
Be careful! Tick bites have entered a high incidence period or caused severe death in some people

author:Jining News Network

Summer is a good time to get close to nature, but everyone should also be careful of "tick disease" when they go out. Tick activity peaks from May to July every year, and some people are at risk of severe illness and death after being bitten by a tick. Why do tiny ticks kill people? And how can we prevent it?

Be careful! Tick bites have entered a high incidence period or caused severe death in some people

Mr. Hu, 66, is from Chuzhou, Anhui Province. On May 3, he came to Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital for treatment due to recurrent fever for 5 days. After a blood test, Mr. Hu was diagnosed with fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, which is commonly known as "tick disease".

Since March, the Department of Infectious Diseases of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital has admitted more than a dozen patients who have been bitten by ticks.

Be careful! Tick bites have entered a high incidence period or caused severe death in some people

Wu Weihua, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital: After a tick bites, the tick will carry the new bunyavirus in its body and infect the human body. In medicine, it is called fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome. Severe death is usually between 6 and 12 days after the onset of illness, which is the peak time for death.

Be careful! Tick bites have entered a high incidence period or caused severe death in some people

Mortality rates in severe patients with fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome are 17% to 30%. Some elderly patients, or those with underlying diseases, tend to be seriously ill and have a poor prognosis after arrival at the hospital due to untimely treatment. The doctor reminded that the public must do a good job of protection when going out to play, and if they find that they are bitten by ticks, they should shake off the insects in time, and if they find that some of the insects remain in the body, do not drag them by themselves, and must immediately take them out in a regular medical institution.

Source: CCTV Finance

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