
How should uterine polyps be treated before IVF transplantation?

Generally speaking, uterine polyps are only 0.2 to 0.3 cm, and large ones are 2 to 3 cm or larger, with different shapes, oval, triangular or irregular, all possible. Typically, individual, smaller endometrial polyps appear in the womb, and patients tend to have no symptoms.

For women, don't underestimate this green bean-sized polyp, it can have considerable harm. Uterine cavity polyps are usually located at the corners of the uterus, which blocks the opening of the fallopian tubes and affects sperm ascending and egg binding; In addition, the infection of endometrial polyps often changes the environment in the uterine cavity, which is not conducive to sperm survival and implantation of fertilized eggs, and women's natural conception will be hindered.

How should uterine polyps be treated before IVF transplantation?

What conditions do I need to have a hysteroscopy?

For the indications of hysteroscopy, the main conditions are abnormal uterine bleeding, suspected uterine adhesions and deformities, ultrasonography with abnormal uterine echoes and mass lesions, IUD localization, unexplained infertility, hysterogram abnormalities and recurrent miscarriage. If you find that there is a polyp in the uterine cavity, you can treat it earlier, after all, the grown polyp will only have a greater adverse effect on the implantation of the embryo after the transfer - making it difficult for the embryo to implant.

As long as the polyp is processed and then transplanted, it is also possible to get a good pregnancy

The uterine cavity is a necessary place for pregnancy, if the cavity is full of "weeds" will only affect the implantation of the embryo after transfer, the general examination found that the polyps in the uterus still need to be treated first to remove the polyps, in order to improve the IVF pregnancy rate.

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