
How much does Xiamen 3rd Generation IVF cost?

For every patient who goes to the hospital to consult IVF fertility, the most concerned issues are away from the success rate and medical treatment costs, especially for families with general economic conditions, the cost problem is particularly concerned, after all, if the cost of treatment has far exceeded its affordability, for patients, they can only sigh regrets. So, how much does it cost to do IVF at once? What are the advantages of third-generation IVF technology?

How much does Xiamen 3rd Generation IVF cost?

Hengjian Overseas said that I believe most people understand and compare the cost of IVF treatment, living expenses, and other costs. In fact, for IVF, these are all big items, for specific small items, in addition to the ovulation induction, laboratory projects, egg retrieval, examination, living costs that everyone knows, there are actually some others.

Introduction to IVF 3rd Generation:

Third-generation IVF, also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), refers to the method of taking the genetic material of the embryo before the ivf-ET embryo transfer, diagnosing whether there is abnormality, screening healthy embryo transfer, and preventing the transmission of genetic diseases.

How much does Xiamen 3rd Generation IVF cost?

The latest third-generation IVF technology can eliminate genetic defects and deal with genetic diseases. For example, if both couples carry genetic genes, such as thalassemia, the test tube may be pregnant with a sick child. According to the previous technical means, the woman can only be pregnant first, in the two stages of pregnancy of 7 to 8 weeks and 4 to 6 months, the villi and amniotic fluid are extracted to detect whether the fetus is healthy, and if it is not healthy, choose to induce labor. This will cause great harm to women, and some couples have even experienced several times of "painful cutting", and still cannot conceive a healthy fetus.

In order to solve this problem, the third generation of technology came into being. What kind of magical technology is this? Experts said that taking thalassemia as an example, if both husband and wife are carriers of the poor gene, then there is a 1/4 chance of giving birth to a child with severe poverty, and there is also a 1/4 chance of giving birth to a healthy child. At this time, what needs to be done is to pick out this "healthy 1/4" through technical means.

Women with normal pregnancies have only one embryo in their bodies, but through IVF technology, multiple embryos can be produced at once. On the third day of embryo development, the medical staff will select a cell from each embryo for testing, select the healthy embryo, and then transfer it into the woman's body. Therefore, the third-generation technique is also called pre-transfer genetic diagnosis.

How much does Xiamen 3rd Generation IVF cost?

Specific costs of IVF 3rd Generation:

Let's start with the costs that will inevitably be incurred, including conditioning tests, ovulation induction, egg retrieval, laboratory projects, genetic screening, transplantation, fetal implant costs, and so on.

1. The cost of preoperative examination: In order to ensure the quality of J and eggs, both infertile couples are required to undergo a series of related examinations before IVF, including: blood type; Blood routine; Liver and kidney function; Hepatitis B and C tests; Semen examination; Examination of secretions of the Y tract; Screening for both sides of syphilis; SCREENING FOR AIDS; Examination of chromosomes, etc.

2, the cost of drug ovulation promotion and follicle monitoring: according to the different situations of patients, the cost of different costs of ovulation induction drugs required and the types of Y things are not the same, the use of imported drugs will be relatively expensive, domestic Y will be cheaper, the difference between domestic and imported Y things is not simply the problem of import and domestic production, but the ingredients are not the same, the doctor will choose the drug according to the actual situation of the patient.

3. Surgical fee: the cost of surgery and laboratory operation, which varies according to the different treatment methods chosen by the patient.

4, daily living expenses: In addition to the above treatment costs, there are also living expenses, air tickets, visas, passports, eating, living, traveling, translation, etc., and even travel and leisure, shopping costs.

Hengjian overseas tips: The cost of IVF treatment is about 9 to 16W, but the specific cost is still related to the age and physical condition of the patient, if the cause of infertility is relatively simple, and the age is in the childbearing stage, the success rate will be relatively high, and the cost will be relatively reduced. The cost of daily life can be determined according to their own economic situation.

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