
The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

For today's children, online classes have long become a common way to attend classes. Basically, the children have taken online classes.

In recent times, the epidemic has rebounded, and in order not to affect the learning progress, the children have returned to the era of online classes.

The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

The mother accompanied the child to the online class at home, and broke down and cried

Nowadays, under the influence of the epidemic, many parents are also working at home, which is also a good thing, parents work from home, it is more convenient to take care of children, which makes some children with poor self-control, in the online class can also have some constraints, can help children improve learning efficiency.

However, a video released by a mother recently has resonated with many parents. Let us understand that sometimes, parents are more than enough and insufficient in the care of their children.

The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

In the video, the young mother appears on camera and looks a little haggard. The mother said that she had been with her child for three days of online classes, and as she spoke, tears slid straight down her eyes, looking very wronged. What happened to this mother?

Children take online classes, one step can not keep up, step by step can not keep up

We always feel that for children, the biggest problem with online classes is that children's attention is easily distracted and their grasp of new knowledge is not solid enough, but this mother tells us with facts that we are too naïve to think.

The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

The mother said to the camera that when her child was in online classes, he couldn't keep up with one step at a time, and he couldn't keep up with the steps, and the teacher said that he couldn't find which page he turned to when he took out the textbook. I can only watch the child, cut the eraser at the computer, cut the pencil, and cut the book. At the end of the video, he said, "I am a career-type strong woman, this heart." ”

In the video, the mother shed tears while speaking, and through the screen, she can feel the degree of sadness. It seems that this mother is really tortured by the child. The woman also said that she is a career-type strong woman, and may have some impatience in her personality. This leads to the woman being even more upset when faced with the child's inability to keep up. Considering that the child is in online classes, he cannot talk to the child, which affects normal learning. This makes the woman feel even more aggrieved.

The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

Netizen: The same child

The video quickly became a hit on the Internet, and the root cause is that many parents have resonated with the young mothers in the video. Now for parents, when children take online lessons, it is a fact that the effect is poor, but they do not learn at all, and they cannot do it. When tutoring their children, they always encounter all kinds of unexpected situations, which make parents feel very broken.

Many parents left messages under the video saying that "my children are the same", "Seeing you seems to see another self", "Sisters come on, I don't know how many times I have silently collapsed." "I just cried a lot the day before yesterday." It seems that parents have such troubles when supervising their children's online classes.

The mother accompanied her child to online classes for three days at home, and she broke down and cried, "I really can't stand it."

There are also some parents who are upset in the comment area about the teachers who work hard every day to impart knowledge. Indeed, with such a personal experience, we should better appreciate the difficulty of the teacher.

The author believes that children's online classes are really helpless, but as long as each of us pays attention to prevention, then the day when children do not have to take online classes will be coming soon. We look forward to that day.

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