
#过年了, what do you want to say to your relatives in heaven # Mom and Dad, it's the New Year, are you doing well in heaven? I miss you very much every festive season, and I mail some to you the other day

author:Peerless Star 6r

#过年了, what do you want to say to your relatives in heaven # Mom and Dad, it's the New Year, are you doing well in heaven? Every festive season, I miss you very much, the other day to mail you some paper money, don't be reluctant to spend, buy some new clothes, buy some delicious New Year goods. You have suffered a lot in the world, for the sake of our brothers and sisters, for food and clothing, all your life's work, and you have not enjoyed any blessings. I wanted to grow up and do my filial piety, so that the second elder wanted to enjoy the blessings, but unfortunately you did not wait for the arrival of a good day. In his dreams, he often dreamed of the second elder, and he often burst into tears. We are very good now, the second elder does not have to worry, you are good over there, there is something to dream of carrying a letter, the son can do it for you.

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