
Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

Perhaps in the eyes of many professionals, just staring at sales may be a bit one-sided and unscientific. But for consumers who don't have the time and energy to study various models, "buying with your eyes closed" according to the sales charts is also a safe choice.

After all, no matter how to say, sales is an important reference indicator, the result of voting with real money and silver, carrying the trend of consumers. Why a car can have such high sales and why it can be chosen by so many consumers naturally makes sense.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

If you are a person who hates trouble and does not want to bother with forums and various car reviews, then this article summarizing car sales in 2021 may be able to provide some reference for you to buy a car.

1. Fuel car article

The top three fuel cars are still the Xuanyi, Langyi and Corolla that we are familiar with.

Speaking of which, this "Three Musketeers" has occupied the head echelon for a long time, and it really has not given any opportunity to other models. "Market-tested" is apt for them.

In fact, they are not perfect. The main reason for being able to occupy the top of the sales ranking all year round is to meet the most common needs of consumers.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

On the one hand, the price of more than 100,000 is in the hottest price range, and there is a huge number of consumer groups under this price range, and most of the budgets of ordinary families buying cars are in this price range. On the other hand, fuel economy, durability and other qualities that the public generally cares about most can be found in these models.

Of course, these models will also have a certain emphasis in different aspects. For example, the comfort brought by Xuanyi's ancestral "big sofa" seat, the texture of Langyi's German chassis and the relatively stronger power of the 1.4T engine, while the Corolla is more manifested in the "open can not be broken" quality reputation and the better fuel economy brought by exclusive hybrids.

At a higher price, camry is also worth mentioning. On the basis of the small modification of the exterior interior, coupled with Toyota's reliable word of mouth, THS hybrid and powerful TNGA architecture, camry finally won the 2021 mid-level car sales championship with more than 210,000 units.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

You know, compared with the same level of American and German models, camry terminal price is the strongest. Under the discount of tens of thousands of yuan in other homes, camry's preferential margin is only 5,000 yuan at most. From this point of view, "price for volume" has not created the orthodoxy and solidity of brand and product value after all.

As for luxury brands, in terms of the statistical caliber of the multiplication association, only BMW has entered the top 15 of the sales list. It is particularly worth mentioning that it is still squeezed into the 5 series and 3 series models at the same time.

According to anecdotal accounts, BMW and Audi seem to have made a reversal. Audi, which used to take the middle way, has become more and more sporty, while BMW, which is known for its sport and control, has diluted the personality tone of the past. In the face of this sales volume at the expense of brand tonality, I don't know whether BMW should be happy or worried.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

2. Fuel SUV article

Like cars, the top of the fuel SUV sales chart is still a familiar figure. As many expected, the Haval H6 still took the first place. I have to say that the divine car is still a divine car after all.

After several iterations, the Haval H6 has been adjusted enough to be perfect in both external and internal literacy, and the stable output of about 350,000 units a year can be seen that its position and recognition in the consumer market have also been deeply rooted. Not surprisingly, the hegemony of the Haval H6 will continue for a long time to come.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

However, the changan CS75PLUS that will follow may be its biggest threat.

On the one hand, Chang'an's design skills are constantly improving; on the other hand, the outstanding performance of the Blue Whale series engines also shows Changan's good internal skills. And Changan CS75PLUS is one of the beneficiaries.

Compared with the stability of the Haval H6, The Changan CS75PLUS will be more youthful and fashionable. Especially the recently launched new model, the overall styling design is much more refined. As for the power, both the 1.5T and 2.0T versions are the best in their class.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

Anyway, Haval H6 and Changan CS75PLUS are excellent representatives of our own brands, choosing any car is not bad, the real thing that can make you tangled may only be personal preference bias.

In terms of joint venture brands, the outstanding performance is still the familiar Two Brothers Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4. Both of these have been in the market for many years, and there is no need to say about recognition and word of mouth. In particular, the Honda CR-V, which has occupied the top spot in the retention rate ranking for many years, is enough to reflect the position of the Honda CR-V in the market.

Perhaps they are not outstanding in the creation of a sense of technology and design, but if you talk about some practical aspects such as space and fuel economy, there are absolutely few opponents. If you prefer the quality of the joint venture and value practicality, then the two battle-hardened veterans of the Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4 will not disappoint you.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

3. New energy

After reading the fuel article, you will find that there are basically some old faces, which seem to lack a little novelty. I have to say that although the development momentum of new energy vehicles is fierce, it cannot be compared with the long-term accumulation of fuel vehicles. However, according to the current momentum of new energy development, this situation may soon be rewritten.

Take the Hongguang MINI EV, which ranks first in sales of new energy vehicles, the annual sales of nearly 400,000 units are placed in fuel vehicles, which is already the level of the first gradient.

From it, you can see the ultimate embodiment of the cost performance. In the limited price of tens of thousands of pieces, the most basic things can be given to you, which can be called the best representative of the means of transportation.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

After this "people's scooter", it is Tesla. Despite the controversy, Tesla's Model 3, together with the Model Y, sold more than 300,000 units.

You may think that its design is simple and the workmanship is rough, but it is undeniable that in the hearts of many people, when they say that they want to buy new energy vehicles, the first idea that comes out is Tesla. Overall, Tesla is not as magical as some people portray it, but it's not bad either.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

Of course, in addition to Tesla, BYD, as the leader of new energy, is not in the past. The accumulation of new energy in the past few years has finally begun to shine.

Not only with Han in the high-end field to gain a foothold, but also with the powerful DM-i super hybrid to threaten the living space of fuel vehicles.

The price is not much different from that of fuel vehicles, there is a green card, the power is stronger, the fuel consumption of the power loss is also very low, coupled with the fit of the plug-and-mix model for the current new energy development situation, Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i are also reasonable.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

Not only that, but also Tang DM-i, Han DM-i, etc., BYD is applying DM-i hybrid to more models, which means that consumers will have more choices at that time. When the production capacity problem is gradually solved, BYD's sales will certainly have a qualitative leap.

Like BYD's DM-i, the ideal ONE's range extender hybrid also enjoys the advantages of dual use and green card. At the same time, the ideal ONE also has the luxurious texture it deserves.

Priced at more than 300,000 yuan, it has only this one car, and the ideal has won more than 90,000 units of annual sales. When it comes to the sales of individual models, none of the new forces can compete with the ideal ONE.

Year-end summary, want to know which cars will sell best in 2021, just read this article

Even in the sales ranking of the entire new energy vehicle, the price of the ideal ONE is not cheap, but it is among the best, and it is also a phoenix-like existence.

As mentioned above, the current automobile market is still firmly dominated by fuel vehicles, but it is undeniable that the status of new energy vehicles is rapidly improving, and surpassing fuel vehicles may be in the near future.

If you tend to be traditional and stable, then it does not hurt to continue to choose fuel vehicles at present; if you consider the long term, then new energy vehicles are also a good choice at present. I don't like pure electricity, and plug and mix is not.

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