
What to do if you have a habitual miscarriage

What to do if you have a habitual miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage, known medically as recurrent miscarriage, refers to two or more pregnancies with less than 28 weeks, including early pregnancy miscarriage, late pregnancy miscarriage and biochemical pregnancy, of which early pregnancy miscarriage and biochemical pregnancy are the most common.

So what should you do if you want a child as a patient with a recurrent miscarriage?

1. Strict contraception, patients with recurrent miscarriage We generally recommend condom contraception first, looking for the cause of multiple miscarriages, according to data studies, patients with recurrent miscarriage do not do any diagnosis and treatment, the probability of miscarriage after pregnancy again can be as high as 70%, each miscarriage will cause more or less adverse effects on the body, and multiple miscarriages may even cause absolute infertility.

What to do if you have a habitual miscarriage

2. There are many causes of recurrent miscarriage, such as congenital morphological development of the genitals, problems with the endometrium or uterine cavity, endocrine abnormalities, chromosomal genetic factors, infectious factors, immune factors, male sperm semen factors, psychological factors, etc.; doctors need to carefully understand the medical history, according to the different circumstances of each person, formulate a corresponding targeted examination plan, find the cause, according to the cause of targeted treatment, and then prepare for pregnancy after the problem is solved.

What to do if you have a habitual miscarriage

3. If you are pregnant again, you need to be more cautious, once the pregnancy is found, go to the fetal protection specialist in time, check the pregnancy indicators regularly, if you need to take timely medication to protect the fetus, most miscarriages occur in the first trimester, and give the hormone support required for embryonic growth and development in the first trimester of pregnancy, which is conducive to the growth and development of the embryo in the early stages.

4. Patients with multiple recurrent miscarriages want to have children, but are afraid of pregnancy and abortion again, and once they are conceived again, they will suffer.

There may be some psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, negativity, fear, etc., which may stimulate the neuroendocrine system and change the internal environment, thereby affecting embryonic development. Keeping a good mood has great benefits for embryonic development.

What to do if you have a habitual miscarriage

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