
East China Normal University has compiled anti-epidemic mental health tips for young people to achieve the "six ones" and not be tired of learning at home

East China Normal University has compiled anti-epidemic mental health tips for young people to achieve the "six ones" and not be tired of learning at home

Xinmin Evening News (reporter Wang Wei) A long period of home isolation and online class learning have disrupted the daily life of primary and secondary school students and their families, and many children have nervous, anxious, and overwhelmed emotions. Recently, Zhou Tong and Professor Liu Junsheng, doctoral students in the School of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of East China Normal University, on the basis of long-term attention and research on the impact of the epidemic on the mental health of children and adolescents, compiled the "Six Ones" mental health tips, so that children can protect their hearts during this special period.

Clear, the source of the information to be clear

I don't know if you often feel this way, but after reading all kinds of news about the epidemic on your phone or on the Internet, you often feel tired or powerless, especially when the information is sometimes mixed with unrecognizable rumors. Let's clear up the source of information, throw away some unnecessary information, and make our hearts quiet.

Be quiet, and pay attention to emotional performance

Home isolation is a test of our psychological state, and everyone will more or less have some bad emotions, which is an emergency adaptation to the rapid changes in the outside world, without excessive worry and self-blame. Find a quiet time slot each day, write about the things that make you feel stressed today, and try to descriptively record your feelings. Subsequently, we can sort out and look back at the daily diary, find out the events that make us prone to emotional fluctuations, and take the initiative to stay away or face the solution.

Think about it, online learning to calm down

East China Normal University has compiled anti-epidemic mental health tips for young people to achieve the "six ones" and not be tired of learning at home

Many children have difficulty concentrating, inefficiency, and often have conflicts and even conflicts with their parents when learning online, and some people will also be angry, frustrated, helpless and sad. Students should first think about what is the reason for their anxiety about online learning, whether they are worried about the low efficiency of learning, or their inability to concentrate, or they have an avoidance mentality, and they feel that they can take advantage of this time to steal a lazy time. Everyone's reason is different, so you have to calm down and find the real reason. Then, everyone should turn their attention to their own controllable behavior. Combine work and leisure every day to maintain a pleasant mood. During the online class, you should pay attention to the lectures, and after the class, you should seriously complete the task. If there are mood swings, you may wish to talk to your parents and teachers more, seek their help, and let them share and reduce their own pressure.

Moving, good health requires exercise

After the home quarantine, our activity space has also been greatly reduced. At this time, we need to take the initiative to put sports on the agenda. Psychological research has found that exercise allows people's brains to secrete happy hormones such as endorphins and dopamine, so it can help us regulate our emotions during the epidemic. Teenagers can choose their own exercise methods, brisk walking in the community, indoor yoga, aerobics, etc. are all good forms, and exercise with family and friends.

Do it, enjoy peace of mind at regular work and rest

Getting up on time, eating on time, and sleeping on time, these small things in life constitute the daily routine. Even during the stay-at-home period, maintaining a regular schedule can make us feel that life is still controllable. Teenagers can start from four aspects, such as daily life, housework, homework, and getting along with people, and discuss with their families what regular things need to be maintained in family life, and implement them carefully in daily life.

Talk about it, family and friends often contact

Maintaining good relationships with others is also a great magic weapon for mental health. Staying at home can separate yourself from your friends in different places. The more difficult the period, the more mutual support and encouragement are needed. Think about who can give support and care when you are in a bad mood, write down their names, keep in touch with them, talk about the latest situation, complain about some unpleasant things, and look forward to a better future together.

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