
In the New Year, these 3 Spring Festival etiquette parents must teach their children, and children have more upbringing | accompany reading

Article transferred from | Qian Zhiliang Studio (ID: qzlgzs)

Broadcast | Wu Bingjie

Visual design | Fan Wei

Column host | Du Runnan

It's new year soon,

Every household is full of joy,

Get ready for the New Year,

On this festive day,

On the one hand, adults and children are more relaxed,

It is easy to ignore the child's etiquette and courtesy problems;

On the other hand

During the Chinese New Year,

There are more opportunities to eat, gather, visit relatives and friends than usual,

More occasions to exercise children's social etiquette,

This period of time is indeed a good time for children to be nurtured.

It's New Year's Day,

What are the Spring Festival etiquettes that children need to tell?

Table chapter

At the dinner table, it is a test of a person's upbringing.

Writer Lin Qingxuan said in "Looking at People's Personality from Food": "People always choose their own preferences, and this preference is often very close to people's personality and essence, so from a person's diet, you can see his personality." ”

A person's performance at the table hides the character, and those who always grab the dish do not necessarily know how to care about others in life.

For children, eating can also best reflect the parents' usual education.

Different children have different "eating phases", some children see their favorite dishes and monopolize them; some children drink soup and spit their mouths; some children sit without sitting, running around without eating, shouting and shouting...

I once went to a friend's house as a guest, the adults and children sat down at a full table, and when they were about to finish eating, the friend's children put down the dishes and chopsticks and said to everyone: "Uncle and aunt, I am full, you eat slowly." Just such a sentence was exaggerated by the adults at the table for a long time.

Don't look at the small table, it can clearly reflect a child's tutoring.

It is time for the New Year to teach children some dining etiquette.

Tips on dining etiquette

1. When eating, do not be the first to pick up the dish, and wait for the elders to arrive and then eat;

2. Do not insert chopsticks on the rice, and do not use chopsticks to knock dishes;

3. Don't eat without spitting;

4. Don't turn over the plate in order to pick your favorite dishes, and don't occupy a dish;

5. Do not pinch vegetables when there is food on the chopsticks;

6. During the meal, pay attention to keeping the table top clean;

7. If you want to leave the table after eating first, you can put down the dishes and chopsticks and take the initiative to say: I am full, everyone eats slowly.

Guest article

What are you most afraid of in the New Year? Some people say: I am most afraid of bear children coming to our house.

They can resist the seven aunts and eight aunts, but they can't deal with the bear children. These little bullies come to the house, jump around on the couch, throw their snacks aside halfway through, rummag around, see what they want, and the destructive power is extremely strong.

The most desperate thing is that the big New Year can not drive people away, except to keep smiling, you have no choice.

Children without rules are always unpopular.

We can't manage other people's children, but we can educate our own children and tell them the etiquette of being a guest.

Be a guest etiquette tip

1. Home is a private personal area, the only common area is the living room, as a guest to go to someone else's home, want to visit other rooms of the host's home, need to ask for consent, can not break in;

2. Can not turn things over, before taking anything to go through the consent of the host family, this is respect and a sense of boundaries;

3. Others sincerely treat you to eat, if you don't like it, you can say "I'm full", don't say "it's hard to eat";

4. Do not want to open the snacks that you do not like to eat, and let people say please when you help to take things;

5. If the child has any problems at the guest's house, do not shout like at home, you can go to the parents and pull the clothes corner or pull the hand to show;

6. In addition to the owner's sincere gift, do not take away other people's children's toys or items.

Rules like that,

Inform your child in advance before visiting,

Parents know how to guide,

Children will become popular little guests,

Not objectionable.


China is a hospitable country, and it is also very particular about hospitality, especially in the New Year, and every household is warm to entertain guests.

There are children in the family, and adults need to communicate with their children in advance about hospitality methods.

Relatives and friends came, and many parents, regardless of whether their children were willing or not, urged their children to come out to meet and greet, "forced to open.".

Some children are timid and introverted, often nervous and uneasy when they see guests, and once they behave badly, they will be criticized by their parents.

In fact, whether it is hospitality or guests, sincerity is always the most important.

Regardless of the child's personality, whether it is introverted or extroverted, when treating guests, parents guide the main and encourage as a supplement.

First of all, on the issue of greeting, you don't have to ask all children to greet and say hello warmly and generously, you can discuss some ways to say hello with your child, such as smiling, nodding, hugging, shaking hands...

The most important thing is not to give the child too much pressure, adults show the child more, what kind of attitude you use to others, the child will slowly be subtly affected.

In entertaining guests, first discuss with the child what hospitality tasks need to be responsible for, such as pouring tea, taking fruit plates, washing fruits, and encouraging children when they actively entertain guests.

When guests leave, they may wish to ask their children to take them to the door to say goodbye.

Spring Festival as the most grand traditional festival,

It is a good opportunity for children to learn various etiquette,

Years ago, these rituals were taught to children,

Help them learn to get along better!

In the New Year, these 3 Spring Festival etiquette parents must teach their children, and children have more upbringing | accompany reading

Finally, Zhongjiaojun also wants to remind parents that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complex, the flow of people during the Spring Festival is large, the pressure of epidemic prevention and control is increasing, everyone should actively respond to the local epidemic prevention policy, do not gather and do not get together, reduce contact with the Online New Year, reduce travel to do a good job in epidemic prevention, live a happy and peaceful year, and finally give you a New Year's greeting in advance, I wish you good luck and good luck in the Year of the Tiger.

This article is reproduced in Qian Zhiliang Studio (ID: qzlzgs), written by | Qian Zhiliang, a famous teacher at Beijing Normal University. Focus on special education, family education, early childhood education. He is the author of "Early Knowledge of Admission", "Early Education of Science", "140 Chinese Characters learned in a hurry", etc.

Responsible Editor | Wang Jiashi

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