
A new VX group has been created in recent days to share some of the best ideas of science, philosophy and history, with the aim of removing the false from the truth. One sentiment is that human progress is really too difficult. quantum

author:Xie Tian pretended to be on Earth

A new VX group has been created in recent days to share some of the best ideas of science, philosophy and history, with the aim of removing the false from the truth.

One sentiment is that human progress is really too difficult. Planck, the founder of quantum mechanics, said: Science is advancing in funerals after funeral. Human nature is self-absorbed, and scientists cannot escape its curse, so a new scientific theory often does not win by convincing the opponent, but because the opponent will eventually die, and the new generation familiar with it will grow up and complete the academic growth under natural selection.

In fact, the rigidity of the human mind is so serious that sometimes even funerals can hardly quell the influence of a wrong thought.

A classic example is the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, whose critique of pure reason is considered to be the unrivaled classic in the history of philosophy, but unfortunately he was wrong, took philosophy into a ditch, and confused scientists throughout the nineteenth century on philosophical questions. It was not until Einstein, the unborn grand master, appeared and pointed out Kant's line errors that scientists were freed from Kant's shadow (Reference: Einstein's Collected Writings, Vol. 1).

But even so, Kant's influence remained enormous, and the result was that the scholar who followed the erroneous line of him and later Hegel and others took control of the name of philosophy, and finally narrowed the path of philosophy, and finally lost the great position of the highest wisdom of mankind. In the past, scientists could not understand philosophy, but now scientists only need to understand Hume about the history of philosophy, and Kant's philosophy after Kant has no major impact on various fields of science, including physical chemistry, economic sociology, etc. Hawking's evaluation of this is: philosophy is dead, and scientists carry the banner of philosophy.

The wrong line led by a few philosophers who have died two hundred years ago, and the influence can run through ancient and modern times, and even reduce the status of philosophy in people's hearts, which is really lamentable. But fortunately, there are real philosophical successors, and now all the top scientific researchers have PHD degrees, and the English is Doctor of Philosophy, and they are the real contemporary philosophers.

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