
High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

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Douban's 7.8-point documentary has attracted people's attention, the documentary is called "Chinese Leftover Women", directed by an Israeli director, telling the marriage experience of three leftover women, this documentary once broadcast, it has attracted the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens, it is this documentary, so that China's 90 million leftover women have been bothered by their own problems have an answer.

There are 90 million leftover women in China today, most of them live these three lives, the three protagonists in "China Leftover Women" are carefully selected by the director of this film, their average age is 30 years old, high education, economic independence, and they all currently live in first-tier cities.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

These three women are extremely representative, have all the typical characteristics of leftover women, and can represent the current situation and psychological state of the three types of leftover women.

The youngest of the first protagonist, 28 years old, named Xiao Min, although she will soon reach the age of establishment, but Xiao Min's psychological state is not yet completely independent, there is no conscious sense of independence, everything in her life is determined by her parents, even for her own marriage and future, Xiao Min does not have a clear requirement and expectation.

Xiaomin's family is economically superior, is the pearl in the palm of the family, although it has entered the society for many years, but the spirit and consciousness can still not be completely independent.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

The second protagonist, named Gai Qi, is 30 years old, works as an assistant professor in a film school, has a stable job, has a good economic situation, and has taken root in first-tier cities through his own efforts.

However, she has a lot of pressure from her original family, which leads to her being very good in all aspects, she hastily married a man from a rural family, did not fall in love, married directly, and soon after marriage, she had her own children and became busy in her own small family.

Although Gai Qi is very good in all aspects, her in-laws have always disliked her age, usually in the countryside, 25-year-old women who are not married are already older leftover women. The mother-in-law never dared to mention the age of her daughter-in-law in her hometown, for fear of being talked about behind her back.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

For the mother-in-law's view is very practiced, Gai Qi did not clearly show any dissatisfaction, because the reason why he got married is because his parents in his family are sick and owe a lot of foreign debts, so after marriage, Gai Qi thinks more about the pension of his parents.

Gai Qi could not rest assured that his parents who were sick at home were also for the sake of fulfilling a wish of his parents, and in the end he could only get married and have children.

To a certain extent, Gai Qi agreed with the requirements of society for women, had children, and established a stable family relationship, even if he was a highly educated intellectual woman, Gai Qi could not escape the stereotype of women in society.

The third protagonist is the oldest 34-year-old, named Hua Mei. In the eyes of Hua Mei's parents, no matter how successful her career is and how high her income is, she is still an older leftover girl that no one wants, and Hua Mei receives the most news from her family every day to force marriage and urge marriage.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

Hua Mei, who is full of wind and water in the workplace, has always been complained about the marriage by her family, and in the interview, Hua Mei shed sad tears.

Their abilities are much better than those of the men in the family, but the parents who are imprisoned by traditional thinking cannot accept the fact that their daughter is 34 years old and not married.

An excellent lawyer, an independent woman with a high knowledge structure, is still subject to the confinement of female identity, and in the communication with her parents, Hua Mei has not succeeded every time.

It can be seen that Hua Mei herself did not actually break through the shackles of traditional ideas, but only brought Hua Mei the ability to work, but did not help her break through the shackles of traditional ideas.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

Because she wants to be filial to her parents, she will be persuaded by her family every time, and her own feminist consciousness in her heart has never been fully activated. Many women are imprisoned in their own minds because of their filial piety to their parents, so it is difficult to change the solidification of thinking patterns.

Even if they are educated at the highest level and see a better landscape in the world, they do not have enough courage to pursue the scenery they want.

In the end, he was bound by the feelings of his family, ignored what he wanted most in his heart, and could only embark on the road of marriage, marrying for the sake of marriage.

In this documentary, we see the current situation of Chinese women, who cannot really break through the shackles of reality and are still a long way from the complete independence of women.

High-scoring documentary "Chinese Leftover Women": Do Women Have the Right to Choose Not to Marry and Be Infertile?

Women who don't marry are incomplete, women who don't have children are incomplete. The documentary "Chinese Leftover Women" unravels the last fig leaf of China's leftover women, and women who do not marry are outliers in society, and they will be criticized and criticized wherever they go.

Is there a right for a woman to choose not to marry or be infertile? On the road to the pursuit of the desired life, tens of thousands of single women will bear the double pressure of incomprehension and criticism from the same sex and the opposite sex.

However, as an independent woman in the new era, she can be truly spiritually independent by clarifying her heart, knowing her true needs, and having the courage to reject those troubles from society and family.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

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参考资料:Vogel, D. L., & Wester, S. R. (2003). To seek help or not to seek help: The risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3), 351.

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