
Children enjoy quiet time is a manifestation of negative entropy ability, parents may wish to let themselves stop

Children enjoy quiet time is a manifestation of negative entropy ability, parents may wish to let themselves stop

Everyone is the king of his own world.

When reason suppresses sensibility, then his world will operate in an orderly and standardized manner; when sensibility prevails, then he will be very grumpy, and his world will easily get out of control.

If a person can be quiet, then when he faces difficulties and setbacks, he will be more serious, calm, easier to see the direction of things, and analyze the optimal solution to solve the problem.

In the team, it is a presence that makes people feel reliable.

However, such people generally do not like to get together, but are willing to act alone, playing alone, eating, watching movies, sleeping, and always seem to be outside the crowd.

Don't think that only adults can do it to enjoy quiet, and some children can do the same.

They are generally very confident, have a set of their own ideas, and are very firm in their choices.

And always enjoying your own state of life, which is very remarkable.

Such children are not introverted or low in social skills, they simply like a quiet atmosphere, like a space to be alone, parents must not worry.

What is negative entropy capacity

"Entropy" in physics is a measure of the degree of confusion in a system, representing a state of disorder.

And "negative entropy" can be understood with "negative negative positive", which means an ordered and clear state.

The concept of "negative entropy" is quoted in psychology, which means that people's consciousness is very clear, calm, and organized.

Children who like to be alone usually have the ability to negative entropy.

Children enjoy quiet time is a manifestation of negative entropy ability, parents may wish to let themselves stop

Because children when they are alone, in a quiet atmosphere, without the interference of others, they can summarize and sort out the information they usually receive, help them sort out the context, and form a systematic understanding of the people and the world around them.

This is a very valuable ability, and in the process of organizing information, their memory can also be improved.

The information that is processed will eventually be used by the child and generate value.

Therefore, the ability of negative entropy allows children to systematically summarize the information received by the brain, which is very remarkable.

So children who can be quiet usually have their own set of ideas.

Because their own logic is self-consistent, they can convince themselves of any decision, strengthen their own views, and resolutely implement them, and are less swayed by the opinions of others, that is, they can correctly view the evaluations of others and rationally adopt the views and suggestions of others.

Quietness allows children to enjoy full concentration

Full concentration is a state of very concentrated concentration, and when the child quietly focuses on the thing in his hand, he will have a similar experience, which is very rare.

It can automatically shield all external interference, and even forget the passage of time, reach the realm of self-forgetfulness, and bring people a high-quality enjoyment and happy time.

When the child is focused on his own affairs, parents should not interfere, destroy his beautiful experience, and affect the formation of the child's concentration.

These quiet tens of minutes may be the highlight moment that allows him to find his own interest, or solve the outstanding problems and try to get rewarded.

Quiet people are most afraid of being disturbed because they are engrossed, clear-minded, and able to deal with problems very efficiently.

Those things that are hard and repressive in the eyes of others, but in their eyes are enjoyable and worthy of persistence, and they are willing to eat, so that they can find the meaning of life.

"There is no ambition without indifference, and there is no distance without tranquility."

Quiet is an enviable quality, especially in today's society, attracting children's attention toys, games, entertainment projects, snacks so many, everyone's attention is very distracted, especially the need to cultivate children to learn to be quiet.

Let them find themselves in the quiet, develop creativity, explore their potential, cultivate their interests, enjoy every hard work, and taste the sweet fruit.

Develop each child's ability to return to quiet

Quiet is the ability of every child, parents can patiently dig it out, and cultivate children to learn to be quiet.

For example, some parents will send their children to learn Go, painting and other exercises to concentrate on it, so that children can feel the power of quietness by tasting the sense of achievement brought by continuous progress.

In daily life, parents should be good at observation, and once they find behaviors that highlight the quiet quality of their children, they will encourage and reinforce them.

Parents should not worry about their children not being social, but should create a quiet environment for their children, not to interfere with their children, but to protect their children's right to learn quiet, so that they can be patient and gain what they cannot.

Most children are energetic, more lively and active, and it is difficult to let them calm down.

Therefore, when parents find that their children can't calm down and can't sit on the "cold bench", don't be anxious, worried, and can't force their children, so as not to arouse the child's rebellious psychology.

Parents should be patient and wait, looking for children to taste the beauty of solitude, taste the sweetness of meditation and concentration, and let children have a good experience, in order to achieve success.

Whether it is an adult or a child, they need a quiet and strong rational force.

Quietness allows us to calm down and focus on one thing, helps us organize our thoughts, summarize the information we have obtained, and make it work.

We often say, don't go too fast and forget why you're starting.

We should cultivate our ability to be alone, listen to the true voice of our hearts, and think about what kind of choices we should make in the moment, in order to create higher value and write wonderful life stories for ourselves.

Children enjoy quiet time is a manifestation of negative entropy ability, parents may wish to let themselves stop

The way to get along

There are interesting and interesting things and attitudes. Analyze the feelings of both sexes, the psychology of men and women, interpret the origin of love marriage and family, discuss the wisdom of getting along with friends in the workplace and friends, share love skills, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, learn children's parent-child relationship, family education, and make your life more harmonious.

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