
【Hengjian Overseas】What genetic diseases can be solved by three generations of test tubes?

According to statistics, there are more than 4,000 kinds of genetic diseases in the world, and three generations of IVF have a certain probability of helping parents avoid solving genetic diseases, so what genetic diseases can three generations of IVF help avoid? Let's summarize it for you.

【Hengjian Overseas】What genetic diseases can be solved by three generations of test tubes?

The genetic diseases that can be screened and detected by the third generation of test tubes are as follows:

1. Autosomal recessive disease

If one of the husband and wife is sick and the other carries the disease-causing gene, there is a 50% probability that the child will be sick, and there is a 50% probability that the child will carry the disease-causing gene. Three generations of IVF PGT technology can screen out diseased embryos and give birth to a healthy baby.

2. Autosomal dominant disease

Autosomal dominant genetic diseases manifested as skeletal hypoplasia, retinoblastoma, congenital muscle rigidity, etc., are dominant genetic diseases, patients carrying pathogenic genes are married to normal people, and the probability of giving birth to children is 50%, then PGT technology shows a role, and three generations of test tubes can screen out diseased embryos, so that babies can grow healthy and happy.

3. X-linked recessive genetic disease

Red-green blindness, hemophilia, progressive muscular dystrophy, etc. are all X-linked recessive genetic diseases. There are more men with such patients. Male patients marry normal women, and the males born are normal and the females are carriers. Female patients marry normal males, and the children born are male patients and females are carriers.

【Hengjian Overseas】What genetic diseases can be solved by three generations of test tubes?

4. X-linked dominant genetic disease

More women than men. Male patients and female normal offspring daughters are 100% sick, and males are 100% normal. The offspring of female carriers and normal males are 50% more likely to be sick in men and women.

The above is the third generation of IVF can be screened for diseases, from the above we can see that the three generations of IVF technology can only be used for chromosomal diseases, single gene disease screening, common genetic diseases are chromosomal diseases, single gene diseases, polygenic diseases and mitochondrial diseases.

However, the three generations of IVF can be screened for limited genetic diseases, this technology is not 100% to avoid fetal birth defects, but compared to the natural birth of defects to a smaller risk, after all, the impact of birth defects is not only embryonic factors, maternal and environmental factors are also very important, such as pregnancy with yao, pregnancy exposure to bad substances, etc., and even fetal hypoxia during childbirth may lead to abnormal children. Therefore, after the success of three generations of IVF fertility, women still need regular obstetric check-ups and prenatal diagnosis.

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