
What tests should be done after a recurrent miscarriage? How to condition?

What tests should be done after a recurrent miscarriage? How to condition?

Reproduction and reproduction is a process of merit-based admission, and the process of human beings as higher animals is even more of a meritocracy. However, there is no threshold for registration, which leads to a large number of sperm, eggs, and even embryos of poor quality being eliminated. Don't think that among the many sperm, the first one is very good, in the war for eggs, it did win the championship, but in the war of reproduction, it only passed the audition. The incidence of abortion in human pregnancies is as high as 15%, and there are many more pregnancies that are PASSed before the fertilized egg implants, which is a staggering number if you count all of this.

So, let's take a look at what recurrent miscarriage is all about today.


What is recurrent miscarriage?

Do I need to go to the hospital for 2 miscarriages?

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions by the same-sex partner. Recurrent miscarriages are mostly early miscarriages and, rarely, late miscarriages. Although recurrent miscarriages are defined as three or more consecutive miscarriages, most experts believe that two consecutive miscarriages should be taken seriously and evaluated, as the risk of recurrent miscarriages is very similar to that of three.


What are the causes of recurrent miscarriages?

The causes of recurrent miscarriages and sporadic miscarriages are largely the same, but the proportion of various causes varies, such as the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos decreasing with the increase in the number of miscarriages. The common causes of early recurrent miscarriage are chromosomal abnormalities, immune dysfunction, luteal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, etc., and the common causes of late recurrent miscarriages are autoimmune abnormalities, prethrombotic states, and so on.

What tests should be done after a recurrent miscarriage? How to condition?


What should I pay attention to after a miscarriage?

How can conditioning for faster recovery?

Do not have sex for a month after miscarriage, and can take oral antibiotics to fight inflammation. After a month of rechecking the color ultrasound, eat more high-protein and high-vitamin foods, pay attention to supplementary nutrition, should eat eggs, milk, ribs, chicken, fish and other nutrient-rich and digestible diets, contraindicated with cold water washing. Special attention should be paid to hygiene, frequent change and washing of underwear, underwear cleaning of the vulva every day, frequent replacement and disinfection of toilet paper, blood impurities are absolutely prohibited from lavage of the vagina, room and sitz bath, so as not to cause ascending infection.


After a recurrent miscarriage or repeated IVF failure

What tests do I need to do?

(1) karyotype of chromosomes; (2) sex hormones, AMH; (3) alpha function; (4) blood glucose, insulin, insulin release test, blood value, 25-OHD, liver and kidney function; (5) coagulation routine, platelet aggregation test; (6) autoimmune antibodies, lymphocyte antibodies, blocking antibodies; (7) luteal function examination; (8) vaginal secretions; (9) tuberculosis detection; (10) B ultrasound examination, hysteroscopy; (11) uterine artery blood flow; (12) male chromosome examination, semen routine + malformation rate + sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI).


How long can I get pregnant again after a miscarriage?

Can I get pregnant right after a biochemical pregnancy?

Many people say that biochemical pregnancy is the most likely to get pregnant every other month?

Generally after a normal miscarriage, it is recommended to have another pregnancy of 3-6 months. It is not recommended to get pregnant immediately after biochemical pregnancy, because the growth cycle of eggs and sperm is a process, not to say that a month is a month, its growth cycle is almost 80 days to 90 days or so, if the recent pregnancy, the endometrium has not been well repaired, and it is sperm quality, egg quality will not get a good effect, at this time pregnancy is not conducive to fertility, so it is better to get pregnant at least after 3 months.


Do I need to save my pregnancy after a recurrent miscarriage?

How do I keep my tires?

There are many causes of recurrent miscarriage, and targeted treatment and fetal preservation are required according to the causes of recurrent miscarriages. For patients with recurrent miscarriage, after pregnancy again, they need to go to the hospital for examination, accept the guidance and advice of doctors, avoid strenuous exercise, mainly bed rest, prohibit sexual life and bathing, ensure adequate sleep, and eat a light and nutritious diet. At the same time, it is necessary to relax the mood, avoid excessive mental tension, and if necessary, it is necessary to use progesterone, aspirin, low molecular weight heparin, immunosuppressants and other drugs.

What tests should be done after a recurrent miscarriage? How to condition?


How can miscarriages or recurrent miscarriages be prevented?

(1) Regular review: It is necessary to review regularly according to the doctor's recommendations and communicate with professional doctors at any time. This helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage;

(2) Maintain a stable mood. Long-term emotional instability can cause disturbances in the endocrine environment of women, thus affecting the fetal growth environment and habitual miscarriage. Therefore, during pregnancy, the mood should be relaxed and the emotions should be controlled to facilitate fetal growth and development;

(3) Avoid strenuous exercise: Long-term strenuous exercise affects the uterus, especially in the case of a fetus, it is easy to cause miscarriage problems. Therefore, try not to exercise strenuously or do manual labor during pregnancy;

(4) Etiological diagnosis and treatment: If there is a history of recurrent miscarriage, it is best to understand the cause of recurrent miscarriage and carry out targeted treatment. At the same time, measures such as pre-pregnancy prevention and post-pregnancy fetal protection are also taken.


If you have had a major gestational stop experience, what should you pay attention to during pregnancy?

(1) Regularly go to the hospital for examination and monitor the intrauterine development of the fetus;

(2) Maintain a stable mood;

(3) Pay attention to rest, nutritious diet, and avoid strenuous exercise;

(4) When necessary, it is necessary to apply progesterone, aspirin, low molecular weight heparin, immunosuppressants and other drugs.


Can a three-generation test tube reduce the chance of recurrent miscarriage?

Indications for the third generation of IVF technology mainly include high-risk genetic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities. At present, the third generation of IVF technology can screen the chromosomes of both husband and wife, and through the method of genetic testing, high-quality embryos are screened for transfer, which ensures the quality of embryos, thereby reducing the phenomenon of fetal stoppage and miscarriage in pregnant women. However, recurrent miscarriages caused by maternal reproductive tract organic diseases, immune factors, endocrine factors, etc., should be treated first.


Sisters who have had recurrent miscarriages

What preparations can be made before the test tube to improve the success rate?

Relevant tests need to be improved to identify the cause of recurrent miscarriages, and to treat the cause accordingly. Surgical treatment can be taken for genital tract organic lesions, improving endometrial tolerance and improving sperm and egg quality, immunosuppressant therapy for immunocompromised patients, hormone supplementation therapy for patients with endocrine abnormalities, etc., and recurrent abortions caused by genetic factors can be treated with three generations of IVF techniques.


What tests should be done after a recurrent miscarriage? How to condition?

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