
What can crush the marriage is actually not a change of heart, nor is it a bad relationship between husband and wife

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What can crush the marriage is actually not a change of heart, nor is it a bad relationship between husband and wife

If you want to have a happy marriage, start by taking care of your daily chores!

--Mizuki Nianhua

Text | Mizuki Nianhua Picture | Source network

Joy or sorrow - there I have always been with you

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The simplest thing in marriage is the chores that everyone can do and everyone can do well. But often the easier things are, the more contradictions will arise in our lives and destroy the harmony and beauty of life.

For example, the bowl is not washed, two people can't hold it; the floor is not wiped, two people are comparing with each other...

Every push and compare will hurt each other's feelings. Over time, seemingly simple chores, add up to more, and they will crush your marriage.

Therefore, what causes the relationship between husband and wife to be disharmonious is often not a big thing that is not white or black, but a small household chore that you can do at hand.

Housework, seemingly small, can cause a rift in the marriage.

Therefore, what really crushes marriage is actually a "small thing", but it is easy to be ignored.


Housework can create contradictions in marriage

Whether two people are harmonious or not does not only lie in the similarity of personality, living habits, and personal hobbies, but also affects the feelings of two people in the details of life.

Your attitude toward the details of two people's lives is your attitude towards your other half.

Daimyo and Sakura have been married for 9 years, and life has always been smooth. Daimyo is a mechanic, Sakura is the workshop leader, the two have a combined salary of nearly 20,000, and there is a daughter who is 8 years old, smart and cute.

However, such a good living condition, the two people have been arguing for so many years.

After lunch that day, Sakura quarreled again because Daimyo did not wash the dishes. The daughter next to them said loudly, "Mommy and Daddy, you always quarrel because of unimportant things." ”

Two people you look at me, I look at you, look at each other, both feel embarrassed, not as sensible as 8-year-old children.

Since then, the two people have never quarreled again, whoever has time will do housework, share with each other, understand each other, the family is harmonious, and the days are getting happier.

As the saying goes: "Why sweep the world without sweeping a house?" "If the chores are not taken care of well, how can you have the ability to run your own business?" If people have the determination to make a career, they must first be able to run their own families well.

However, at home, many men put housework as a label on their wives, thinking that their wives are doing housework, and housework has nothing to do with him. In fact, this is shirking responsibility.

In the matter of living a life, husbands and wives do not have an absolute division of labor. Family life requires two people to work together and go in both directions, and the days will get better and better.

Therefore, housework seems simple, but it is the place where contradictions are most likely to breed.

Men must be more considerate of their wives' difficulties and help their wives share the housework. In this way, the wife will also be grateful to you, and the feelings of the two people will be closer.


Husbands should not treat their wives as free "nannies"

Somewhere, a university professor proposed to a 45-year-old nanny from the countryside, only to be ruthlessly rejected by the nanny.

The reason is simple, the nanny said: "I work as a nanny in his house and have an income of six thousand yuan a month." If you become his wife, you don't have any money every month, and you have to cook for him, wash his clothes, clean up the house..."

All the work is not less, even much more than before, nominally his wife, but in fact it is his free "nanny", and she certainly will not agree.

Indeed, it's not the selfishness of women, it's that college professors are clearly looking for free babysitters. This is actually a deprivation of benefits, as long as there is a little self-knowledge of the woman will understand.

Marriage is the result of love, and a woman is herself a weak person in nature. Therefore, men should take care of and care for their wives, rather than for the purpose of marriage and achieve their own interests.

True love must be mutual help and mutual love, no entanglement of interests, no deception, and no power grab.

Especially in marriage, marriage is the harbor of love, not the "battlefield" where you lose and I win. Therefore, men should take good care of their wives and children and bring them eternal peace.


In marriage, husband and wife need to love each other

In marriage, what is most needed is the mutual love between partners to live a good life.

However, love is not only about giving each other good gifts and pouring out each other's troubles, but more in the details of each other's lives.

Du Jiang and Huo Siyan are an enviable couple, they are not only bright and beautiful in appearance, but also have a very emotional life.

Both are close to 40 years old, but they look like they are post-90s.

It is said that people with good moods will become more and more beautiful, and Du Jiang and Huo Siyan usually get along very happily, almost no quarrels, and few contradictions occur. That's why they look so young.

In a variety show, it can be seen that Huo Siyan loves to clean up the house, she keeps the home spotless, very warm and romantic, the family environment is so, which man will not like it?

According to Huo Siyan, at work, the two people also take care of each other. If she is filming, no matter how late she comes back, Du Jiang will wait for her and make her a supper that she likes to eat.

Now, the two people's baby sons Hum are 9 years old, and the family of three is very happy.

Marriage is that men and women live together because of each other's loneliness and because of each other's love.

Therefore, in marriage, husband and wife must tolerate, understand and love each other in order to have a happy life.

The family is the place where we want to return to rest after a hard day; the only place where we can relax our hearts after we have shed all our disguises. Although it is the smallest social unit, it is the greatest nest of love.

Your whole life, the blessings and sins will be reflected in the family, only husband and wife love each other, will run the home well, will have a happy future that belongs to you.


Most of a person's life is spent in family chores.

Many times, what can really crush the marriage is not a change of heart, nor is it a bad relationship between husband and wife, but a tedious chore.

People who can run a family will clean up the chores of a place and make a beautiful feather duster to clean the room, while the people who can't run the family are the chicken feather trivialities that are difficult to clean up.

Running a marriage is really a science, and if you manage it well, it is your own happiness for a lifetime; if you don't manage it well, it will destroy your life.

If you run well, all the happiness in the marriage will be immersed in family chores and let your years be quiet.

So, if you want to have a happy marriage, start by taking care of your daily chores!

Treat everything with your heart, clean up your room with your heart, and organize your world with your heart, and you will always be happy.

If you're having emotional distress

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