
#Headline Emotions #Is there a line that touches your heartstrings [heart] Some fates are destined to be lost, and some fates will never have good results. Loving someone doesn't have to have, but

author:Merlot emotional essay

#Headline Emotion# Is there one that touches your heartstrings [heart]

Some fates are destined to be lost, and some fates will never have good results.

To love someone does not have to be possessed, but to have a person is to love him well.

Happiness should be accompanied by sadness, and there should be a sunny day after the rain; if it is still rain after the rain, if it is still sad after the sadness;

Please let us calmly face this parting after the parting, and smile to find a you who is unlikely to appear!

Complaints are the greatest offering from Heaven to mankind and the most sincere part of human prayer.

Everyone has latent energy, just easily masked by habits, lost by time, consumed by inertia.

What can wash away everything is tears, which is time, and time passes feelings,

The longer the time, the less the conflict, as if it were a constantly diluting tea.

With concern, your life is not pale, your life is not helpless;

With cares, you will feel that the summer is not in the heat, the winter is not in the cold;

With cares, your body is healthier and your smile is brighter;

With concern, family affection has more warmth;

With concern, friendship has more happiness;

With concern, love has more strands of love.

Concern is the dialogue of the heart, the call of the heart, and the response of the heart.

In life, people are constantly leaving or entering.

Then what is seen is what is not seen; what is remembered, is forgotten.

In life, there is constantly gain and loss.

Then, the invisible, the seen; the forgotten, remembered.

However, what is invisible is not the same as non-existence?

Remember, is it never going away?

Repentance is a mentally draining emotion.

Regret is a loss that is greater than a loss, a mistake that is greater than a mistake.

The past is not in rice paper, but in our hearts;

The story, not in the tip of the pen, but in the wind and rain of the past;

History, not in museums, but in the recitation of the world;

Tomorrow, not in anticipation, but in today's struggle.

May you grasp every day of life and strive for the infinite beauty of life!

Happiness is knowing how to give up, and giving up is also a kind of wisdom, knowing how to give up you can also find another kind of happiness of relief. Life is sometimes like this, you can't carry all the things you want to go through the whole of life. So if you want to achieve your goals, you have to give up. Let go of the distractions and desires that have nothing to do with your heart, and see only the goals you want to achieve, so that it is easy to succeed, and remember the happy and all the touching moments!

The friendship of friends, running to win the jet lag, losing the distance, as long as you insist, as long as I cherish, the end of the world can not stop the sympathy of the soul, the storm can not cut off the transmission of thoughts, the most beautiful blessings to you: I wish you all the best!

A little more love, a little less hate; a little more smile, a little less sorrow; a little more reading, a little less complaining; a little more exercise, a little less laziness. A little bit of character, to achieve a better life, may you develop a good habit, a good life to enjoy non-stop!

Paint more color to the gray and dark, the future is bright, add more lightness to the heavy, the mood is more pleasant and comfortable, say more bye-bye to the troubles, live a healthy and happy life, earn more money for the family, and the days become more and more prosperous.

What is a confidant with a red face: there is no agreement but there is tacit understanding, there is no confession but there is a spirit, there is no explanation but there is a meaning, there is no accident but there is a surprise, there is no commitment but there is continuation, there is no affection but there is affection, there is no companionship but there is dependence, there is no impulse but there is ripples, there is no demand but there is giving, there is no commitment but there is credibility, there is no party but there is righteousness, there is no exchange but there is a worry. Bless your confidant, peace and health, happiness and carefree!

The simplest secret of longevity: keep breathing, don't lose your breath; the biggest tragedy of life: youth is not there, pimples are still there; the most distant distance: we go out together, you go to buy apples for four generations, I go to buy four bags of apples. The world is crazy everywhere, may you be in a happy mood and have good health in all seasons!

Dreaming, fulfilling all wishes, waking up is still the unforgiving reality; fulfilling dreams is full of ups and downs and hardships. By the time you succeed, all the hardships will seem insignificant. I wish you to realize your dreams as soon as possible and spend every day happily.

Eat well, sleep well, and be in a good mood, in order to prevent early aging, optimistic mentality to eliminate troubles, adequate sleep is indispensable, balanced diet and health protection, may you live a happy and undisturbed life, comfortable and lazy to lie down, love and romantic life is wonderful.

At least once in a lifetime, I should forget myself for someone, not to have results, not to go along, not to have, not even to ask you to love me, only to meet you in my most beautiful years. Love is sweet, grasping love is a kind of courage, say your love out loud, so that love will not have regrets.

It's hot, remember to drive yourself away irritability; hungry, remember to buy yourself a piece of bread; sick, remember to give yourself more care; fail, remember to set a goal for yourself, fall, remember to climb higher in the pain; text messages arrived, remember to give yourself a sweet smile, the mood will be wonderful, life will be beautiful!

If you have something unhappy, say it to make everyone happy. Happy sharing with others becomes two. Suffering is alleviated by bearing with others. May you learn to share, to share sincere and fiery love.

Slowly on the road of life, with your love, I no longer cry, with your company, I am no longer lonely, with your encouragement, I am no longer lonely, with your tolerance, I am no longer lost. No matter how many people in the world change and know, you are my eternal friend, no matter who is waiting for the vicissitudes, you are my eternal friend.

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