
Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Author | Inspector (total 1423 words, about 4 minutes to read)

Parents are the first teachers of their children and the best candidates to teach their children by example!

From childhood to adulthood, children are most exposed to their parents, and the ones who believe and rely on them the most are also their parents, and among them, especially the relationship between mothers and children, is particularly cordial.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Children who grew up under the love and care of their parents, their attitude towards their parents is also relatively gentle, they will be happy to get along with their parents, and the feelings with their parents are also very deep, especially like to talk and share with their parents.

On the contrary, some children grow up and have a very poor relationship with their parents, not only often quarreling, but also not harmonious. I can't say a few words all day, and sometimes I just open my mouth, and I may quarrel with my parents.

At this time, parents will be very incomprehensible:

Why is it that children are very close to themselves when they are young, but their attitudes become so bad when they grow up?

Why do children grow older and more alienated from themselves?

In fact, children have these reactions, and their childhood life has a close relationship.

Basically children with these conditions, childhood life will often have the following two experiences, after watching it is very painful.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Frequently "beaten"

There are many parents who do not know how to educate their children, plus their temper is very grumpy, so they often choose to scold their children directly after their children make mistakes. Even if the child makes a small mistake, the parents' temper will become very grumpy and will severely punish the child.

● After being severely scolded for a long time, children often have shadows and resistance in their hearts.

There will be some estrangement with parents unconsciously, and unconsciously want to stay away from parents, so there will be no excessive intimacy with parents.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Children make some small mistakes, in fact, it is understandable, adults will make mistakes, and there will be no perfect children who do not make mistakes.

In the face of small mistakes, you only need to communicate well with the child, explain the stakes, do not need too severe punishment, let them correct next time, is a good child.

Every time you make a small mistake, you will directly scold, which is very unfavorable to the relationship between parents and children, and children will begin to fear their parents, and even some will have resentment and distance.

Slowly, the distance between the child and the parent's heart becomes farther and farther, and when he grows up, the relationship between the two will become more and more rigid.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Rarely "accompanied"

● Only when parents often accompany their children, children will feel the love of their parents.

Therefore, when the child is young, parents must know how to accompany and do not ignore the growth of the child because of the work.

Many parents are actually very busy at work, often leaving their children at home alone, but many parents can't imagine how lonely their children are.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

● Without companionship, children can only be alone at home, and children tend to become more and more withdrawn.

There will be some who feel they are dispensable to their parents. Therefore, there will be no excessive dependence on parents, nor will there be too much communication with parents, so the relationship with parents and children will naturally become more cold.

After finding that the child's relationship with themselves is relatively distant, parents must first self-examine it, reflect on what they have done, and strive to make some corrections to get the child's affirmation.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

★ If you want to correct your relationship with your child, you should do the following:

Don't swear

● As a parent, you must know how to respect your child and cannot scold your child at will.

If the child just makes a small mistake, scolding is definitely not the best way.

After the child makes a mistake, talk to the child well, let him understand how to do it, as long as he does not make the same mistake in the future is progress.

Learn to solve problems with children in a peaceful manner, do not easily punch and kick children, maliciously insult, children also have self-esteem, to protect their hearts.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

More companionship and communication

Parents do not always have to be blindly involved in their own careers, but understand the importance of companionship.

Every child needs the company of their parents because their childhood cannot be turned back.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

When encountering problems, we must communicate with each other in time, do not just blindly rely on their own ideas to perceive children, only more communication, understand their own ideas, in order to better educate and guide.

Children who are estranged from their parents in adulthood have two similar lives in their childhood, which is very painful

Spicy Mom Quotes:

Parents need to know how to get along with their children.

Only by mastering the right method can we promote the establishment of parent-child relationship, and can also help children face everything more sunnyly after adulthood and have a happy future.

Parents, how is your child's attitude towards you?

(Image from the Internet)

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