
"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Big Bull Busy Marriage Emotional Case Series

Keywords: marriage, divorce, remarriage

Article length: 4600 words

Original articles, plagiarism must be investigated

There are many men around me who care about me and help me, and some people say they love me...

I am very proud and aggrieved, and I have a kind of confusion in my heart: even other people's husbands are so good to me, why my husband doesn't care about me...

The above is a woman's pre-divorce distress, after the husband and wife quarrel, she is very sad, feel that her husband does not love herself, far less understanding of herself than the men outside.

How many women have had this confusion?

It can be said that similar emotional confusion (or grievance) is quite common in marriage and has far-reaching effects. Most women who are "desperate" to divorce, more than half of the men, have had this thought.

When people are emotionally up, it is easy to make extreme decisions. Many people take it for granted that all the opposite sex around them are better than the other half.

Sadness makes people confused for a short time, and this emotion is understandable. But in general, later experience can easily prove that "others are good" is your pre-divorce self-righteousness, but it is just an illusion of wishful thinking...

Next, I will tell you about this lady's marriage case. Some emotional logic is deep, difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand, and after understanding it, they are full of sorrow.

A bland marriage is happiness, and many people are not blessed in the blessing.

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

What divorce means to women

In the tone of this lady," I will tell you only truthfully. For readability, a little tidying up.

What does divorce mean for women?

When I first got divorced, this question was worth my repeated visions. There is no shortage of men under the sky, there are many good men, and there is always someone who is suitable for me.

Heaven closes one door for me and opens another window for me. Divorce is the end of suffering, means a better start, and heralds a happier future.

I firmly believe that happiness is not far away, somewhere in the world, and there must be a good man waiting for me. Maybe we don't have to see each other, maybe we face some tests. But as soon as he appeared in front of my eyes, I recognized him at first sight.

As long as we really give, we can love each other for a lifetime. Companionship is the most simple promise for the rest of life, there are flowers in all seasons, and there is always a season to cheer for us.

I was full of longing and waiting for that person, and that day would come soon...

Now I've been divorced for 2 years and the guy I'm waiting for hasn't shown up yet. I began to wonder, would he still appear, where exactly was he?

After experiencing some things, I gradually realized that there are too many lies between people. The original vision has been blurred, replaced by the reality of life.

All the questions about divorce and love seem very nerve-wracking these days. I saw through some people, I saw through some things, and I saw through the once innocent self...

As a woman who has been divorced for 2 years, I hardly dare to cheat on myself with dreams anymore. Wiping away tears again and again, I couldn't find better feelings to pin this dream.

In the eyes of my family, my life has failed, and no one wants to mention my name. In the eyes of friends and colleagues, my feelings are like one sad joke after another.

Compared with the women around me who have happy families, I have gradually turned myself into the most inferior person. I'm 46 years old, who else can I rely on in the future...

The distress and grievance in my heart told me over and over again that everyone who knew me seemed to be laughing at me, and they were looking forward to bigger jokes.

One of the people who is most looking forward to seeing my jokes is probably my ex-husband and his fox friends...

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Second, about divorce, too self-righteous

After the divorce, I slowly saw through life.

Once, I really thought divorce was the beginning of a woman's new life. Say goodbye to marriage, bravely let yourself go, happiness is not far ahead.

As a woman, it's not hard to start a relationship over again. In the fate of women, the difficulty is never to find a better person to love themselves, but whether they have the courage to re-plan their lives...

I was too self-righteous, always thinking that I could meet love when I turned around.

Driven by self-confidence, I gambled on divorce. Not only hurt my husband, but also myself. I regret it, but is it still useful to regret it?

About divorce, let's start with an incident 2 years ago...

Divorce is not that I am doing nothing wrong, but I have a good life. But since I married him, I have never seen a good life!

Marriage is bland, life is a chicken feather. The feelings of husband and wife have long cooled, and the days have become more and more tired.

After 20 years of marriage, my husband's work has stood still. Everyone around him was promoted, but he was not promoted.

Everyone in his unit treated him like a fool and stepped on him to climb up. Everyone has become a leader, and he always does not want to make progress, unwilling to tear his face and compete with them!

I think he's stupid, not only has no fighting spirit, but also doesn't know how to fight.

He had a group of fox friends, several of whom were old classmates, and they ate and drank together when they had nothing to do. He often entertains, punches his swollen face and fills the fat, as if he has a lot of ability...

To be honest, I look down on his hypocrisy. Good ones don't learn, they learn from bad ones, and they mix with people who don't have the ability all day, what can they do?

In the last 1 year of marriage, I was very disgusted with him. If it wasn't for the kids, I would have turned my face to him a long time ago.

I look forward to his good life and understand that it is not easy for me. But he always went his own way and didn't care about my feelings.

One day, an old friend of his opened the door and invited him to a drink.

I made it clear to him that you can't go, and that opening a store has nothing to do with you! You are just junior high school classmates, don't have that friendship, don't go to be a wronged boss!

I made the reason clear, but he took my words as the wind in my ears, and I was finally disappointed...

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Third, be brave in divorce, just ask to let yourself go

I confiscated his private money, and he actually borrowed money with his share! He was so drunk that night that he came home and told the truth.

How could I have imagined that he would borrow money to go with him?

What a silly spirit this is? I almost got mad at him and cried for a long time.

He was really ruined, competing in front of his colleagues, and being played in front of his fox friends. He always said let me understand him, so who will understand me?

I have long felt that he doesn't care about me, and he is not as good as other people's husbands who understand me, care about me, and love me. Of course, I am wronged, many people around me like me, why does my husband not care about me?

Is he still a qualified husband?

How I wanted to live a good life, but he never looked at me! In the 20 years since I got married, I haven't tried anything about him, but he's out there, obviously not showing up, and he's playing me like a fool.

Do I care about the 2,000 dollars? What I care about is his conscience!

As a 44-year-old woman, my youth is running out, so why accompany him? It is not easy for a woman in this life, and marrying a husband who does not want to make progress is a kind of suffering, and it should be relieved long ago.

What did he give me after 20 years of marriage? All disappointed!

When I felt that marriage was no longer worth it, there was only one option left in front of me, divorce!

I told him: I'm so disappointed in you, the kids are in college, get a divorce. Whoever I am with in the future is better than with you!

I tearfully proposed the divorce and he disagreed. But my heart is dead, and I can't go on for a day.

I ran away from home and traveled with a friend who cared about me for more than ten days. We were distracted and accidentally had a relationship...

After the husband knew, he finally agreed to divorce. After a month of back-and-forth, the marriage finally ended. On the day of the divorce he rubbed his eyes and didn't speak, quietly crying.

In fact, my heart is worse than his, and he doesn't understand my grievances at all!

If I hadn't been so disappointed in the marriage, if he had cherished me, I wouldn't have done that kind of stupid thing at all, and I wouldn't have been willing to divorce...

Everything is blamed on him never taking me seriously, after 20 years of marriage, he is not as good as other men to me!

Although I am also sad, I am also very confident. I believe that not far ahead, there is a suitable person waiting for me.

Women's happiness must ultimately rely on themselves to fight, if they do not even have the courage to pursue their dreams, it is the sadness of life. I put up with him for 20 years, and finally let myself go...

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Fourth, reality is in front of us, not in dreams

I was 44 when I got divorced and I knew I wasn't young. I don't dare to ask how beautiful the future is, but only that someone truly loves me.

No matter who you meet in the future, as long as you are better than your ex-husband.

Many friends said that I was stupid, put the iron rice bowl husband do not want, sooner or later will regret it. There were also people who whispered that I had failed in my life.

I'm not convinced, is divorce a failure? I don't think divorce is a failure, that's the beginning of happiness.

Many women find happiness in their second marriage, do they fail? They didn't fail, it was an inspirational story.

There are also some women who are more inspirational and have experienced too many emotional setbacks, but still insist on their dreams. They insisted on the belief in love and the pursuit of life, and finally found happiness in the 3rd marriage.

Eat bitterly, and be a superior person. Women worse than me can find good men, and I can. The world is big, I'm not too bad, there are many good men, and there are always a few people who like me...

I will definitely meet the man who treats me like a first love. For the rest of my life, if he is deeply righteous and does not abandon him, I will have no complaints, no regrets, and I will live and die together.

After the divorce, I also want to talk about a love that is very much in love. Just like those women who remarry, forget the past and reclaim another strong self. Find a good man who loves me to start over, seriously cultivate feelings, and get along with each other forever...

Unfortunately, my luck was not good enough. Not only did I not wait for the stars to receive the treatment of the moon, but I did not even meet a man who was sincere to me.

My heart is getting more and more lonely, and I don't want to lose. In order to find someone to accompany, I have talked about 2 relationships.

I tried to be sincere with them, but unfortunately from the beginning to the end, I only touched myself.

The men who used to care about me, who were dedicated, who made euphemistic confessions, who were only willing to talk about feelings, not the future. Even if they are nice to me, they are still the husband of another woman.

After only 2 years of divorce, life shattered my fantasies about love. What I encountered was not love, but unspeakable emotional setbacks.

Maybe it's time to finally understand that love is also a reality. Reality is always in front of you, not in dreams...

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Fifth, emotional problems, unexpected

After living in marriage for 20 years, I have never figured out the truth, and the divorce has only been understood in 2 years.

The tears made me gradually understand that although love is worth waiting for, I have not met anyone who has fought for me.

Although I still dream of a better future and still believe that happiness will always come, I am more and more afraid to reminisce about the past. A lot of things are hard to talk about, maybe I'm really wrong, at least I'm going astray on the road of divorce.

Other women have husbands to pamper, I don't. Other women can justifiably love their husbands, but I have become the "three children" in their eyes at this age.

In the eyes of men with ulterior motives, I am a lamb to be slaughtered. It wasn't love, it was misery.

Regret after regret is hidden in my heart, and I have words of suffering. Even if I sometimes want to say all the words in my heart, I can't find the right person to talk to.

No one cares about my past, and no one cares if I live or die. They would only pretend to persuade me to be strong and then continue to watch my jokes.

I had hoped for a better fate, but now I find that this is the destination of fate.

I'm not young anymore, I'm self-inflicted, and I shouldn't complain about anything. At first, I didn't know how to do what I could, and now I have to continue to deceive myself. I was afraid to face the future and had to face it again.

The marriage case ended here, and a woman told it about half a year ago. She regretted the divorce and didn't know if her ex-husband was willing to accept her. I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't find the courage and opportunity...

It is said that the other day, she and her ex-husband lived together, and remarriage is just around the corner.

I felt that this case was worth mentioning, so I wrote this article.

"Someone else's husband is so good to me, why doesn't my husband care about me?"

Continue to tell what happened later in her tone.

The other day, I plucked up the courage to visit my sick ex-mother-in-law, hoping to find a little topic. My ex-husband was grumpy and wouldn't let me in the door and beat me.

His fox friends were also there, buying gifts to visit the old man. I thought they would say bad things about me, but I didn't expect them to say good things for me.

They advised their ex-husbands: Brother, you are almost 50 years old, what are you doing with your younger siblings? Younger sister hard work to maintain the family, with hard work to train you 2 college students, you are still not satisfied? For more than 20 years, we can see clearly that she has worked hard to follow you, and you should not do this to her. Since the younger sister is back, we are all happy for you, hurry up and book a day, another day to drink happy wine...

Under their persuasion, my ex-husband did not drive me away. We were 7 people eating together that day, like a family, the ex-husband drank too much, hugged me and cried...

At that time, I especially looked down on his friends, who were all men who did not show up.

Now I find out I was wrong.

Although their family conditions are very poor, their hearts are very kind. They were true friends, and if it wasn't for their persuasion, my ex-husband wouldn't have accepted me so easily.

I don't want to say it again, I just want to cry. At that time, I was too powerful to misunderstand well-meaning people.

Now that I live with my ex-husband, the process of remarriage may be a little far away, but I am still grateful that he did not blame me. Thank you to those friends for saying good things for me, regardless of the previous accusations...

This is the case of the marriage, and the lady will most likely remarry. I do not express any point of view, just truthfully narrate, the article itself is the point of view. Everyone who comes over has their own opinion, and that's the reality.

Inside and outside the marriage, many things are unpredictable, and there are too many unexpected in the relationship. As she said, the truth that she did not understand after 20 years of marriage, it was understood in just 2 years of divorce. This sentence seems to be quite inspirational, but in fact, it is ironic.

Women have to understand that the outside world is not as wonderful as you think.

Other men are good to you, not how good you really are, but they have other purposes. In your eyes, your husband's fox friend, although his status is low, you can't deny true friendship.

Men also need to understand that there are some things that you seem inconsequential to women often care about.

Dealing with marriage problems is not a question of "who makes whom to serve", otherwise there is no need to be together in the first place.

The reasons for divorce may be complicated, but there is always one person who is selfish. In principle, the person who betrays love and abandons his family does not deserve happiness anymore. But reality tells us that many people are helpless.

Remarriage is a difficult decision, but in the end, it is also for the sake of later life. Who can blame? People are different from each other, no complaints and no regrets.

Maybe many people have the idea of divorce, but at least you have to believe that no matter how you plan, no one but yourself and your family will hurt you for no reason.

Middle-aged people's feelings are more complicated, and everyone can say that they love you ten thousand times. But the reality is that no one has extra love to give you.

Regardless of men and women, don't say big words in front of divorce, say big words and flash your tongue. Don't be naïve in emotional issues, innocence must be sadistic.

— END —

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