
"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

The plot of the TV series "Perfect Partner" has passed the halfway point, and the relationship between the two couples in the play has begun to become tense.

The strong Chen Shan and Lin Qingkun habitually ignored their partners' feelings and became the fuse that caused problems.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

The weak Sun Lei and Wu Min have always been obedient to their spouse's disregard, and the suppression will break out sooner or later.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

It can be said that the reason why these two couples will have a big contradiction is to a large extent "made by themselves".

But in comparison, Chen Shan is not as "incomprehensible" as Lin Qingkun, and she can understand and understand Sun Lei's difficulties.

Especially in the matter of Li Yu stirring up dissension, it can be seen that the degree of trust between Chen Shan and Sun Lei is obviously stronger than that of Lin Qingkun and his wife.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Wu Min will become the "most effective" of the four: she is really too depressed.

Due to the small birth, Wu Min was not only physically weak, but also suffered the sadness of losing her child in her heart, and the whole person was about to collapse.

But Lin Qingkun not only did not care about her, but also jealous because of her private hosting class, leaving Wu Min alone on the street without a word, preferring to be angry at home alone rather than go to his wife.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Lin Qingkun's ruthlessness made Wu Min extremely disappointed in him.

Coupled with Li Yu duly sending her photos of Chen Shan and Lin Qingkun laughing at the hotel,

It made her feel that her marriage had come to an end.

Wu Min, whose heart was like ashes, began to become "black", not only making things difficult for Lin Qingkun, but also angering others for his misfortune.

Sun Lei is obviously trying to reconcile their husband and wife, but Wu Min deliberately said that Sun Lei made her love in order to be angry with her husband;

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

The nanny hired by Lin Qingkun obviously did not do anything wrong, but Wu Min looked for stubble everywhere, and finally maliciously complained to the other party.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

I have to say that Wu Min's series of behaviors are really quite annoying.

If at the beginning of the series, Wu Min was ignored by Lin Qingkun, it can still make people feel that she is pitiful;

Then, as the plot developed, seeing her so contrived, I began to feel that her misfortune was simply self-inflicted.

But even so, people around Wu Min are more considerate of her, and even understand her abnormality as postpartum anxiety.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Her good friend Sister Jin and sister Wu Youdu once gave advice to Wu Min, hoping that she could think calmly and not be angry in her feelings.

But wu min, who is "blackened", does not think so, but believes that he is "the most sober" at this moment.

She regarded the complete break with Lin Qingkun as her new life, and even thought that as long as there was a son, she would not be afraid to leave the house.

From opposing Lin Qingkun everywhere, to inexplicably angering others, to thinking that he is "sober in the world", Wu Min has been completely confused.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Although Lin Qingkun's words and deeds are indeed easy to cause discomfort to the audience, his question about Wu Min's sentence is actually a bit reasonable:

I am outside the Lord, within your Lord, I have done my work, what about you?

On the surface, Lin Qingkun's words seem to be a "scumbag" quote that throws the pot, but think about it carefully, the large villa where Wu Min currently lives, the high-end furniture that can be bought at any time, all the exquisite and elegant living facilities, which are not earned by Lin Qingkun?

Coupled with the fact that Lin Qingkun did not have any wild bees and butterflies around him, it can be seen that he is really conscientiously completing his work.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

What about Wu Min? On the surface, it seems that a person has cleaned up the house in an orderly manner and is very "dedicated".

But in fact, it is full of hidden dangers: the son Jing Jing is obviously a boy, but he is spoiled by her like a princess, so he must be a "mother treasure man" when he grows up, and it is difficult to become an independent man.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Obviously, the neighbor's family is a rich and idle and enthusiastic sister Jin, and she has leisure time to get acquainted with each other, so that when there is an emergency, there can be a care for each other.

But Wu Min would rather lie in the garden in a daze than socialize with his neighbors, and only pinned all his hopes on Lin Qingkun.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Mingming's younger sister Wu You lives in Shanghai, but because she is fighting with her mother's family, she rarely has contact with her relatives even if she moves to Shanghai. As a result, when his son was suffering from food poisoning, Lin Qingkun could not arrive in time because of the plane, and could only be alone and frightened.

Getting along so badly with her own mother's family, it was hard to imagine how Wu Min would deal with her in-laws. It is estimated that the screenwriter can't think of it, so so far Lin Qingkun's parents have not appeared for the time being.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

All kinds of indications show that Wu Min really did not handle the internal affairs of the family well, the education of the children was not effective, the neighborhood maintenance was not careful, and the relationship between relatives was also a miasma, in addition to doing housework, it could not make a home warmer.

Doing housework is of course an important part of family housekeeping, but it is not equivalent to the whole work of family housekeeping.

Wu Min did not understand this relationship from beginning to end, and Lin Qingkun said that she did not complete her job and was not wronged at all.

"Perfect Partner" Wu Min: Everyone says that I am anxious after childbirth, but I should be "sober in the world"

Of course, I do not agree with Lin Qingkun and Wu Min's division of labor model of "complete separation of inside and outside" of family affairs.

After all, it is precisely because of this arbitrary division of labor of "male outside, female inside" that it splits the work that should be undertaken by husband and wife, reduces the cooperation and communication between the two sides, and makes Wu Min step by step to the extreme.

But if because of Wu Min's pitiful encounter and Lin Qingkun's annoying performance, the audience mistakenly believes that the contradictions between the two are caused by Lin Qingkun under indignation, it is really contrary to the original intention of the screenwriter and the original intention of the plot.

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