
If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

High-IQ babies have flexible minds, quick thinking, not only memory sticks, whether it is doing things or learning efficiency is very high, most parents want their children to become such people.

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

But whether a child is highly intelligent or not is actually a trace. And you don't have to wait until you grow up, the child can see it before the age of 6, or even earlier. In general, children with these 8 characteristics have a high IQ up to 90% chance of becoming high IQ. Parents can compare themselves.

1. Children whose parents are highly educated

Children's IQ is affected by congenital genetics and acquired factors, and the innate conditions cannot be changed, and we can only change the acquired cultivation method. Families with high parental education not only create a richer language environment, but also provide a relatively better material environment, so children have more choices and a more favorable environment to receive a better education.

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

A British study showed that the average IQ of children whose parents are primary school education is 98.3, the average IQ of children whose parents are Chinese is 103.3, the average IQ of children whose parents are highly Chinese is as high as 108.1, and the average IQ of children whose parents are college culture is 109.9. Therefore, the educational level of parents is closely related to the environment they provide, and it also affects the child's IQ.

If you want your child to have a high IQ, parents can work harder to improve their cultural qualifications and educational environment.

Second, children with sharp and flexible eyes

Children with fast eyes and flexible eyes are born with high IQs, because the eyes are the windows of the mind, and the eyes are also the organs that send the most information to the brain of all the sensory organs of a person, and more than 90% of the information comes from the eyes.

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

So we found that those children with big eyes are smarter and more active than those who are sluggish, so parents should protect their children's vision, see more and think more, and improve the sensitivity of children's vision.

Third, children who love to laugh

Children who love to laugh from an early age are smarter. Because children are born with a strong ability to capture beautiful things, and many small babies interact with adults through laughter and express their emotions, this is their weapon of communication. Laughter is also known as "a dawn of wisdom." ”

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

Laughing children have a more cheerful personality and are more willing to share their joys and sorrows with others, and medical experts at the University of Washington in the United States have studied the relationship between age and wisdom and found that smart children laugh at external things earlier and more often than the average child.

Therefore, parents should laugh more and create more environments for children to laugh. You can tease her with toys and play games with him to let him release his nature and laugh more.

Fourth, children who eat breast milk

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

Breast milk is a natural nutrient, which is rich in a variety of nutrients that your baby needs to grow, which cannot be replaced by any nutrition. Nutritionists at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom conducted IQ tests on 300 children aged 7-8 years, and a detailed analysis of their infancy recipes found that children who grew up eating breast milk generally had higher IQs.

Therefore, if breastfeeding is available, parents can choose to breastfeed their baby. Taurine in breast milk not only increases the number of brain cells, but also contributes to the formation of neural networks.

Fifth, children who sleep enough

Children who love to sleep and sleep enough can get enough rest, and the sleep state can secrete substances that promote the secretion of the child's brain, and can also promote bone growth and development. French scientists found that children's academic performance is closely related to the length of their sleep, love to stay up late every day, sleep less than 8 hours, 61% of children have poor academic performance, sleep time of 10 hours a day, 76% of children have medium grades. While sleeping more than 10 hours a day, only 11% of the homework is poor.

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

So what parents have to do is to urge their children to go to bed early and form a fixed sleep habit and biological clock. It is best to fall asleep before 10 p.m. and let your child fall asleep as much as possible.

Sixth, children who love to play with their fathers

The role of the father is very important, he not only affects the child's IQ, but also affects the child's habitual personality. Studies have shown that children who often play with their fathers are naturally more sensitive to external stimuli, more independent and confident in life, like challenges, have stronger social skills, and have better spatial thinking and math scores.

Therefore, in daily life, fathers should accompany their children more, do games, play puzzles, draw, read, tell stories, etc., and create more time with their children.

Seventh, children who love sports

Exercise can release pressure to make people's mood better, and often run, high jump, running, etc. so that the child's brain is in the initial state of activation or relaxation, imagination and memory will be liberated from the shackles, and children who insist on exercising every day not only have healthy results, but also have stronger ability to resist stress, and the brain runs faster.

If the child has these 8 characteristics before the age of 6, most of them are the manifestations of high INTELLIGENCE, and parents can focus on cultivating

If you have the conditions, you can take your child to do some sports from an early age and cultivate your child's good habit of loving sports. For example, dancing, running, playing basketball, walking, etc.

Eighth, children who love to listen to music

Music is a praise for nature, the universe, life, is the wisdom and true feelings of life, music has a beautiful melody, rich emotions and slow rhythm, so that children resonate, with the rhythm of music imagination and immersive.

They are not only the art of sound, but also the art of human ingenuity, inspiring and expanding children's concepts of time and space, thus cultivating children's extraordinary imagination and creativity.

Listening to more music can develop intelligence, promote children's visual development, cultivate emotions, relieve stress, and get a lot of inspiration at the same time.

If you find that your children have the advantages of these 8 aspects from an early age, you must train more, if you are less, you can focus on development and create conditions.

Some innate conditions we cannot change, but we can start from the acquired environment and do some targeted training to make it the most favorable development.

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