
Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

2 or more spontaneous abortions occur consecutively

This is called recurrent miscarriage

The causes of recurrent miscarriage are complex

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out relevant inspections to find out the cause

According to the examination results, symptomatic treatment can achieve accurate fetal protection and have your own baby as soon as possible.

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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So, what specific tests should be done for recurrent miscarriage? Today we will talk about it in detail.

01 Genetic testing

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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Chromosomal abnormalities mean that the embryo itself is defective, which is the most common cause of repeated miscarriages.

Genetic testing is required for both spouses, and no matter which party has chromosomal abnormalities, it can lead to abnormal embryonic chromosomes, which in turn can lead to miscarriage.

02 Semen examination

The quality of dad's sperm is also a key factor in determining whether the baby can grow smoothly. If the sperm quality is poor, it is likely to lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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Since semen abnormalities can directly or indirectly cause recurrent miscarriages, when screening for the cause of miscarriage, the father as an influencing factor can not be ignored, so semen examination should be carried out as an essential test at the beginning.

03 Endocrine test

Abnormalities in the mother's endocrine system can also lead to fetal miscarriage, which will cause various diseases on the one hand, and on the other hand, the maternal environment of endocrine disorders is not suitable for fetal growth.

Endocrine abnormalities that lead to miscarriage include gynecological endocrine abnormalities and internal endocrine abnormalities.

Gynecological endocrine abnormalities mainly include: luteal insufficiency, hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., the main examination items are six hormones, basal body temperature measurement.

Endocrine abnormalities in internal medicine mainly refer to abnormal blood glucose and thyroid function, and related diseases and hormones should also be examined.

04 Uterine examination

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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For embryos, the uterine environment is like the soil on which seeds depend, if the land is barren, the seeds naturally do not develop well, so uterine examination is also very important.

Among them, uterine malformations, uterine fibroids, cervical dysfunction, uterine adhesions, endometriosis... All are unfavorable factors for embryonic growth.

Currently, uterine examination is mainly performed by ultrasound B, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy.

05 Genital tract infection test

Infectious factors can also lead to the occurrence of recurrent miscarriages, so reproductive tract infection testing is required, mainly by detecting genital tract secretions and urine, and the indicators of infection are routine vaginal discharge, mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococci, etc.

06 Autoimmune tests

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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Immune abortion includes alloimmune disorders and autoimmune abnormalities.

For the investigation of the same immune disorders, the need to do blocking antibodies, couple HLA pairing and other tests, if the blocking antibody is negative, it means that the mother can not produce a protective "blocking antibody" to the embryo, the embryo will be attacked by maternal immune cells and prone to infertility.

Autoimmune abnormalities require blood testing of antibodies in the mother's body: such as antiphospholipid antibodies, anti-sperm antibodies, antiprogestin antibodies, anti-estrogen antibodies, antinuclear antibodies, etc., to confirm which or which antibodies have adverse effects.

Many patients with recurrent miscarriage have normal results after examinations of the reproductive tract, endocrine, infection, etc., and finally pass the autoimmune test, only to find that the cause of miscarriage is originally immune factors.

Authoritative tertiary hospitals have previously analyzed more than 1700 patients with recurrent miscarriages, and the research data obtained show that among the known causes, the proportion of recurrent miscarriages caused by autoimmunity and prethrombotic status is 48%.

Can't find a cause for repeated miscarriages? Have you done all these checks?

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It can be seen that immune factors lead to miscarriage is actually a common phenomenon, the current research on reproductive immunity is increasing, people's attention and attention to the field is also getting higher and higher, many patients are also after immunotherapy finally successfully realized the desire to get pregnant and have children.

At last

Note this

Many recurrent miscarriages

It's not a single factor

And it is likely that multiple factors are mixed together

Not only should the inspection be done comprehensively and systematically

Also pay attention to the order of priority

If you come straight up, check autoimmunity

Finally found out

The cause of miscarriage is actually chromosomal abnormalities

Or poor sperm quality

Didn't you waste time and energy in vain?

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