
What types of infertile patients are suitable for IVF fertility?

In recent years, with social pressures and environmental changes, some people have missed the optimal age for childbearing due to work reasons, etc., and some people have infertility for various reasons. IVF surgery is currently one of the most effective solutions to infertility in the world.

What types of infertile patients are suitable for IVF fertility?

What kind of people are suitable for IVF?

1. Serious fallopian tube disease, such as pelvic inflammatory disease leading to blocked fallopian tubes, hydrostatic water; or tubal tuberculosis and normal endometrium; or tubal blockage after ectopic pregnancy;

2. Endometriosis;

3. Immune infertility, anti-sperm antibodies in the man's semen or the woman's cervical mucus;

4. Male factors, namely oligospermia, weak spermatozoa, teratosis;

5. Unexplained infertility (fertilization disorder, cleft disorder);

6. Ineffective treatment of infertility for other reasons;

7. There are genetic diseases that need to be screened before transplantation;

8. Others, such as follicle non-rupture syndrome;

9. Polycystic ovary syndrome (eggs that prevent the ovaries from growing).

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