
"Pinch" out of colorful childhood

"Pinch" out of colorful childhood

On the afternoon of April 24, the first (6) class of Haiyang No. 2 Primary School in Xiuning County held a wonderful clay handicraft class in the delayed service. Teachers carried out diversified teaching according to the age characteristics of the children, looking, touching, pinching, kneading, rubbing, and the teacher showed the characteristics of clay to the children. The children listened carefully, and then followed the teacher to flip the small hands, so that the soft clay in their hands into various shapes, and in a short while, one exquisite work after another appeared, and the children's faces showed happy and proud smiles.

"Pinch" out of colorful childhood

Such handicraft classes not only cultivate emotions, but also promote children's thinking divergence ability and imagination, so that children's inner world can be fully expressed.

"Pinch" out of colorful childhood

Haiyang Second Primary School has always regarded after-school services as an effective strategy for five educations at the same time, and will continue to use various effective resources to actively explore and explore talent cultivation strategies for the effective implementation of "double reduction", and care for the healthy growth of children and young people with practical actions. (Wu Qian, Special Correspondent: Pan Yuefeng)

【Source: Huangshan Municipal Education Bureau_Education News_District and County News】

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