evaluation Annual Smart Model.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Since its inception, Weipai has promised the market to "end the era of huge profits of foreign brands" and "make luxury accessible" as the brand mission. This goal, which seemed like a "fool's dream" at the time, was always meticulously practiced by Wei Pai. Through the price of new cars released in recent years, it is not difficult to find that the original starting price of foreign B-class cars with a starting price of at least 200,000 yuan has now been adjusted to about 180,000 yuan; foreign-funded SUVs that were not high in configuration and low in price were forced to increase their configuration and adjust their prices. With the advent of Mocha DHT-PHEV, the competition rules of the market seem to be facing rewriting again.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Derived from the accumulated technical advantages

Why stir up the market on your own? This requires the combined efforts of many factors, including workmanship, configuration, price, etc. But if it comes down to one word, I'm afraid there is no word more appropriate than "core competitiveness".

How to understand core competitiveness? That is, it not only has the technical advantages that are difficult to compare with other competitors, but also has a price advantage that can be generally accepted by the market. Therefore, the best way to have stable product performance and reduce costs as much as possible is to take the technology into your own hands. The Mocha DHT-PHEV can still have a strong market competitiveness across the level of competition, thanks to Weipai's continuous investment and research and development in the core technology field.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Taking coffee intelligence as an example, it is a new generation of vehicle intelligent system with Weipai as the user-centered, vehicle-as-carrier, and cross-scenario application, and it is also the core of Mocha DHT-PHEV's outstanding intelligent performance, including the core capabilities of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, and intelligent service "three-wisdom integration", which promotes the intelligent improvement of vehicles from multiple levels such as perception, data, HMI, service and experience, so as to build a travel service ecology in the new era.

The NOH Intelligent Pilot Assisted Driving System equipped with Mocha DHT-PHEV is the core technology supporting intelligent driving, which can realize six major functions, including entry and exit ramp, intelligent avoidance sink entrance, intelligent lane change protection, and fatigue monitoring. and other functions, "Weipai's NOH intelligent pilot auxiliary driving function can not only realize the adaptive cruise between entering the high speed and driving out of the high speed, but also can automatically change lanes, overtake and other complex actions under the premise of ensuring safety, if in the process of automatic lane change encounters the rear car overtaking, the system will automatically stop lane change, much like a mature and stable old driver. Liu Zongwei, an associate researcher at Tsinghua University's School of Vehicles and Vehicles and assistant dean of the Automotive Industry and Technology Strategy Research Institute, said.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Next, Weipai's NOH technology will also enter the city from the highway, and the new function of black technology "City NOH" will also be implemented on the MOCHA DHT-PHEV model in the future, through hardware configurations such as lidar, special optimization for the city's diverse and complex road conditions, such as increasing the recognition of traffic lights in the city, avoiding traffic jams at intersections, avoiding pedestrians and other convenient functions, fully optimizing the user's intelligent driving experience. Let's experience the "Urban NOH" through a scenario-based video.

In addition to intelligent technology, the intelligent DHT hybrid technology equipped with Mocha DHT-PHEV is also an important crystallization of Weipai technology research and development investment. The starting point of intelligent DHT hybrid technology research and development is to solve three major pain points, that is, pure electric vehicle charging time is long, the endurance is short, and the winter battery loss is fast; and the oil car faces high carbon emissions, jitter during mechanical work, and it is more difficult to get on the card in first-tier cities; the pain point of hybrid vehicles is that the pure electric endurance is short, and some even have higher fuel consumption than traditional fuel vehicles, and pursue endurance on the premise of power.

If you want to achieve a long battery life under pure electricity, the most effective way is to increase the battery capacity, mocha DHT-PHEV battery capacity of up to 39.67kWh, pure electric cruising range of 204 kilometers, in the PHEV products are difficult to match. Moreover, the battery can also achieve fast charging, 25 minutes of charging, and the cruising range can reach 160 kilometers. According to the 2021 Commuting Monitoring Report of Major Cities in China, the commuting radius of first- and second-tier cities is usually 38 kilometers, and the cumulative commuting per week is 190 kilometers. The MOCHA DHT-PHEV currently has a pure electric endurance of 204 kilometers, which truly implements the ideal of "short-distance commuting electricity and long-distance travel oil" into reality.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Don't look at the Mocha DHT-PHEV battery capacity is not small, but the size of this battery is not large, this is because of the high integration of the intelligent DHT architecture, lightweight advantages. The reason why we can do this is because Weipai is backed by Hive Energy - it is already one of the top 10 battery manufacturers in the world, and Mocha DHT-PHEV has achieved self-sufficiency in battery research and development and production.

In addition, the intelligent DHT hybrid technology adopts a two-speed transmission mechanism, and its core advantage is that it can make the engine enter the direct drive earlier: under the tandem extended range architecture, the engine cannot be directly driven, first generate electricity, and then the current is given to the drive motor, and the energy of the engine will be lost; under the single-stop series parallel architecture, the engine has only one direct drive, the engine enters the direct drive late, and the power of the direct drive is weak; under the power shunt architecture, high-speed working conditions, the engine always has to separate a part of the power generation, resulting in increased fuel consumption. It can be seen that the above three structures have their own shortcomings, and compared with other structures, intelligent DHT hybrid technology can effectively make up for their shortcomings under the blessing of the two-speed transmission mechanism.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Therefore, in the urban driving scenario, mocha DHT-PHEV can intervene in direct drive earlier, further improving the comprehensive energy efficiency and reducing fuel consumption; when cruising at high speed, the engine efficiency is maintained by switching to the high-speed gear; and when the high-speed overtaking, the engine is downshipped, driven in parallel with the motor, the dual power is effectively superimposed, the power is strong, and the rapid overtaking is achieved; under the high-speed climbing load, the 1st gear direct drive coverage can also be used, and there is no need to switch the tandem mode to reduce the system energy loss.

With a set of combination punches, the Mocha DHT-PHEV achieves a combination of high efficiency and fuel saving and strong power that is rare in the same class of cars. And Mocha DHT-PHEV let us see that an enterprise wants to do a good job of a PHEV system, and it must achieve independent research and development in many aspects. Including platform architecture, battery, engine, gearbox, intelligent software, all of these places must be autonomous, in order to achieve the cooperation of various subsystems, to achieve the best results.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

As a strong technical product, although it has entered a new track, the technical barriers to new energy vehicles still exist. Compared with the technical reserves of the new forces from scratch and less than a decade, Weipai, which is backed by such a large factory as the Great Wall, has a long-term accumulation of engines, motors, transmissions and other technologies. Moreover, now that Chinese brands have entered the era of awakening technology reverse output, Weipai intelligent DHT hybrid technology also achieves the efficient operation of the full-speed domain through leading innovation and structural change, breaking through the technical defense line of international brands and bringing leading Chinese solutions to the world.

For consumers, with the blessing of coffee intelligence and smart DHT, Mocha DHT-PHEV has truly achieved 0 anxiety and 0 anxiety of driving and riding, so that consumers can enjoy a smart and safe travel life.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Challenge the 500,000-class Luxury Cockpit Experience

Compared with the interior of traditional fuel vehicles, the smart cockpit of Mocha DHT-PHEV can be described as "subversive". The main style of Mocha interior is simplicity and technology, but in terms of materials, Tesla, which also pursues a simple style, can only be described as "simple leak" in front of Mocha. In addition to being covered with soft materials wherever it can be reached, mocha is meticulous in detail, such as the door bolts with damping, the slow rise and fall of the windows, the veritable Nappa leather seats, the door lining and the diamond-shaped grid embossing process used in the seats. When people accept the theory of "software-defined cars", thinking that Tesla, Ideal, and Weilai can compete with BBA, but when they complain that the new forces are not delicate enough and the materials are simple, Mocha explains to people in the interior how to use "hardware to define luxury", which is difficult to learn without the new forces without traditional car manufacturing foundations.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

At the same time, the interior cockpit composed of 9.2-inch full LCD instrument, 14.6-inch central control large screen, air conditioning control screen, third-generation streaming media rearview mirrors and AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system reflects a full sense of technology, these 5 screens basically cover all the information we need when driving, especially the AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system, in addition to map navigation information, including side-on-arrival car warning and other road participant labeling information can also be displayed. Significantly reduces the likelihood that the driver will ignore a certain traffic participant.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

For 300,000 yuan SUVs, people have accepted the definition of interior luxury in LUXURY BRANDS SUCH AS Mercedes-Benz GLC L and BMW X3, but Wei Pai has made this mindset a thing of the past. In the newly launched Mocha DHT-PHEV model, the rhythmic infinity in-car mood light, HARMAN Infinity12 speaker high-fidelity surround sound becomes the standard, coupled with the PM2.5 active purification system, theme space fragrance system, negative ion air oxygen bar, rear side window sunshade and privacy glass and electronic control active suspension and other functions, let people re-examine what kind of luxury can be bought for 300,000 yuan.

In addition, the luxury of the cockpit is also reflected in the NVH. In addition to the multi-layer lamination of the window glass, the NVH treatment of the mocha DHT-PHEV in seven aspects, such as body, shape, air tightness, acoustic package, chassis, power, and active noise reduction, is also in place. It can be said that for the grasp of luxury, Wei Pai has never lost, and although the mocha DHT-PHEV is 300,000 yuan, it is built according to the 500,000 comfort standard, bringing physical and mental comfort and pleasure to the driver and occupants, and truly realizing the 0 anxiety of the cockpit.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

Deepening change and becoming a "head goose"

From the luxury positioning four years ago to the impact on the high-end new energy market today, Wei Pai seems to have no obsession with pursuing luxury, but in fact, from visible to tangible, Mocha exudes a luxurious temperament from the inside to the outside. As a Chinese brand that can compete with foreign brands, Weipai has achieved great changes in products from catching up with foreign capital to leading the market.

Hard power technology is the foundation of enterprises, and in the new energy market, soft power from user operations is also a must for all car companies. As a seemingly traditional car brand, Great Wall Motors' endless fancy marketing in recent years has not been strange, and in Weipai, its user service system will also be deepened again. Under the existing model, Weipai will further adjust the organizational structure and channels and business forms, establish a new mechanism, and continuously change from the aspects of model, awareness, ability, system, mechanism and form, and renew the user service system.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

The Great Wall, which has always attached great importance to overseas markets, has not given up this link in Weipai's planning. Different from the choice of most domestic new energy vehicle brands to go to Norway, Weipai set its first stop in Germany, the home of BBA with a century-old car manufacturing foundation. Under the most stringent standards, accepting the market test with the longest development of automobile culture is not only a key step for Weipai to be full of confidence in its own technology, but also a key step for it to establish a high-end brand image.

Sword points to high-end new energy Wei Pai ushered in a new stage of upward mobility

As Wei Jianjun said: "Whether it is me personally or Wei Pai, choosing a 'road that no one has walked', although full of challenges and uncertainties, we must constantly challenge ourselves and become a benchmark." We believe that only the most innovative brands can survive, and only brands with higher strategic patterns can develop. ”

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