
Small uterine cavity, big world, how can hysteroscopy help women fertilize?

In the course of IVF,

Many friends are inexplicably nervous when they hear about hysteroscopy.

How is hysteroscopic surgery performed? Does it hurt?

Do surgical wounds leave scars?

The so-called fear comes from the unknown,

Today Xiaobian will take friends to understand what is hysteroscopy.

"Doctor's eye" - hysteroscopy

Small uterine cavity, big world, how can hysteroscopy help women fertilize?

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive technique, through the hose with a camera into the uterine cavity, you can find abnormalities in the uterine cavity, including checking whether there are vegetations in the uterine cavity, the size of the uterine cavity and whether there are problems with the morphological structure, while also understanding the opening of the fallopian tubes, if there are uterine problems such as uterine adhesions, endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, etc., you can also diagnose and treat them through hysteroscopic surgery.

How hysteroscopy helps women get pregnant

Small uterine cavity, big world, how can hysteroscopy help women fertilize?
Small uterine cavity, big world, how can hysteroscopy help women fertilize?

Successful conception requires not only good quality sperm eggs, patency of the fallopian tubes, but also a good uterine cavity environment. If the "soil" is barren and potholed, even the best "seeds" will be difficult to take root and thrive.

1. Intuitively check the infertility problems caused by uterine cavity factors

In the examination and treatment of female infertility, hysteroscopy can help us visually inspect the uterine cavity environment to see if the uterine cavity morphology is a normal inverted triangle. Are the openings of the fallopian tubes on both sides clearly visible? Is the inner membrane moderately thick and flat and smooth? Hysteroscopy is combined with hysteroscopic surgery to detect both minor lesions present in the uterine cavity and surgical treatment. This is of great significance for restoring the normal tissue structure in the uterine cavity and diagnosing and treating infertility.

2. Timely minimally invasive surgical treatment

If there are lesions affecting pregnancy such as intrauterine adhesions, endometrial hyperplasia or polyps and submucosal fibroids, they can be removed together; even if there is no obvious abnormality, a little endometrium can be taken for examination, screening for the manifestations of chronic endometritis, timely detection and antibiotic treatment, can improve the subsequent embryo implantation rate.

What are the advantages of hysteroscopy

Compared with traditional surgery, hysteroscopic surgery has significant advantages, which can be described as a qualitative leap. Hysteroscopic surgery is less invasive, with little bleeding, light pain, fast recovery, no incision, and no scars on the abdomen. Female friends do not need to worry about the damage to the body after hysteroscopic surgery.

Hysteroscopy is primarily suitable for:


Diagnosis of causes of infertility


Submucosal fibroids, endometrial polyps are removed


Adhesions to the uterine cavity due to various causes


Diagnosis and correction of uterine malformations


Intrauterine contraceptive ring incarceration


Removal of intrauterine embryonic tissue residues, etc

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Small uterine cavity, big world, how can hysteroscopy help women fertilize?

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