
Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

Will you let your mother-in-law take care of yourself in the first trimester?

Girlfriend Xiao Xiao is pregnant, Xiao Xiao and her husband are pregnant for more than 3 years to successfully conceive the baby, after learning the news of pregnancy, Xiao Xiao and her husband are very excited and surprised, because of this, Xiao Xiao's husband also strongly recommends Xiao Xiao to resign and go home to raise a baby, lest Xiao Xiao have any accidents during pregnancy.

At this time, Xiao Xiao's husband also told his mother-in-law the news of Xiao Xiao's pregnancy, and the mother-in-law had to come to take care of Xiao Xiao, saying that Xiao Xiao would have morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy and could not eat into the meal, Xiao Xiao could not help his mother-in-law, so he let his mother-in-law come over.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

Unexpectedly, less than a week after the mother-in-law came, Xiao Xiao was very unhappy because of the incompatible relationship with the mother-in-law, plus Xiao Xiao's morning sickness in the early pregnancy was not obvious, so Xiao Xiao let her mother-in-law go back, and she said that she could take care of herself completely.

After Xiao Xiao's mother-in-law went back, Xiao Xiao began to look at some problems that need to be paid attention to in the first trimester, and began to study the diet during pregnancy, in this process, Xiao Xiao found a very good tool for pregnancy and child-rearing, Xiao Xiao said, this is simply a treasure chest, which has a lot of precautions about pregnancy and pregnancy.

Xiao's portrait found the treasure, recommended to friends around her, saying that whether it is pregnancy, pregnancy or postpartum, raising a baby, the dry goods knowledge in it has everything, which can really solve the big problem of her pregnant woman.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

01, the first trimester, in the end whether the mother-in-law to take care of, to determine according to the situation of pregnant women

Many pregnant women have just become pregnant, because of physical discomfort, coupled with morning sickness reaction, can not smell the smell of oil smoke, so they can not cook their own meals, if the husband is busy at work, there is no time to take care of themselves, will think of letting the mother-in-law to take care of themselves.

So, in the early stages of pregnancy, do you want your mother-in-law to take care of yourself? In fact, this problem should be decided according to the symptoms of each pregnant woman's early pregnancy, that is, it should vary from person to person, because some people have severe morning sickness, and some people have morning sickness is not obvious, and they can take care of themselves.

So, do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it? According to my own experience and that of friends around me, pregnant women should be determined according to the actual situation.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

The first case: morning sickness is particularly severe, what to eat and what to vomit, especially pregnant women with symptoms of "hyperemesis gravidarum"

According to the different constitutions of each pregnant woman, some people have mild morning sickness in the first trimester, just a little bit of nausea and want to vomit, but rarely really spit it out, but some pregnant women have been vomiting from the first trimester to the birth, and even serious to the hospitalization of morning sickness, because what to eat will vomit.

This kind of morning sickness is very serious, and there is a professional name in medicine, that is, "hyperemesis gravidarum".

What is hyperemesis gravidarum?

Hyperemesis gravidarum refers to the pregnancy of five to ten weeks pregnant, frequent nausea and vomiting, can not eat, if it is to exclude vomiting caused by other diseases, weight reduction greater than or equal to 5% before pregnancy, body fluids, electrolyte imbalances, and metabolic disorders, the need for hospital infusion treatment, called hyperemesis gravidarum.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

In fact, pregnant women during pregnancy, the incidence of "hyperemesis gravidarum" is not very large, about 0.5% to 2%, if pregnant women have hyperemesis gravidarum, they can only go to the hospital with medical methods to maintain the balance of body fluids and metabolism, some pregnant women "hyperemesis gravidarum" is very serious, such as drowsiness, confusion, and even coma and other symptoms.

However, if the mother has hyperemesis gravidarum, do not be too nervous, in general, the phenomenon of morning sickness is about 4 months pregnant.

There is also a kind of pregnant woman who has signs of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy and needs to stay in bed, and it is best to find someone to take care of it at this time.

The second situation: the first trimester reaction is mild, in fact, you can take care of yourself

Most pregnant women have morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy within the acceptable range, if it is the first pregnancy, many things need to be understood a little bit, and the channel of understanding is preferred network.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

In this tool introduced by my girlfriend Xiao Xiao, I found that there is really everything in it, in addition to the knowledge of pregnancy preparation, how to prevent morning sickness in the first trimester? How to eat in the face of morning sickness to ensure the nutrition of pregnant women and fetuses? What are the symptoms of early pregnancy? Various precautions during pregnancy, etc., pregnant women can see from this inside.

Xiao Xiao said that after she persuaded her mother-in-law to return to her hometown, she would take care of herself, look at some scientific knowledge about the early stage of pregnancy when she was fine, and understand the precautions and psychological preparations for the third trimester and the baby in advance, and every day she could see the changes in the fetus introduced inside, and she could also see dynamic pictures.

For example, now Xiao Xiao is pregnant for 8 weeks + 6 days, after opening this pregnancy page, it will be displayed: the fetal head and hip length are 22mm, the weight is 3.9g, and the changes in the fetus are reminded: the fetal sac almost occupies a long uterine cavity, and the skull of the fetal baby begins to have calcium quality composure, etc., describing in detail the changes that the pregnant mother will have at this stage.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

The most critical thing is that in view of the poor memory of pregnant women's pregnancy, there is also a detailed obstetric examination schedule above, such as: 8-13 weeks of pregnancy, the first obstetric examination, NT examination, first trimester Down screening, and file.

I remember when I was just pregnant with my family's treasure, because I didn't understand these things, and I didn't have friends to tell me about it, I missed the filing time, or I made up for it later.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

In fact, in the early stages of pregnancy, most pregnant women will have obvious pregnancy reactions, such as not smelling a little odor, what to eat and vomit, and seeing some food is nauseated.

Especially when brushing their teeth in the morning, most pregnant women have a feeling of vomiting, which is actually a common pregnancy reaction during pregnancy, and for pregnant women with "hyperemesis gravidarum", the entire pregnancy period will be very painful, and they need to be hospitalized for infusion relief.

02, pregnant women in pregnancy and these precautions, need to know in advance

Pregnant women are more fragile during pregnancy, whether it is physical or mental, this time needs the care and care of their families, but there are some precautions during pregnancy, pregnant women still have to understand themselves.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

The following points are things that pregnant women need to pay attention to during pregnancy, and for pregnant women who are trying to get pregnant and are pregnant, they need to know:

Regular obstetric check-ups during pregnancy cannot be ignored

The importance of obstetric examination during pregnancy, mothers who have been pregnant and have given birth to children know, because this process of obstetric examination not only ensures the normal physical indicators of the mother, but also understands the development of the fetus in stages, if it is really a problem, it is also good to solve it in time.

We have all seen some heart-wrenching things, some pregnant women neglect the obstetric examination during pregnancy, and as a result, the baby has various defects after birth, regret is beyond reach, and the baby's parents are also affected.

Pay attention to diet and find out which pregnant women can eat and which can't

Just the first three months of pregnancy, because the fetus is in a stable period, coupled with pregnant women's morning sickness appetite is not good, many things can not eat, but the appetite is more tricky, sometimes very much want to eat the same thing, such as some pregnant women after pregnancy very much want to eat spicy hot, even spicy strips, this has to endure.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

Because pregnant women are not suitable for eating spicy during pregnancy, especially some junk food should be kept away, even if you want to eat it.

In fact, for pregnant women to eat what is conducive to fetal development and the health of pregnant women, which things pregnant women can not eat, otherwise it will hurt the fetus in the abdomen, and even cause miscarriage, etc., these can be found in the "pregnancy" column, the classification inside is very complete.

Maintain a pleasant mood and welcome the arrival of new life

Pregnancy is originally a thing that makes the whole family happy, in the face of the new life that is about to be born, it should be full of beautiful expectations, but some pregnant women are depressed and unhappy because of various discomforts during pregnancy, as well as the neglect of their husbands and their families.

For a long time, it will be sad to cry, serious and even pregnant depression, in the face of such a situation, it is recommended that pregnant women can maintain the habit of walking every day according to their own physical condition, you can do some sports suitable for pregnant women, because the sports will make people happy.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

I remember when I was pregnant, in addition to the first trimester, the second trimester I insisted on walking 10,000 steps a day, the whole pregnancy was very happy, and the pregnancy body remained very good, from pregnancy to childbirth, a total of 20 pounds, the baby was just born less than a full moon, I basically recovered to the pre-pregnancy figure.

03. Advice for pregnant women

When you know that you are pregnant, pregnant women are very excited, but the joy has not yet passed, the various reactions during pregnancy will come out, morning sickness is the most obvious, in addition to the change in body shape, the heart will be uncomfortable. At this time, it is recommended that pregnant women download one, so that it is like a doctor who always teaches you a lot of pregnancy tips.

And in the process, you can also imagine what a baby in your belly looks like.

Do you want your mother-in-law to take care of it in the first trimester? The bumpy experiences shared by Bao Mom can be used as a reference for pregnant women

The most important thing is that from the moment of pregnancy, it is necessary to deal with family relations, in the end do you want your mother-in-law to take care of yourself, if your mother-in-law insists on taking care of yourself, what should you do?

In fact, according to what we said above, pregnant women can decide whether they need to be taken care of by their mother-in-law according to their physical condition, because some mother-in-law is kind, but after coming, various mother-in-law relationship problems make pregnant women uncomfortable.

I hope that every pregnant woman can spend a safe and pleasant pregnancy under the care of her family.

Did you let your mother-in-law take care of you in the first trimester?

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