
What is good to eat for IVF? Is success higher?

For IVF families, with the help of assisted reproduction to solve the problem of fertility, it is natural to hope that a successful pregnancy can be achieved by doing IVF. However, IVF involves a wide range of aspects and many influencing factors, and it is still difficult to successfully conceive. But it is not to say that it cannot be successful, if the pre-pregnancy preparation work is in place, the precautions after embryo transfer, dietary attention, etc., can improve the success rate of ivy tubes. So what's good to eat for IVF? What is the success rate of IVF higher? Let's follow Hengjian overseas to have a look.

What is good to eat for IVF? Is success higher?

Pre-IVF dietary considerations

Eat more foods high in protein, such as chicken, duck, fish, meat, eggs, bird's nest, shrimp, soybeans and their products (need to eat more before pregnancy);

1. If it is anemia, women can eat three or four red dates the day before transplantation, or drink more brown sugar water. However, hengjian overseas is not recommended to eat after transplantation, because red jujube brown sugar water is blood-activating and should not be consumed during pregnancy.

2. If the patient with poor intima is three months before transplantation, he can start to eat more legumes (especially black beans) and durian, which help the growth of the intima. But it is easy to catch fire, and it is not advisable to eat too much.

What is good to eat for IVF? Is success higher?

What to look out for after an IVF transplant? How to eat?

After IVF transplantation, women can eat more vegetables and protein-rich foods, should not eat raw cold, spicy and other irritating foods, do not smoke and drink alcohol, and avoid eating too many supplementary ingredients.

1. Nutritional balance. Guarantee the richness and diversity of the daily diet.

2. Ensure the supply of high-quality protein. Such as tofu, soy products, shrimp skin, kelp, milk and dairy products.

3. Appropriately increase calorie intake

4. Ensure the supply of inorganic salts and vitamins. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and pregnant women with severe vomiting symptoms should eat more.

5. Supplement folic acid. Prevention of fetal neural tube malformations.

6. Scientific diet. Eat fewer and more meals, and eat lightly.

7. Eat supplementary ingredients with caution. At this stage, do not blindly supplement, just follow the doctor's advice.

Extension: How does a small number of embryos affect IVF success rates?

Patients with a low number of embryos may also have fewer basal follicles, resulting in poor ovarian function.

Studies have shown that patients with ≤ 5 eggs can undergo Thai IVF as long as other conditions meet the conditions for doing Thai IVF, but the rate of high-quality embryos and clinical pregnancy is significantly reduced, thai IVF experts believe that the number of eggs obtained.

What is good to eat for IVF? Is success higher?

Most of these patients are older women, and as they age, the ovaries have passed the most suitable biological period, and the number of oocytes gradually declines. Therefore, in order to reduce the occurrence of these conditions, it is recommended that IVF be early!

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