
Children have these 4 "habits", indicating that IQ and emotional intelligence are both high, how many do you have?

IQ and emotional intelligence are very important in children's learning, life and work, people with high IQ are more likely to succeed in their careers, easier to find business opportunities, and it is much simpler to achieve personal achievements than ordinary children, children with high emotional intelligence are smoother when communicating with others, it is easier to get the appreciation of others, and love and career are much smoother than ordinary people.

It is a very comfortable thing to get along with people with high emotional intelligence, in the family education of many people now, parents are very concerned about the cultivation of children's emotional intelligence and IQ, in fact, from some small actions of children, you can see the level of children's emotional intelligence and IQ.

Children have these 4 "habits", indicating that IQ and emotional intelligence are both high, how many do you have?

One: Love to laugh, whether it is when encountering happy things or encountering difficulties, they are very optimistic

There is an old saying called "the luck of children who love to laugh will not be too bad", this sentence actually has a certain truth, children who love to laugh generally do not shrink back when they encounter difficulties, but will face difficulties. Children love to laugh will not only make others feel happy, more pleasing to people, or the performance of children's intelligence, an expert in the United States has found that children who love to laugh, brain cells are very active.

So the intelligence side will also develop better. Many mothers like to make children laugh, such a move is very important, the child is laughed at, because the child's brain region is stimulated by some stimuli to respond, although the baby can not speak, but the baby responds to the parents by laughing, so the child who loves to laugh, the language ability will be better than the ordinary child, the child will grow up to be a lively and cute child who likes to socialize, and the emotional intelligence will be high.

Two: Especially fond of talking, from a young age to talk

Children who love to talk are called small talking by their mothers from childhood, but mothers should not dislike their children.

1) Talkative children have a richer imagination

Children who love to talk have stronger logical ability, many children speak from an early age, know how to use language to fight for what they want, and their emotional intelligence will be higher than other children.

2) Talkative children are sociable

Children who love to talk will quickly mingle with other children, because children love to talk, so many children are more willing to contact such children, children always greet others sweetly, but also please others, more pitiful, sometimes for children, showing weakness does not mean that it is necessarily a bad thing. Talkative children have very high emotional intelligence and IQ, and their language expression and brain development will be better.

Children have these 4 "habits", indicating that IQ and emotional intelligence are both high, how many do you have?

Three: Love to engage in destruction

Many mothers raise children more and more angry, because as the child grows older, the child is more and more naughty, not only to dismantle toys, but also graffiti and love to destroy, such a child, parents do not have to rush to discipline, generally speaking, children with high emotional intelligence and IQ, curiosity is also particularly heavy. So children always want to take apart to see why the toys move, want to see why the ping-pong balls float on the water, etc., and it is very good for children to have the spirit of exploration.

Four: Always block your parents' words and concentrate on doing your own thing

When parents educate their children, they find that children sometimes block what they say and concentrate on doing their own things, this phenomenon is actually very normal, and children with this kind of behavior generally have high emotional intelligence and IQ, because children are shielding things that are not conducive to themselves, focusing on what they like.

This kind of child's concentration is higher than that of ordinary children, and when they grow up, they will also be friends with children with similar interests, higher emotional intelligence, and more likely to have achievements, the above conditions can account for one or another, and parents can steal pleasure.

Children have these 4 "habits", indicating that IQ and emotional intelligence are both high, how many do you have?

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