
Kids crying and not going to school? Separation anxiety beware!

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Xue Renzheng

Correspondent Chen Qian Bai Tian

Photo/Visual China

Since the beginning of the school half a month, the door of the kindergarten can often see all kinds of babies: there are "crying type" babies, with violent crying to resist entering the kindergarten; "sticky" babies, obediently after entering the kindergarten has been following behind the teacher, with a variety of methods to start to want the mother, eat badly and sleep badly; "dependent" babies, originally in the kindergarten independent baby has become "clothes to reach out and open their mouths", everything must be helped by the teacher; "slow" baby, just started school everything is normal, after a period of school, All kinds of behaviors that do not adapt to the school begin to appear...

These behaviors are actually manifestations of separation anxiety in children.

Separation anxiety refers to an uneasy emotion and behavior that arises when a child is separated from a familiar environment or from an attachment partner. For young children, separation anxiety is mostly generated in kindergarten, with the highest incidence at 3 to 5 years old. When a child has separation anxiety, how should parents cope?

Kids crying and not going to school? Separation anxiety beware!

Parents should be mentally prepared

According to Tan Xiaohua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, separation anxiety is a problem that most babies will encounter. There are four possible reasons:

Separation from the primary caregiver, lack of peer interaction, and unmet emotional needs;

Differences in living habits, work and rest time, poor self-care ability, and difficulty in adapting to kindergarten life in a short period of time;

Influenced by parental anxiety;

It belongs to the difficult type and slow start-up temperament, and the social adaptability is weak.

After clarifying the reason, the first task of parents is to make psychological preparations, adjust their own mentality, avoid excessive tension and anxiety, and guide their children to face the matter of entering the kindergarten with a positive and relaxed attitude.

Help children adapt to kindergarten life in advance

In view of the above reasons, before entering the kindergarten, parents can use these methods to help their children adapt to kindergarten life in advance:

1. Guide children to expand the scope of social activities, other members of the family to increase interaction with children, create a warm and tolerant family atmosphere, and gradually extend the separation time and reduce excessive attachment to mothers by meeting the emotional needs of mothers and babies in a timely manner.

2. Adjust the family work and rest time, in accordance with the rules of the kindergarten, combined with the family, the child's situation, arrange relatively fixed activities every day, so that the child adapts to the kindergarten time arrangement in advance; it is not appropriate to over-do, in the case of accompanying the care to ensure safety, exercise the child's self-care ability (such as urinating and urinating, eating by himself), increase the opportunity for children of the same age to play, develop social adaptability in interpersonal interaction, and establish a sense of rule order.

3. Parents learn to adjust their mentality, avoid excessive worry and anxiety, reduce behaviors such as sending them to the kindergarten door, asking "Do you miss your mother in the kindergarten today, do you cry when you can't see your mother in the kindergarten today", actively communicate with the kindergarten teacher, understand the child's situation in the kindergarten, and meet the child's growth path with an optimistic attitude.

4. Inform the child of entering the kindergarten in advance, give the child a specific description of the activities and games in the form of a picture book, and clearly inform the family that there will be a family to pick up after school.

Kids crying and not going to school? Separation anxiety beware!

Don't panic when crying comes

Children's emotions have the characteristics of explicit and unstable, when the child is in an extremely uneasy and anxious emotional state, it will be manifested as crying and difficult to soothe, and even hitting people, screaming and so on.

When children cry, parents need to do the following:

1. Be keenly aware of the child's emotional state, and detect and appease the bad emotions before the emotional response escalates to uncontrollable externalized behavior;

2. When it is difficult to appease crying, parents first clarify the cause of the child's crying, away from the source of stimulation, moderate comfort is the key, do not shout, talk about big reason (such as "you grow up, to be a brave baby"), threats and intimidation ("You cry again, the mother will not want you"), after the child's mood is stable, then send back to the kindergarten;

3. Prepare some attachments in advance, such as children's favorite toys, dolls, etc., so that children can get emotional comfort;

4. In daily life, children can be led to read emotional picture books such as "My Emotional Monster", "Kitten's Emotions", "My Feelings" to help young children understand emotions and guide children to express their emotions in an appropriate way.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible if the condition is severe

Tan Xiaohua stressed that when the child's emotional reaction is excessive, the duration is long, and there are frequent crying and other behaviors at night, the above problems have interfered with the child's normal daily life and affected growth and development, it is necessary to make a timely appointment for the "Children's Psychological and Behavioral Development Clinic" for professional and systematic assessment, such as "Age and Developmental Process Questionnaire: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE-2)" screening, listen to the doctor's professional advice, and help the baby better adapt to kindergarten life. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | ZHANG Hua

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