
The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

author:Bailey the Wise 7w3

Zhang San is a retired old man who has amassed a lot of wealth through years of hard work. Today, he lives alone in a cozy cottage and lives a laid-back life. Every day when he wakes up, he takes a walk in his little garden and admires the beautiful flowers and trees. Then he will cook himself and make some nutritious and delicious breakfasts. At noon, he would take a nap at home, and in the afternoon, he would get together with some old friends, chat, and play chess. In the evenings, he would be at home watching TV, reading a book, and occasionally surfing the Internet. Such a leisurely life made Zhang San feel very satisfied.

One day, Zhang San was watching TV at home when suddenly the doorbell rang. He walked to the door and saw that it was his neighbor Li Si. Li Si is a very kind person, and they have talked a few times before. Li Si said that he was planning a small party recently, and he hoped that Zhang San would come to participate in it.

"Zhang San, I recently prepared a small party at home, can you come and attend?" Li Si warmly invited.

Zhang San thought about it and thought it was good, so he agreed. "Okay, then I'll come to your party."

A few days later, Zhang San came to Li Si's house on time. I saw that his house was already very atmospheric, and the table was full of all kinds of delicious snacks and drinks. After a while, several other neighbors also arrived. Everyone exchanged pleasantries, and then began to talk.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"Zhang San, you're here! It's a pleasure to be with you. Li Si greeted Zhang San warmly.

"yes, I'm happy to be with you too." Zhang San also smiled in return.

Everyone chatted a lot, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic. Zhang San also blended in and enjoyed this rare party time to the fullest.

After the party, Li Si came over to invite Zhang San, "Zhang San, I recently prepared a sumptuous dinner at home, and I hope you can come to the house as a guest." "

Zhang San thought about it and felt that since Li Sidu had invited him so sincerely, it would be okay to go and have a look. So he gladly accepted Li Si's invitation.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"Okay, then I'll be a guest at your house." Zhang San said.

That night, Zhang San came to Li Si's house on time. Li Si warmly received him and showed him around his spacious and beautiful house. In a short time, a sumptuous dinner was served. They ate and chatted, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Li Si also poured Zhang San a glass of fine red wine, which made him feel very useful.

Unconsciously, Zhang San had already drunk a lot of red wine. He felt a little drunk, and his whole body relaxed. Suddenly, Li Si suggested another bottle of better red wine.

"Zhang San, do you want another bottle of better red wine?" Li Si asked enthusiastically.

"Okay, let's have another bottle then." Zhang San accepted unceremoniously.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

They continued to drink and laugh, forgetting for a moment the passage of time.

After a while, Zhang San felt a little dizzy and wanted to say goodbye and go home. But when he stood up, he suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"Oh, Zhang San, are you okay? Be careful. Would you like to rest here for a while?" Li Si hurriedly supported Zhang San and suggested that he rest here first.

Zhang San could only lie down obediently to rest. After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

"Where is this? Why am I here?" Zhang San asked anxiously.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

He hurriedly got up and tried to escape, only to find that his hands were tied to the head of the bed. He began to struggle desperately, but to no avail.

At this moment, the door was opened, and Li Si walked in. Seeing that Zhang San was awake, a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Looks like you're finally awake, Zhang San." Li Si said.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Why did you kidnap me?" Zhang San asked.

"Haha, I'm actually a serial liar who specializes in the rich. I've been eyeing you for a long time, and today I just want to take advantage of it. Li Si said proudly.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

Zhang San suddenly understood, it turned out that all this was a scam carefully planned by Li Si. He felt very sorry that he had fallen for Li Si.

"You cheated me out of all my money? The wealth I have worked so hard to accumulate over the years has been cheated away by you?" Zhang San said bitterly.

"Yes, I have transferred all your money. Now you have nothing. Li Si told Zhang San.

Zhang San suddenly felt helpless and desperate, he wanted to flee from here immediately, but his hands were tied and he couldn't move at all. He painfully realized that his freedom had been completely deprived.

In the following days, Zhang San had a very torturous time. Li Si would come every day to humiliate him, telling him that he had nothing. Zhang San was in great pain in his heart, hating himself for being too naïve, and hating Li Si, a shameless liar.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"You shameless liar! Why are you treating me like this?" Zhang San asked painfully.

"Haha, because you're so naïve. Do you think you can buy me off with your money? Now you have nothing. Li Si laughed at Zhang San.

Zhang San felt like a helpless prisoner, unable to escape the predicament in front of him. He began to regret why he believed Li Si's invitation in the first place, and why he easily fell into his trap.

Just when Zhang San was desperate, an unexpected thing happened. It turned out that an old friend of his, Liu Hua, had been looking for him everywhere. After Liu Hua found out that Zhang San was missing, he has been investigating the matter. Finally, he followed the vine and found Li Si's hiding place.

Liu Hua immediately called the police and rushed to the scene in person. With the cooperation of the police, they successfully rescued Zhang San.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"Zhang San, are you okay? We're here to save you. Liu Hua asked anxiously.

"Liu Hua, you came at the right time! I can't thank you so much. Zhang San said excitedly.

When Zhang San was freed, he felt extremely happy and grateful. He finally got rid of Li Si's control and regained his own life.

"Thank you so much, if you hadn't come to my rescue, I might never have escaped here." Zhang San said gratefully.

"It's nothing, we're all friends. But you have to be careful in the future, don't be deceived by scammers again. Liu Hua said with a smile.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

Zhang San nodded, he had learned a valuable lesson from this experience. He was determined to be more cautious and not to trust other people's invitations easily.

Since then, Zhang San has lived a safer and more comfortable life. He is grateful that he can regain his freedom, and he cherishes the happy life he has now. He is determined to make the most of his wealth and live a more fulfilling and meaningful retirement.

From that experience of encountering the scam, Zhang San learned many valuable lessons. He realized that even though he was retired and had a good savings, he could not fully trust others, let alone be easily taken advantage of.

"In the future, I must be more cautious and not be deceived by scammers again." Zhang San secretly made up his mind.

At the same time, Zhang San also began to rein in his social circle. He decided not to hang out with his neighbors or attend any gatherings for the time being. He would rather be home alone than be confronted with a similar scam again.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"I just want to be alone right now, I don't want to associate with anyone." Zhang San told himself.

However, Zhang San did not completely close himself. He still regularly contacts his old friend Liu Hua to talk about the latest situation. Liu Hua is the only person he trusts, and he is also the benefactor who saved him in the first place.

"Liu Hua, thank you so much for saving me in the first place. If it weren't for you, I might have been completely finished. Zhang San said to Liu Hua sincerely.

"It's nothing, we're good friends. But you should be careful in the future and don't be deceived by scammers again. Liu Hua said gently.

"I know, I've learned my lesson. I will definitely be more cautious in the future. Zhang San said solemnly.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

In this way, Zhang San began to live a relatively closed life. He stayed at home every day and rarely went out. Occasionally, when I go out to buy some daily necessities, I will try to choose some times and places with fewer people.

Although life has become relatively closed and monotonous, Zhang San has become accustomed to this way of life. He would rather sacrifice some of his freedom than be plagued by a scam again.

Every morning, Zhang San will do some simple exercises at home, such as jogging, stretching, etc., to maintain the health of his body. He found that exercising not only keeps him in good physical condition, but also makes his mood lighter and happier.

At noon, Zhang San would cook his own meals and make some nutritious meals. He enjoys the process because he gets to the best of his cooking skills and cooks delicious dishes for himself.

In the afternoon, Zhang San would quietly read a book or enjoy music at home to relax. He found that these activities not only made his mental state more peaceful, but also broadened his horizons and increased his knowledge of life.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

Although life has become relatively closed and monotonous, Zhang San has become accustomed to this lifestyle. He would rather sacrifice some of his freedom than be plagued by a scam again.

"As long as I can live the rest of my life safe and sound, it's all worth it." Zhang San said firmly.

That's when something unexpected happened. One day, Zhang San was watching TV at home when suddenly the doorbell rang. He cautiously walked to the door and looked through the security camera. I saw a stranger standing outside the door, holding a large package in his hand.

"Who are you? What's the matter?" Zhang San asked through the walkie-talkie.

"Hello, I'm a courier. There is a package that requires you to sign for receipt. The other party replied.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

Zhang San hesitated, but cautiously opened the door. He took a closer look at the package and confirmed that there was no problem before signing for it.

"Thank you, this is your package. Have a great day. The courier said with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Zhang San replied simply.

After taking the package into the house, Zhang San carefully checked it and confirmed that there was nothing suspicious inside. This reassured him that at least this time he didn't encounter any more scammers.

However, this incident still made Zhang San feel a little uneasy. He began to worry about how he would respond if someone came to the door in the future. After all, he had already been deceived once and could no longer trust strangers easily.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"I may need to step up my safety precautions at home." Zhang San thought.

So, he set out to add security to his home. He installed burglar guards on the doors and windows, and placed alarms in key locations in the home. At the same time, he also purchased a police dog to increase the safety of the home.

"With these safety features, I should be able to protect myself better." Zhang San looked at his "self-defense" measures with satisfaction.

In this way, Zhang San lived a relatively safe and regular retirement life. Although some social pleasure is missing, he has learned to fill the void in his life in other ways.

One day, Zhang San was watching TV at home when he suddenly thought of his old friend Liu Hua. He decided to give Liu Hua a call and have a chat.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

"Hey, Liu Hua, it's me Zhang San. Long time no see, how are you doing?" Zhang San asked enthusiastically.

"Zhang San! It's great to hear you. I've been doing well lately, how about you?" Liu Hua also responded happily.

The two chatted for a long time and shared their recent situation with each other. Zhang San told Liu Hua that his life has been very safe and fulfilling recently. Liu Hua also felt very relieved after hearing this.

"Zhang San, I'm glad you are living so well now. But you have to remember that we still have to keep in touch and care about each other. Liu Hua said.

"Well, I know. Don't worry, I'll call you often. We must keep in touch. Zhang San said solemnly.

The lesson of blood after retirement has taught me: if you have more money and leisure, don't invite people to your home for dinner, don't do it

After hanging up the phone, Zhang San felt very warm inside. He realizes that even though life becomes relatively closed, he can feel happy and fulfilled as long as he has the company and care of his good friends.

"Maybe my current lifestyle is a bit monotonous, but as long as I have a good friend like Liu Hua, I feel very happy." Zhang San thought with relief.

Since then, Zhang San has developed the habit of talking on the phone with Liu Hua on a regular basis. The two will chat until late at night, sharing details of their lives. This made Zhang San feel that his life became more colorful, and it also filled his heart with warmth and security.