
Remember the "5 to 5 don't" of IVF, but you can take a lot of detours~

I believe that when we make the decision to do IVF, we must have great hopes for the results, hoping that we will succeed once and have a baby smoothly.

But on the test tube road, there are always a lot of such and such sounds, so that we are psychologically troubled, produce anxious emotions, at this time too much negative pressure will also affect the results of the test tube, so in order to improve the success rate of everyone to do IVF as much as possible, please remember the "5 to 5 don't" of IVF:

Remember the "5 to 5 don't" of IVF, but you can take a lot of detours~

The "5 Tos" of IVF

One thing to do: be suitable for exercise

To exercise appropriately and regularly, it can enhance physical fitness, promote body metabolism, coordinate and improve the functions of various systems throughout the body. Insisting on moderate exercise before and during pregnancy to increase the strength of the muscles in the waist, abdomen and pelvic floor can reduce the difficulty and pain during childbirth and increase the chance of a smooth delivery.

Second, enhance nutrition

To appropriately increase nutrition and supplement vitamins, it can improve the physical environment and promote egg development.

Remember the "5 to 5 don't" of IVF, but you can take a lot of detours~

Third, stay away from harmful factors

Stay away from adverse environments, such as radiation, high temperature environments, and X-rays, to prevent damage to the body by these factors.

Fourth, improve the living environment

To improve lifestyle and living habits, maintain a good night's sleep. Stay away from tobacco, alcohol and drugs, go to bed early and get up early, eat three meals a day, and be nutritious.

Fifth: ensure peace of mind

To be at peace and soothe emotions, couples work together to encourage and support each other.

IVF '5 Don'ts'

One don't: Listen to gossip online

Do not search for false rumors on the Internet, medication, programs and other related issues with strong professionalism, but you can properly understand the basic knowledge of IVF and communicate with the doctor in time if there is a problem.

Remember the "5 to 5 don't" of IVF, but you can take a lot of detours~

Two don't: compare each other

Do not compare patients with each other, partial listening, fertility methods, induction programs, pre-transplant preparation, etc. are all very individualized treatments.

Don't: Be too subjective

Don't be too subjective. In the field of IVF, it is necessary to fully believe in the professional level of doctors in regular reproductive centers.

Four don't: negative energy

Don't be pessimistic about negative energy, don't be overly nervous and anxious, these will affect sleep and endocrine, which will affect the fertility effect.

Five don't: take medicine indiscriminately

Do not eat supplements and various Chinese medicines, which may have a counterproductive effect.


Jimei who do IVF, as long as you remember these suggestions above, you can avoid many detours on the test tube road, follow the doctor step by step to treat well, do not think wildly, and believe that you can get pregnant.

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