
How working mothers can relieve the discomfort of early pregnancy

Many pregnant mothers will show many uncomfortable symptoms in the first trimester of pregnancy, how should pregnant mothers in the workplace alleviate such physical discomfort and make themselves more comfortable?


In the first trimester, pregnant mothers may often feel hungry and have the uncomfortable feeling of burning in the stomach, like countless cat's paws scratching in the stomach. This irresistible hunger, if not relieved in time, may cause the pregnant mother to be dizzy or even comatose. To avoid this, pregnant mothers should store some snacks in the office, such as fruits, small cakes, bread, nuts, etc., so that they can replenish nutrition at any time when they are hungry.


How working mothers can relieve the discomfort of early pregnancy

Morning sickness may occur on the way to work or in the office, so pregnant mothers should put more handkerchiefs, tissues and plastic bags in their pockets in case of emergency and avoid embarrassment. Say hello to your colleagues in advance and temporarily take over when your pregnant mother goes to the bathroom. Every day before going to work, pregnant mothers must eat breakfast. Even if you don't have an appetite, eat less, even a slice of bread. In this way, it is good for the stomach of the pregnant mother and can also reduce the number of morning sickness.


In the first trimester, pregnant mothers always feel very tired, and their eyelids often "fight", as if they can't sleep enough. In fact, this is the influence of changes in hormone secretion in the body, which will generally continue until after 4 months of pregnancy. Therefore, the quality of pregnant mothers sleeping at night should be high, especially they can no longer stay up late. If allowed, pregnant mothers are best able to take a nap during their lunch break to replenish their strength. If you feel tired during work, you can take a deep breath, stand up and stretch your limbs, or go out for a short walk.

Preparing some fruits such as strawberries in the office can alleviate frequent hunger in the first trimester.

Perfect Dad-to-Be Bootcamp: Help your pregnant mother put away all her high heels and prepare a pair of beautiful and comfortable slippers. I believe that pregnant mothers who love beautiful workplaces will definitely need a pair of comfortable and textured slippers, not home slippers.

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